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Everything posted by NeSiRsItSiRhC

  1. [quote name='Drai' timestamp='1339922657' post='2986375'] Looking forward to this! [/quote] What exactly are you looking forward to?
  2. [quote name='Overlord Wes' timestamp='1339820970' post='2985570'] it's #Hellas now? I've been idling alone in #hellasalliance for months and no one told me anything jerks [/quote] lmao <3
  3. I wouldn't call them grudges just preemptive strikes as clash said ;p
  4. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1339337468' post='2980231'] Haha !! RD asked Kaskus for help !! Sweet !! The interesting point: This "alliance" did not exist in the morning before the attack !! All have joined as "paid guns" (0 days seniority - before in RE and AP Coalition) with an additional 8 nukes as we have zero nukes against the 128 nukes of RD!! [/quote] It's cool bro. It's the end of round let them have their fun. We will be taking heads next round.
  5. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1339349072' post='2980283'] Way to go landlord. The cherry on top of the proverbial sunday. Dogpiling on top of me following king's and aqua's attacks. I don't mind fighting you but I scoff at how you fight and play. Lets finish this fight and get ready for the next round for I promise we will meet again. God forgives OP doesn't and you can count on that just as you can count on death and taxes. [/quote] I saw that ^.-
  6. [quote name='The Landlord' timestamp='1339217021' post='2979708'] Neva gonna happen !! [indent]I can see why we would defend an Alliance we've just come out of war with, but RD are attacking (end of round stuff) almost everyone - NOT just Hellas (The Basis for this IS the attack on Hellas)[/indent] I'm guessing Rickardo is/was pissed at the time of his declaration. [indent]I've sent this out to ALL of WAPA[/indent] And Nowai do I want to defend NDO ! [/quote] IDK who would want you in their alliance.. you're running your own program.
  7. WAPA has shown us how they like to play, and WAPA exclusively enjoys a lopsided win. Cheers to next round.
  8. [quote name='Overlord Wes' timestamp='1338616730' post='2976037'] Make the game fun. Rebel against the police. [/quote] Apparently they already did, and nothing happened ;S
  9. [quote name='Eljierro' timestamp='1338530570' post='2975583'] I didn't check because I am actually busy with my biomechanical engineering research. I am pretty sure you would not understand how important it is to me. I only enter CN because I made good friends in Hellas. Update at Puerto Rico is at 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM DST. I come home tired from work so I asked. We are recovering from our previous war but $%&@ it. [/quote] I agree [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1338543887' post='2975642'] Well I guess some do not grasp how bullying and personal attacks add fuel to the fire and propegate grudges. We didn't have one before but are now dangerouslly close now and I can personally guarentee that it is a place that you DO NOT want to be in with OP. See you soon asshat [/quote] HAHA
  10. [quote name='The Landlord' timestamp='1338446445' post='2975082'] To be honest, due to the amorphous nature of CN TE, it would have been very difficult for our leaders to post an accurate DoW. A specific difficulty for Admin was that I wanted to add another Alliance to the DoW at the last minute. [indent]But how can YOU accuse WAPA's admin of being lazy ....[/indent] [indent].... you were too lazy to check Hellas' war screen [/indent] [/quote] Oh jeez. You always have an excuse. Good luck to everyone.
  11. [quote name='killjoy123' timestamp='1337463328' post='2969605'] I just re-joined CN and i need some trades. Anyone want to help me? LINK TO NATION: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=498421 [/quote] If you change to white, and get into our TC we would only need one more..
  12. Good Luck to both sides. Both are worthy opponents. However, a special shout out to the guys at NDO. I want you guys to come out on top
  13. I'll be purchasing Tech... 100 for 3 mil. Message me in game. --Casey
  14. I'll send you 3 mil in return for 100 tech. Deal?
  15. [quote name='the wompus' timestamp='1336180128' post='2963575'] An update regarding the bear in the tree (from the original DoW post). [url="http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/bear-fell-tree-dies-being-hit-car-155655034.html"]BEAR UPDATE[/url] poor little fella. [/quote] RIP
  16. brb tech raiding landlord when the war is over.
  17. [quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1335667309' post='2960626'] Well since we're slinging mud and quoting our opponent's PM's.. A peace offer followed, and now his alliance AA shows "New League of Nations". I'd rather have someone complain about a down-declare(rightfully so or not) than have members who bail at the first sign of trouble. But anyway, RD is a better alliance now without that coward. I'll do you guys a solid though, and keep pounding him. [/quote] LOL, he joined hellas since we are open recruiting... He willfully deserted RD and I kicked his butt out On topic however, I'm interested in seeing how this unfolds. GLTA
  18. Maybe as an option if you donate you can increase the click limits. I ran into this problem the other day.. I would possibly donate for this.
  19. [quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1335283686' post='2958499'] [img]http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q579/commanderr_ragnar/Capture-18.jpg[/img] Commander Sheperd: ur doin it rong. You may find it difficult to get a second chance. [/quote] If that's what it looks like that is pretty lame. No respect for people who play like that :/
  20. [quote name='Eumirbago' timestamp='1335237674' post='2958259'] cmon almost there [/quote] Yup you guys had it for a bit ;P
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