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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1317996678' post='2819671'] I think he's saying you must be gettin high from your own purple drank supply; while Tetris allies have responded, none of Legion's have. Despite the fact they "claimed" the defensive position immediately. They're defending themselves! You have a MDP level treaty! In what sense then are you not cowards while NSO are? [/quote] I can't tell whether you're purposefully baiting or are that bad at strategy.
  2. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1317995352' post='2819659'] Maybe in the Doesn't like Tetris or NSO or NsO or IAA or BTA camp? You should probably ask them. A good chunk of the world dislikes NSO, so it would make sense that at least 1 of them is in that group. [/quote] More in the Legion are justified camp. Also I agree, let only RV live.
  3. [quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1317954311' post='2819227'] you tell me, youre one of their allies. But honestly, its legion. why would tetris start !@#$ with an alliance they knew they couldnt take on themselves. Unless theyre just sorry like that. If Tetris is trying to throw around their allies weight then they are worse than i thought they were. Im trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here though. [/quote] You could, you know, look at the DoWs themselves. Also to be fair, that was the previous administration's stupidity in the matter and I have more faith in Logan than them.
  4. [quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1317942849' post='2818984'] Yes, NSO/Tetris allies just want to get a piece of Legion and thats why they are jumping through hoops to join this war. [/quote] Because Tetris didn't request help from them, right?
  5. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1317916680' post='2818580'] Yes, Indeed! What am I being dense about? The CB? How even or lopsided the war is? I don't care about any of that. My ally has become involved in this conflict and they needed financial aid so we are going to provide it. [/quote] You were being dense about his argument. No one is holding it against you that you're helping out your ally, people are just calling out the fact that Tetris had been goading on Legion for months and when the going gets tough they needed to call in allies. I know you're not doing this for Tetris, but that doesn't discount the original argument at all.
  6. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1317915356' post='2818546'] blah blah blah blah. That's all I got out of this. When did it become wrong for alliances to utilize the treaties that they hold? That is what they are there for like how we just utilized our MDoAP with IAA to send them financial aid. Please note that the defensive or offensive war articles did not come into play! [/quote] You're being dense on purpose.
  7. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1317913277' post='2818503'] It's not like TLR and GATO are Umbrella...no offense to those parties. Unlimited seems a might over done [/quote] Haha, touche.
  8. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1317913594' post='2818511'] I believe you are missing the point. Tetris provoked Legion, Legion responded and Tetris called in allies in which NsO including others responded. Hence all the "we can take them 1v1" and "Legion cannot win even against us" becomes laughable. (WC, feel free to correct me if wrong ) [/quote] You are correct.
  9. [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1317913001' post='2818499'] We're backing our ally per our treaties. Since it's evident Polar and their ilk have no intention of stopping that, it makes no sense at all not to. I see the appeal to the peanut gallery of a completely even scrap, but the appeal of our ally coming out of this in the best possible shape is going to have to take priority for us I'm afraid. There are a number of alliances tied to Legion who are welcome to try and stop that though. [/quote] Not faulting you for backing your ally, but the argument that this is completely even when one side has access to unlimited aid during a war is a big stretch.
  10. [quote name='janax' timestamp='1317912360' post='2818480'] I think the VE-Polar remark was to point out that when VE hit Polar, they brought a bunch of friends, they didn't go 1v1. Why is one alliance bringing friends to unbalance the sides ok, but others doing it to balance the sides is not ok? If they wanted fair and even, they should go 1v1 apparently. Even if one side is roughly 1/8th the size of the other. The bottom line now, the sides are roughly half a million NS apart, 25-30 nations difference and within 200 or so nukes. Most wars don't get any "fairer". [/quote] VE was never mocking Polar about being incompetent nor baiting them with spied intel, that's the main difference and you know that. As well yes, this might be the fairest war ever if TLR and GATO weren't dedicated to sending aid throughout the entire conflict.
  11. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1317911506' post='2818465'] Certainly not, but surely there could have been something Tetris could have done to avoided the conflict. Legion seemed completely unwilling to do so. [/quote] Tetris earned themselves a fight with what they did and hardly anyone is disagreeing with the validity of Legion's CB.
  12. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1317911142' post='2818458'] The Tetris offender was ousted from government, and the only other person in the alliance who knew about it was as well. Not to mention Logan trying to ease tensions... and from the logs, looked like he did so successfully. Obviously the situations are different. In Tetris' case, the CB was on them. But by all accounts they handled the situation properly, and were willing to negotiate with Legion on what else they felt was necessary. Legion, obviously having superior numbers, didn't want anything to do with it, and attacked anyways. [/quote] Yes, because we all know once government is changed all past deeds of the alliance is out the window, right? Polar must surely be jumping with joy. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1317911202' post='2818460'] Oh, old friend, you know as well as I do that a bunch of words here mean very little when it comes to the bigger picture. [/quote] In the bigger picture, the outcome of this conflict is already decided.
  13. I'm now agreeing with Hal, TBB, and have some respect for Legion. The world is truly mad.
  14. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1317910530' post='2818441'] NSO haven't called anyone in. [/quote] I didn't say all, did I?
  15. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1317910447' post='2818439'] I wouldn't know the intricate details since I'm retired and haven't been on IRC for a while. But I do really wonder if there might be some bigger plan involved? [/quote] You could always read the OPs of the DoWs, potato. [quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1317910666' post='2818444'] Kinda like VE vs Polar? [/quote] Please feel free to share when VE government posted up spied screenshots of Polar forums.
  16. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1317909814' post='2818425'] They probably didn't [b]need[/b] to. But felt it was the right thing to do: I know I wouldn't object to my allies coming in for a bit of fun if they asked. Even if it triggers a bunch "omg bandwagon", "omg evil curbstomp" and the other buzzwords some like to overuse. [/quote] Those allies were asked in, not the other way around. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1317909968' post='2818428'] I don't think any of them said they wouldn't call their allies in, why wouldn't they if their nations where outnumbered? [/quote] Oh of course they would. The more amusing part was the fact that they only mocked Legion because they knew if they finally got called on it their allies would bail them out.
  17. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1317909677' post='2818424'] Yes, well obviously I can't argue for my whole side as I haven't been following all the mocking that's been going on. Imo this was a poor decision with worse timing, as it should have only used when or if we really needed it. [/quote] You're a good guy, looking forward to more posts from you.
  18. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1317895982' post='2818313'] I still wonder why people think a war should be fair. You fight a war for a principle or to break your enemy. No matter your reason, you want to win it. Not make it interesting for the public. Plus, half the world wanted to take a swing at Legion so I don't see why anyone is shocked that NSO/Tetris and co have allies joining in: it may be 5 vs 1 but the total stats from both sides are pretty even. [/quote] It's more everyone is amused at the fact that people who mocked Legion for months for being "incompetent" feel the need to call in allies.
  19. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1317908826' post='2818407'] There were talks going on about stuff like this in gov channels before the war got into full swing that I had no idea about and would have tried to prevent if I could. If I had had my way it would still just be the 3 vs Legion... [/quote] Yet government leaders were the ones making the mocking as well. Not a slight at you personally, just on the ability of most of the people fighting legion to having a bark bigger than their bite.
  20. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1317908570' post='2818404'] Firstly, we were doing fine without the backup and with less ns to boot. Secondly, yeah 2 micros and one smallish alliance (NSO) vs 1 sanctioned alliance. Before just putting out stupid raw numbers like that, you might want to add a bit of logic? [/quote] Really only proves most of the people provoking Legion were doing so behind their allies.
  21. [quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1317907078' post='2818387'] It is ridiculous. NSO and Tetris mock legion and do everything to provoke a war, than when legion declares (doing the only right thing that they did for years), NSO-Tetris call their allies to fight the same alliance that they said was too incompetent. I am not a moralist, but I never see anything as wrong as this in Bob's history. Shame on you. Shame on you. You can write my worlds; things that are done this way will hunt you in the future. [/quote] You know something is wrong when old timers are forced to cheer for Legion.
  22. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1317891049' post='2818264'] This is becoming the most pathetic war of all time. Its fricking Legion people and for all the tough talk people keep calling in help? And it appears outside of NSO the rest of this coalition makes Legion look like they know what they are doing. And IAA? What the hell happened to you? That you are involved in this at all like this is just sad. That your attack was this poor is even more sad. Every single alliance involved in this war should hang its head in shame. Its fricking Legion people and they making the rest of you look bad. Legion sucks stop making them look good. [/quote] I'm actually agreeing with TBB. What.
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