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Everything posted by NeSiRsItSiRhC

  1. [quote name='Therm' timestamp='1348895260' post='3035554'] I would like to start by saying that Darnussia is not me, nor my multi. I am however guilty as charged with impersonation and popping in to your war channel, and realize that it violates the values of TPC as well as the sovereignty of Hellas. It will not happen again. For the future, I would like to ask that if you are to accuse me of being multis, to please check IPs before making such accusations. You've had all the evidence you've needed for a week now :| [/quote] You are admitting to what we have "proof" for. However, we know you are guilty of much more and are fortunate we didn't report you. It's a shame you brought this upon your alliance. I want to give a thanks to King James for being so reasonable. It's also good to see other alliances holding values. - NeS
  2. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1348810085' post='3035087'] I fail to see how it is TPC's fault that one of their nations did something stupid, shouldn't you guys have at least tried to look into a recruits background before accepting them? Edit, something stupid that they had no control over. [/quote] Hence, why we didn't attack them. Go troll somewhere else. xD
  3. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1348809658' post='3035084'] If they don't? [/quote] Why wouldn't they?
  4. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1348808506' post='3035075'] I do not know in English but in my place we say: "What you had John?" and the answer goes like "What I always had" ... Every round same practice! Mods will intefere I think ... [/quote] Indeed. It's a shame though, I've always held stygian in high esteem. Sucks when people resort to breaking the rules.
  5. Due to recent and undisclosed events we have uncovered a spy that originates from TPC. I talked with government, you'll see the screenshot below. Hellas as an alliance asks that TPC stays true to its word and ZI's both nations. [IMG]http://i48.tinypic.com/w1znnk.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/2ntiufq.png[/IMG] I've done the work here are the links: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000407 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000394 Hellas still holds TPC in highest regards, knowing they will keep to their word.
  6. [quote name='mpetes' timestamp='1348198200' post='3032559'] [IMG]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s468/mpetes/TEflag_zpsf608fb9a.png[/IMG] I Know its a little late but better late then ever! Midnite REapers hereby Declare its Existences in TE...For those who dont know what we are about....We are here to keep all you sissies cryin about down declares and unfair battles.You have a problem hook me the link an MR will take care of it.I thank all those in advance who helps us this round and for those who dont thanks for teh tech Yes we are a 12-18 man alliance say something about it im sure some of you will. HAVE FUN its TE haha best of luck to everyone and let keep things fair! Nightowl- Grimm Reaper Carter0912- Time Keeper ps: excuse my grammer an spellin bout 4 j's deep [/quote] Nice flag! Good luck this round bro and to your alliance
  7. [quote name='bombuator' timestamp='1347941763' post='3031350'] Peace, strength, prosperity Sound famlier - The Bomb Man [/quote] Conquest, War, Famine and Death sound familiar. Nothing about peace yet.. xD
  8. It is of our philosophy to allow others to play the game however they please, but to satisfy my curiosity, what are your views? Peace through violence? - NeS
  9. [quote name='salsabeast1' timestamp='1347921402' post='3031237'] o/ NDO This round is gonna be awesome [/quote] Glad to see Tevron staying in another round as Sultan! Was great fighting with you guys last round, good luck to you all.
  10. [center][img]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o130/RomanticBoyGR/CNTEHellasAlliance.jpg[/img] [img]http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/7770/verginasun.jpg[/img] Hellas Alliance was founded on the principles of freedom, independence, mutual self respect, and for the common defense of all member nations. [b]Round 23 Government[/b] Imperator: Alexandros o Megas of Hellas Praetor: Caseyr86 of NeSiRsItSiRhC Minister of Foreign Affairs: Caseyr86 of NeSiRsItSiRhC Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Alessandro of Wasso Minister of Defense: Finnandjake of Adventuretime Deputy Minister of Defense: WildChild of Chaos Minister of Internal Affairs: Alessandro of Wasso Magistratus Extraordinarii: Eljierro The Bomb Man: Bombuator of Bomb Nation Information IRC: #Hellas Forum: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Hellas_TE/index.php?act=idx Alliance Color: Aqua [/center]
  11. [center][img]http://i119.photobucket.com/albums/o130/RomanticBoyGR/CNTEHellasAlliance.jpg[/img] [img]http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/7770/verginasun.jpg[/img] Hellas Alliance was founded on the principles of freedom, independence, mutual self respect, and for the common defense of all member nations. [b]Round 23 Government[/b] Imperator: Alexandros o Megas of Hellas Praetor: Caseyr86 of NeSiRsItSiRhC Minister of Foreign Affairs: Caseyr86 of NeSiRsItSiRhC Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Alessandro of Wasso Minister of Defense: Finnandjake of Adventuretime Deputy Minister of Defense: WildChild of Chaos Minister of Internal Affairs: Alessandro of Wasso Magistratus Extraordinarii: Eljierro The Bomb Man: Bombuator of Bomb Nation Information IRC: #Hellas Forum: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Hellas_TE/index.php?act=idx Alliance Color: Aqua [/center]
  12. [quote name='Freddy' timestamp='1347506826' post='3029569'] Longnameislonger can sometimes be misunderstood but I think he means well. [/quote] I think he's being pretty clear xD. Not sure why this thread was created though. I see enough complaining as it is.
  13. Have fun and good luck to both parties xD
  14. [quote name='MrAstro34' timestamp='1347153881' post='3028705'] Its a game thats being rest in just over a week. You can think what you want but we know who and what we are, as well as our values. You might be a little bit biased. Oh, and I'd love to see this nifty rule book you have on acceptable behavior. With that said, I'm not even going to bother to respond after this because its basically a mute point. You're just going to bash us for a while longer for not playing your way. [/quote] I agree with you bro. Hope to see you guys around next round.
  15. [quote name='Freddy' timestamp='1347132603' post='3028647'] Can't wait 'til some alliance DoWs on you next round. [b]And then, the day peace is declared. And then, the day peace is declared.[/b] It's lame, but you set the precedence. [/quote] Wot m8?
  16. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1345187314' post='3022757'] I'm sure an alliance based on Greek ideals will flourish and not have any financial or other issues. MW will never have to bailout Hellas. [/quote] Good one
  17. [quote name='mpetes' timestamp='1344488498' post='3020086'] uh ohh lol this is goin to be a big ole mess [/quote] Interesting mess Good luck to you all! o/ NDO
  18. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1342286501' post='3010153'] We have started the war with us having 25 nukes and our opponents 31. Now we have 28 and they have 22, even though we have used also against the pseudo rogue. So the blitz and spying has worked. We have started the war with 5 of our nations already in anarchy and we have now 14 nations in anarchy (9 nations have been anarchied because of the war - 2 of them been anarchied by the pseudo rogue nukes), while our opponents have now 22 nations in anarchy. As for the cops etc., dear ever Casey, please try to put aside personals! [/quote] Honestly, I'm surprised you signed off on this. Considering how valiantly you're fighting in SE. [quote name='Eljierro' timestamp='1342289287' post='3010172'] You're just touchy because OP has you on your knees. Casey, remember you also agreed on not using nukes while in Hellas. [/quote] That was a political decision to keep TPC from attacking us since we somehow missed that CoS was protected. I never agreed for non nuclear wars as a policy.. One of the reasons why I left, you guys were against going nuclear in wars.
  19. [quote name='wasso' timestamp='1342251312' post='3010054'] EDIT : You didnt answer my question with respect to the Grim Alliance , you want them nuked ? We can nuke them 24/24 . Would it be fair ? No . Why ? We respect our opponents . [/quote] Like I said it's a cop out, better selection of opponents problem solved. Don't use the reason that you respect your opponents as a reason to avoid being nuked. You aren't kidding me at all..
  20. [quote name='wasso' timestamp='1342250632' post='3010050'] They didnt use them . If you didnt read well ,let me repeat then NeSiRsItSiRhC. The RD Nation , carta , has switched his AA because he wants to use nukes,obviously because he has no money . He used 2 Nukes , i spied the third .And now has 0 Nukes . "Despair" , doesnt want to nuke . As all of RD too . We respect them , so we nuke who nukes us I hope it's clear now. Besides , Where is the point of Nuking grim for example ? This is fun ,i'd like some fight instead than nuking and ZIng people,then ZIing myself . [/quote] Thanks for the play by play, I understood completely what you wrote. I respect the person who left RD to nuke. Someone who actually plays the game in its entirety. Have your fun.
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