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Everything posted by CaptainImpavid

  1. Irregardless is not a word. Sorry, can't help it. It's been beaten into me. Best of luck to USN.
  2. i'm holding out to be classified as Duodenary
  3. What incompetent buffoon was asleep at his guard post long enough for Nuke to escape his asylum long enough to run for council?
  4. First, LOL. Second, even assuming the factual basis of what you say, throwing an ice cream social for some orphans, while nice, does not really obviate one's responsibility for previous, more heinous acts. Hold him personally admirable for some good he might have done you, fine, but don't by any means try to objectively say that his smiling benevolent Buddha persona was more dominant or more worth remembering than the odd amalgamation of Brutus, Judas, and Benedict Arnold that he proved to be on so very many occasions. Saying he was "exceedingly good to the people he hadn't yet had reason to betray" is rather faint praise. /This message brought to you by the Campaign for Slayer's Reroll to Attack Impavidium, by the United Friends of International Amity, and the letter D.
  5. actually if you look at farkistan's wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Farkistan you see that the ODP was signed 4/19/2008, and CSN didn't enter the GATO/One Vision war until 4/28/2009
  6. i will contribute, if i may, a pictorial representation of this thread: at first he was like and we were like and he was like and we were like and he was like and us and them were like and then some other dude was like at which point we were like and now we're like also at several points various people were like
  7. mayhaps you want to re-read a little more closely, especially the parts where the governments of both sides say that the issues brought up were resolved already, in most cases before this thread was even made, and that anything else is a combination of some random dude trying to take it upon himself to both hijack the diplomatic processes of his own alliance while at the same time smearing the reputation of ours. Without actually knowing what was going on. etc, I had more but Arouet addressed most of it nicely.
  8. so, now, several hours and more than several beers later, I have returned to this thread, to personally address whatever it is that whoever it is still has an issue with. Please direct all inquiries here and all will be answered. /sup wicked.
  9. before we condemn AT completely, I would like to step forward and assume full responsibility for whatever it is we are said to have done. I patiently and eagerly await my spanking.
  10. thanks. I always liked iClean and ACV, and I was sad as anything to see them go. I remember being shocked when these events happened, since he'd always spoken of how close his relationship with you was. I hope in the future this and many, many other sundered bonds can be healed
  11. best of luck Halsa, best of luck. i always have :wub:ed you guys
  12. Good luck, it was nice to face off with an alliance with spirit.
  13. Ah yes, it is totally run of the mill to see a small alliance get beat upon by one of the largest in the game, have two of their members work in tandem with their oppressors to plot betrayal, wait until through outside means said small alliance manages to grow to 900 members before springing their secession, and then instead of quietly enjoying their newfound freedom, conduct a long term campaign to keep the alliance from which they formed crushed under the boot of their new best friends. It is even more commonplace that one of the founders of such a delightfully honorable venture would then show up two years later to reform the tainted carapace of said alliance without even giving the people he'd originally tried to bury a "by your leave." Though, to put it more simply, it IS rather commonplace to see someone who has wronged so many be oblivious to the consequences of those actions. In a sense, dereliction of guilt or remorse is basically an institution in TPF, isn't it?
  14. also, i think we have reached Argument Critical Mass...we're way past the point where anyone is likely to change their mind or actually really comprehend any arguments being made. It's all about "Us" vs "Them," regardless of whether or not "Them" is really saying the things that "Us" is decrying.
  15. My bad, rather than "you stole half Fark's members," I will rephrase to "you directly contributed to the loss of half their members" since that is more or less precisely what happened in short order. And again, for all those flailing desperately about for something to be outraged at, or for some dearly sought after excuse to shout "hypocrite," this situation is first of all fairly unique, was exacerbated by the (intentional or not) oversight in not contacting Farkistan to begin at the very least to say "we cool?" and is by no means over nor is anyone being placed under the onus of PZI yet. Wingwhiper wants to relive the period in which he had the most fun, which as I have said is in itself respectable. However, the period in which he had the most fun is incontrovertibly linked to a period in which others were egregiously betrayed and wounded. So, reason dictates that some settlement or negotiation need take place before anything else can be settled. This is no "new boss==old boss" situation at all. Simply painful memories flaring up like hemorrhoids, to be, ideally, dealt with as quickly and discreetly as hemorrhoids.
  16. Wow it's "who came late without reading the whole thread" theater! Also, for the record, turning traitor, stealing half an alliance's members (largely through spammed pms involving outright lies), and then conducting a vicious campaign to help crush those you left behind does not in any reasonable stretch of the imagination constitute a "small slight." Sure, it was 2 years ago, fine, but the fact still remains that if Farkistan would prefer to be consulted on the issue before someone were to try to resurrect the ghost of TF! they would be totally justified, much as they are totally justified in being a little miffed that they were NOT consulted. From what I have seen, and from what I understand, finding some middle ground, while from some points of view perhaps unlikely, is not out of the question, especially if the case is one of "I'm on my way out and want to go out with a bang!" as is now being suggested (though why, if someone wanted to go out with a bang, they would object to, you know, the 'bang' part, is beyond me). Regardless, this isn't just a matter of "name infringement,' as you so cleverly try to dismiss it as, but ugly unresolved history, history that, intentionally or not, Wingwhiper tried to sneak through customs without declaring. Frankly I would imagine an apology and a full public accounting of the extent to which the whole original TF! founding was a duplicitous farce perpetrated by Slayer and Philosopher would go a long, long way to settling any complaints.
  17. First: TF! didn't exist for a year. They formed after Farkistan was attacked by the GOONS and they were already TPF by the time they got peace. Which was almost but not quite 5-6 months. As has been hilariously stated before, Fark lasted longer at war with the GOONS than TF! did in peace with them. Second: What he was saying is that Wingwhiper had no reason to expect to bring back TF! without objection from Farkistan and the need to settle issues with them first. Which is more than reasonable and the fact that you have gracefully danced around acknowledging that simple point while making your accusations and suggestions is rather telling.
  18. See, that's respectable, and if that is true then honestly you shouldn't be bothered either way if Farkistan takes issue with you. However, even though it would have fared far better for you if you had led with such sentiment from the start, it is a sentiment that will fare you better in dealing with Farkistan than basically anything else you could go to them with. I still say having TF! stand for something else would serve you the strongest in negotiations (my personally favorite would be Turgid Flapjacks!) (or Tempestuous Flimflam!) but then I'm not really in a position to say. Though if you DO go with one of those two suggestion I will at least put in a good word, lol.
  19. Maybe, but again, did you really honestly not see this coming? If not, and if you really intend a clean start, would not my suggestion of having TF! simply stand for something else be somewhat of a fair compromise for you to seek? Or, like I said, at least continuing to try to achieve a settlement rather than spend 45 minutes and coming here to call Farkistan out on failing to be judicious? There is still potentially a correct way to go about this and get at least some of what you want. I'd suggest you try harder to find that way, if I might.
  20. Well, to be fair to the folks in Farkistan, right after jumping into a pool is a bit late to be asking "I wonder if I should plan for all those sharks in there?" And I find it odd that you would consider spending a maximum of 45 minutes an adequate amount of time to address the issue in depth. Maybe instead of grandstanding for popular support that seems only likely to come from the people who helped you turn traitor the first time, why not simply make a post to the extent of "We're going to try to address these concerns and see what kind of settlement we can reach," and hope for the best? Or was the sole purpose of this stunt merely a convoluted and supremely surreal attempt at smearing Farkistan's good name?
  21. MoW for an alliance founded on cowardice must have been an interesting job.
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