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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='kwell' timestamp='1313019248' post='2777013'] I see you are courageous It's not being meat shields when sf is acting aggressively against pb/dh/allies. PB/DH/Allies will be affected too if sf wants to roll pb/dh/allies. It's really just looking after the common good for people in pb/dh/ and allies. [/quote] SF is acting aggressively towards us? How so?
  2. ? I can't check..I'm in school and don't wish to log on but what do you mean?
  3. For CSN: Why won't you apologize for the DT debacle? Are you trying to make any amends over it seeing as that lifeline was thrown earlier in the thread? For the rest of SF: What do you feel about gib's desire to not apologize for what happened with DT? Do you not think that what they pushed for was wrong and they handled it wrong?
  4. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312850362' post='2775337'] It appears we've been going back and forth because I missed one of your edits. See above. [/quote] Yet again, you fail to support your argument and instead retreat to another blanket statement. Sure sometimes Xiph gets heated like most people do, but I have yet to see any legitimate grievance in this entire thread other than planning for contingencies about IRON, misreading NoR's intentions in the past, and being asked by CSN once to participate in negotiations with DT. Until people legitimately back up their complaints about Xiph I see no reason for the Entente to throw them to the wolves.
  5. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312849945' post='2775330'] It's interesting that you should speak of copouts, given that you're ignoring the obvious point in favor of attempts at nitpicking. [/quote] Nitpicking? Asking you to prove your arguments is hardly nitpicking, but I'm sure how someone asking you for proof to back up your statements might annoy you.
  6. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312849224' post='2775322'] The proof is in the pudding, as they say. [/quote] Good copout.
  7. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312848992' post='2775317'] And you're too dense to discern the very obvious basis of the post, namely that Xiphosis ran insensibly roughshod for two years and was supported by his fellow signatories all the way. [/quote] Then again, you base your argument off your original argument that Xiphosis was doing things incorrectly. I'm merely asking what those are. But I'm sure it's easier for your argument if you never have to cite specific events and cases.
  8. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312848751' post='2775311'] Your assessment is incorrect, as that was pretty much the least important bit in the entire post. [/quote] And your argument is lacking facts.
  9. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312848436' post='2775303'] Is nitpicking really the best you could do? Very well, I'll cut those six words out and then you'll get the general point of the post. [/quote] When most of your post is fluff going off of the original statement, I find it to be more productive to ask for clarity about said original statement. Edit: Nice edit, but again fail to clarify exactly what that "insensible behavior" is. But, enjoy your vague and general statements with the additional fluff.
  10. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312845443' post='2775286'] The general undertone I see from Superfriends leaders in this thread is that there was nothing wrong with Xiphosis's years of insensible behavior, but rather that their only fault was the negative consequences it has brought on. In essence--to quote a common saying--they're not sorry that he did it; they're only sorry that he got caught. And therein lies the point. For years, they have been ardent and unrepentant apologists for Xiphosis's habitually insensible behavior. Only now, when the situation has become dangerous, have they stepped forward to address it. It is likely unnecessary for me to say this, as it's something of which everyone in this thread is no doubt aware, but the opening of this question-and-answer session was certainly not an attempt by the Superfriends to open a dialogue. It was an attempt to salvage a highly-disadvantageous situation of their own making, one brought on by years of misdeeds. [/quote] What are those years of misdeeds again? The most talked about grievance being talked about here seems to be about CSN's terms on DT.
  11. [quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1312822440' post='2774963'] Two alliances I like, sucks to see this. Good luck to the both of you . [/quote] Have to agree here. Shame to see this happen.
  12. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1312821006' post='2774938'] And they obviously felt a three man council was more appropriate. Is it really that big a deal? [/quote] What's wrong with the question if it does look like there was a change?
  13. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1312472337' post='2771819'] It would be foolish to say that TOP has not changed since Karma. I haven't seen such comparable change from NpO. EDIT: And until recently this year, I hadn't seen comparable change in NPO either. [/quote] I'd have to agree with Sardonic in terms of TOP. While they do hold a justified aggression towards NpO, I do like how they have come out of being just an MK ally to ingraining itself more into the political ongoings of the world.
  14. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1312465601' post='2771765'] How does one incident make one be obsessed? Sure I think Liz is worse than Xiph and Delta (who get the most flack in SF leadership), but again, how does that make NG as a whole obsessed with SF? [/quote] [quote name='fant0m' timestamp='1312465843' post='2771768'] I never said we got along but the idea that there is some obsession that will blindly lead us to target SF is ridiculous. [/quote] I'm glad to hear it was just one incident and VE won't be forced to choose anytime soon between allies. Thank you for your responses.
  15. Congratulations to our allies in Umbrella. IRON are good folk, But I have heard things about that NAH fellow
  16. To CSN: How do you feel about your relationship with GOONS? Do you think they would drop you to follow through with NG's apparent obsession with members of SF?
  17. I still remember you guys as a GOONS protectorate (or was it an MDP to start off?) Oh well, this just reminds me how old I am. Happy birthday.
  18. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1311565738' post='2763137'] You're assuming that further study will indicate to me that your post made any sense at all. In this, you're forgetting that if your post requires more than a cursory bit of research in order to puzzle out any pattern of rational thought whatsoever, there's already something seriously wrong with it. For your possible benefit in understanding what I mean, I'll provide you with a similar counterpart to your post. It is as follows: [/quote] I'd have to agree.
  19. [quote name='MrMuz' timestamp='1311838828' post='2766034'] It's rather misleading that these things always put MK on PB's side. They could very well side with C&G or PF instead. [/quote] Doomhouse isn't a bloc
  20. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1311602474' post='2763382'] Greatly handled thread, more should follow their example of getting former protectorates attacked for deciding to switch to another protector. Then having one of their members act somewhat reasonable and act like he's apologizing, making him look like a good guy compared to the rest of the alliance who seem like jerks. If another AA they claim to be protecting decides to get a real protector, maybe now they'll change their mind. Great show, they really showed how friends / allies don't need a treaty binding them together to get a bunch of raiders attacking the other for no real reason, should the one they claim to protect want to sign a real treaty with someone else instead. [/quote] I completely dislike the OP and the fact that NG raided them after knowing Tetris would be protecting them. I also know that sometimes you have idiotic people in government and in the alliance itself where this can happen without proper authority or any real brains. Nonetheless kriek could have covered his ears and told everyone to piss off, but he did work it out.
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