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Everything posted by CaptainImpavid

  1. Ladies and gentleman, a time comes in every journey to stop and take honest stock of your travels, of the things that you have done, and the things that have been done to you. I have just endured one of those times. Crimes cannot go unpunished, and I can not quell the mighty voice of my conscious. Farkistan is not what it once was. I served 18 months in gov vigorously defending and fighting for what I thought was right, and in the end my opposing viewpoint was, it would seem, enough to cause me to be forcibly removed from my post and ousted from the alliance as a whole. As it stands, I cannot sit idly by any longer. I will be heard. We will be heard. I hereby condemn the alliance of Farkistan for crimes great and small against a loyal minority, and for wantonly pursuing a position that pure logical demonstrates to be total folly, a sure and steady path to destruction and damnation. Knowledge is a mighty weapon, so I invite any of the poor and misguided souls remaining in Farkistan to join us on this day, join us in divesting ourselves of the lies and of the sin inherent in your megalomaniac leaderships' follies. Essentially, what I am trying to say is that the crew of the FSS Streetlight, formerly of the Farkistani Fleet, hereby secedes and severs all ties with the desiccated corpse of the glory that spawned them, and announces the formation of The Streetlight, through which, we can only hope, purity and righteousness can limp on. CaptainImpavid, The Streetlight P3, The Searchlight Manwithplanx, The Laser Nuke Me Please, The Desk Lamp GypsyFire, The Beacon TheBigMike1983, The Kind of Light That Shines on Texas Mattistan, This Little Light of Mine I'm Going To Let It Shine. Tumultuous Papaya, The Flash Sk1, The Compact Flourescent
  2. Revenge is, however, also good with hot fudge.
  3. I for one am insulted and incensed that I was not a recipient of any of these messages. I like me some good crazy now and again. /g'luck, NATO.
  4. well then just check the "aid that wasn't sent" screen. durr.
  5. No need to defend my honor, hah. I'll admit to trying to make a few threats, but only after we had tried every other polite option left to us. You know, when the only remaining choices were "violence" and "threaten violence." Now, they both have "violence" in them, so at a glance there may not seem to be much different. However, in practice, most people seem to prefer the endgame to culminate in mere "threatened violence" instead of the actual thing. So it seemed prudent to at least give it a try. Plus, as chief diplomat, I never get to be bad cop anymore, so when I saw that they weren't going to cooperate, I saw my chance to stretch my wings a bit.
  6. All we were looking for from day 1 was a)some sort of acknowledgment from the leadership that deals made under their banner actually were their responsibility if there was some problem with delivery, and b)some sort of good faith effort or assurance that they would at least TRY to resolve it in a timely manner. The best we got was "when our alliance is stronger maybe we can look into repaying you." We don't go into this all "BLARG WOAR PWNZR!" But seems nothing else was working.
  7. It has come to our attention that there is an increased risk of terrorist activity on the upcoming religious holiday of St Patrick's day. The terror alert for that weekend has gone plaid. Make all necessary precautions. It has also come to our attention that at least some people are gearing up to ensure a stable holy day weekend. As the following document (Fig-1A) suggests: We also have the following reconnaissance image of the coordinated defense of one of the primary pilgrimage sites for the blessed day. We strongly recommend that the rest of you take similar precautions. Let no precious drop of fermented heaven fall to zealots and teetotalers. Remember, every time a beer is spilled, 6 million people get cancer. Good luck, gentlemen. May we weather these dark times. With dark beer in hand, of course.
  8. At first I was like: and then I was like: I guess if the price of friendship with Apocalypse is having to occasionally talk to you, I can stomach it. /but only just, so watch yourself.
  9. man, i am so glad we never had the bad taste to associate with someone who doesn't like Mountain Dew. what a weirdo. blech.
  10. We at Farkistan pride ourselves on achieving goals. Well, after reaching the 50th level of Kunark, we thought we'd peaked. There was nothing left to accomplish. Our bags of holding were full, we had cohorts and minions, our dump stats were maxed, and our weapons wielded epic weapons. What was left? Nothing, really. We're still working on it. While you wait patiently for the fruit of our boundless genius and creativity, however, here's a little light reading: Also I would like to point out that WickedJ is more or less solely responsible for the genesis of this treaty, so all accolades, awards, and complaints may henceforth be brought to him and his offspring unto the 7th generation. So it is, so it shall be.
  11. Well you'd be seein' double too if you'd had what I had to drink last night with breakfast.
  12. Denizens of Planet Bob, we have an apology to make. We thought we had done our job right the first time, that we had done our part to make sure that the world was safe. We'd gone and made everlasting friends with FOK, a friendship designed to last eons, so that you could all rest safely knowing that you would never have to choose which subtle-innuendo-named alliance you liked better. And for a while, you were all safe. Well, turns out that FOK was more fertile than a warren of rabbits fed primarily a mixture of fertility drugs and viagra, and spawned iFOK, once again putting all the world at risk. Well, we at Fark have a strong sense of duty, and so we had only one real option. I think the good folks at Whitesnake can say it better than I can: Here we go again.
  13. Soldiers of the People's Front of Farkistan, it has come to my attention that forces are at work to undermine and destroy us! The past week has seen a massive increase in suspicious activities, from attempted extortion of loyal members, to furtive cash transactions between our enemies and known subversives. I can only assume one thing, that open war is finally almost upon us. Do not falter, Brothers! The Popular Front will taste our wrath soon! Alpha Springboard Zulu Scooter Strawberry Niner.
  14. Dammit man stop clouding the issue with grammar and just apologize for slighting me
  15. well when you've nursed as much as we have they're bound to look a little baby chewed.
  16. It's mammaries, and they're SCIENCE
  17. We're actually going to be featured in the next season of Nip/Tuck
  18. Those of you showing sufficient adulation and reverence will be spared the fate of the rest of flesh-kind, which is being processed into a nutritive substance with which to sustain my cybernetic god-mind. bow, and you may become the lap-dogs of a deity! /he's got the whoooooole world....
  19. Goon, what did I tell you about posting in our announcements!? /congrats again to MA, now that I have dried out enough to comprehend what actually happened.
  20. congratulations and welcome! and remember, what happens in the Hall of Justice STAYS in the Hall of Justice...
  21. yeah ours doesn't really apply to a 'theme' as much as a 'habit'
  22. haha see, wait til i tell my ex there is TOO one beer i can see without drinking! /what do you mean that isn't what she meant? //sure is purty though
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