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Everything posted by Freddy

  1. Well, I don't want to offend anyone, but let's get real here and talk about who's gonna get rolled and when. If someone in x, y, or m alliance is reading this - take this opportunity to turn the tide. Step up and say, " they plan to roll us"..."and we and our friends will do what is necessary to prevail". Roq, why does FA require us to be so obtuse? Secrets are great, but when they are no longer secrets - use them to some sort of advantage. This is coming soon. I know it, because I know a nation focusing on a warchest when I see it.
  2. All the minor personality differences can be set aside for a treaty that is militarily expedient. Bottom line is this treaty is no longer expedient. Feelings haven't changed, a military goal has been set in motion and this cancellation clears the way. Nothing more, nothing less. So, let's stop speculating on what happened and speculate more on what will happen. Is it VE directly? Or someone they are tied to?
  3. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1336934149' post='2967009'] I know what you are trying to do here, but stretch it too much and it will snap. I'm sure you get what I'm saying. [/quote] Whether it it stretched or snapped, doesn't it bring the same result? Really, it seems the intention is for it to snap.
  4. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1336785074' post='2966403'] The thing is that Roq preaches a message that from what I can tell is talking about the alliances with less power rising against the alliances in power and taking that power from them. From what I've seen in CN, power that is on top of CN doesn't fall from outside threats, but from inward division after the core of the web becomes too bloated. [/quote] His message may or may not be crap, but he is saying it constantly. It's simple...band together to roll the unrollable. He has proposed the challenge and people have weighed it in their mind. Many would fight the hegemony, if there was an appropriate catalyst that made them believe the resistance side was capable of winning. Like in the op, the core of the web will fall apart, if they can't control the message and the momentum. It's ideas and words that control the message and the momentum. For MK to change that they need to show their power in a way that gains positive PR.
  5. The thing is, Roq's message is resonating among the diverse nations of CN. There are a lot of people thinking things, but they don't dare to speak or act on their swayed opinions. Roq has made the ground fertile for action, but that alone will amount to nothing. There must an event which requires action. Joining a coalition isn't an adequate event. No one wants to be the first to step forward and risk taking part in a failed cause. They would all gladly leave their comfort zones to roll someone they know they can roll. Roq has done fine in his goals so far. Why shouldn't he? He knows of herd mentality. The masses don't want to be first, or rise above - they want to be anonymous. They don't want to take action or make decisions - they want leaders to decide for them and to follow the actions of others. So what is needed is for the atmosphere created by Roq to be sparked by action - action by Roq, not by the herd. Then the herd will join and follow.
  6. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1335247619' post='2958370'] . Secure an independent base of support and don't rely on anyone long-term. There is a reason people were upset that I frequently made non-core alliances a priority in terms of keeping them happy. [/quote] If it makes people upset then you're doing it right. This is wise even if you only have a few allies. It's a simple function of ego. To put it in blunt terms "treat a queen like a whore and treat a whore like a queen". Achilles heel? No, it's a solid strategy. Poor execution is a possible fault - idk.
  7. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110770&view=getnewpost
  8. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1336018400' post='2962648'] Shot you an invite in game mate. Best of luck with your journey through the CN Wastelands... may good furtune lay ahead for your nation. [/quote] Good furniture?
  9. [quote name='enderland' timestamp='1335401521' post='2959365'] I have raided dozens of nations over the yeras and I can guarantee you I (nor any raider I ever knew) never once thought "maybe someone's aiding them and I should pursue their alliance too." [/quote] I always thought "yay, more money"! But to each his own.
  10. Excellent! My people are a little more...distant.
  11. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1335045200' post='2956790'] Um, I was referring to my avs/sigs. I don't like furry porn, though. [/quote] That's too bad, cuz my nephew is a leading artist in the furry porn speciality. I understand, my act/sigs betray my secret interests, too. What were we talking about? Yeah...congratulations on the merge. What're the stats gonna look like when it's done?
  12. Yeah, philosophers are known for their love of anime. Edit:and furry porn.
  13. I was wait.......ing to hear something on this. Congrats, do some big stuff
  14. 0/GRL going down! O/to all the extremely principled parties involved. I shall have to remember you are all f-n crazy Good luck to all going forward.
  15. Lol, want to guess why you can't find a second person willing to be a member? Quit this war and quietly prepare for the next. Thank you.
  16. I agree with SV on the etiquette of the target. If you attack someone and they surprise you, tough !@#$. If the target wants to deter attacks, then they'd be wise to plaster their protection everywhere. But, if you step in !@#$ on my lawn don't blame me.
  17. [quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1334694471' post='2954947'] I recommend joining an established alliance and learning how to conduct efficient PR management rather than following your current trainwreck of a route. [/quote] At least trainwrecks are interesting.
  18. [quote name='Icewolf' timestamp='1334678256' post='2954848'] Please. I beg you. Paragraphs. Please separate them with a space or indent on the first line. Otherwise it will not be read. Ok, I doubt it will be read anyway. But at least that way you give your readers a chance. [/quote] You have to read all the words simultaneously.
  19. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334191514' post='2951221'] No. Secret Society means no one is supposed to know it exists really like the Coven. Vox was a revolutionary organization with operatives that operated partially in public. [/quote] I worked out all the details of a secret organization. It's totally workable and has some potential. I wouldn't doubt one exists now.
  20. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1334167051' post='2951120'] The Coven of the Lost http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Coven_of_the_LOST tied into http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Legion-NPO_War [/quote] Interesting, thank you. Even though it's not entirely original it might be worthwhile to plan a secret organization that can avoid falling apart because of a couple disgruntled members.
  21. I have a concept for a CN secret society. Has that been done before? I've worked out many details in my mind and would be happy to write a paper if it's a novel concept. Also, I plan to write a paper on persuasion and influence. The spycraft acronym MICE would be the central theme. It stands for; money, ideology, compromise and ego. I see persuasion and influence in this world as being mostly spycraft. Of course, there are genuine friendships.
  22. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1334091393' post='2950805'] I bet GOONS is feeling really defeated right now, having been compared to the most massive and dominant military force in the world. I guess it sucks that [s]airport security is now twice as long[/s] posting around here is now twice as painful, but that seems to be a rather trivial matter overall. [/quote] The comparison is to the situation. America is willing to push their policy to the extreme. As a result they sometimes get into costly quagmires. I respect the resolve of both sides here. But I'm reminded of a moral type story: the dog chasing the rabbit. The dog quit the chase before the rabbit, because the dog was running for his lunch while the rabbit was running for his life. Both sides have gained reputation from this, if you believe Mongols, Kaskus will stand up like this in the future and if you believe Goons will enforce their policy like this in the future.
  23. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1333901131' post='2950002'] Winning is defeating your enemies and losing is being defeated by your enemies. Looking at it from any other way is just trying to avoid the obvious truth. [/quote] You can win every battle and still lose the war. More to the point, military victories are intended to achieve political victories. In Vietnam and Afghanistan one side was/is completely defeated militarily, but they never submitted to the authority of the victor. Of course, their are functional differences in this realm. But, the side that is militarily defeated can still obtain a political victory. That is recruitment numbers, member retention and treaties. The way to kill an alliance here is to make them undesirable to members and other alliances. Tbh, I have no idea how that's going. Who is winning in that regard?
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