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Joel James

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Everything posted by Joel James

  1. Thud. President Abdul fired an arrow and watched it hit the bulls-eye. He smiled. Months of practice paying off right now. He was about to fire another arrow when he heard Dellion's question. He lowered the bow and turned to Dellion. [i]"To answer your question, I do need help trainng my soldiers. We usually complete basic training which is easy enough, but we really need help wth specialization. So far, we haven't foud many people qualified enough to help with specialization, so we need to settle wth subpar instructors. This in turn, does bring trained soldiers, but I believe that they are not trained well enough. I intend to bring radical changes to the training regimen, but I have no one to advise me with it, and no one to execute these changes, so I cannot implement them. Due to this, no soldier has been trained with live fire, many do not know how to defuse a bomb, and scarier even, about half my soldiers don't even know the best things to do in a battlefield. I fear that if I am launched into a war right now, my nation would only win through sheer force of numbers. I do have a group of highly trained soldiers left over from the Rebel Army days, but they number no more than 1,000 personnel, and none of them know how to teach the new recruits effectively. See where the problem lies now?"[/i] After saying all of this, President Abdul turned back to the targets and fired another arrow. Thud. Another bulls-eye.
  2. When President Abdul and Dellion had arrived at the palace, the palace guard opened thedoors and led them in. One of the guards led them down a couple of flights of stairs into a spacious room. At one end were rows of targets. On one of the walls, there were bows upon bows. Some were ornate, some were World Class, and others were simple wooden bows. They all had draw weights from 25 lbs to 100 lbs. President Abdul approached the wall and picked a smple wooden bow off the wall. He usually used this bow for casual and mportant matters. From experience, he knew that the bow had a draw weight of 70 lbs. He knew that it would be a good instrument to help hm concentrate. He looked underneath the walls and pulled out a quiver full of wooden arrows. These arrows were made of the toughest wood in the land, since it had to be put under intense pressure. After finishing this, he said to Dellion with a smile [i]"You are welcome to shoot if you wish to but only at the targets. I know the reputation of your country, so please try not to shoot anyone."[/i] On top of that he added [i]"Down to business. Please feel free to get settled as I talk, but I will not beat around the bush, so I apoligize if I am beng blunt, but I never did enjoy playing word games. First and foremost, I wish to join the African Unity Pact. I will give you reasons if you want them"[/i] President Abdul gave Dellion a mnute to let this sink in, get settled, and give a resonse back. He did not wish to rush this, as this is a very important and possibly historical moment in the country.
  3. If people can do whatever they want without fearing any consequences, what is the pont of ROle Playing? People can continously prey on other nation without the fear of retribution, because you could always say no.
  4. In order to store all the oil that has been drilled. GIant tankers have been placed throughout the nation for the oil. Some tankers will hold crude oil, while the others will hold refined products. Four refineries have been built throughout the nation to refine the oil to the products that can be used in the country. All oil products and oil will be available for foregin sale. Two more oil wells have been built in Abu Dhabi, bringing the total daily oil drilling to three hundred thousands barrels. (OOC: 4.2 million barrels/RL Day) Oil levels are still expected to last another 4,000 years at the current level of consumption. With the lack of international sale of the oil, The Eastern Federation government has reduced the cost of the oil down to 90 EFD per barrel. [size="3"][b]Tianxia[/b][/size] As promised, an oil tanker is headed to Tianxia, carrying 630,000 barrels of oil. It can be either accepted or turned around, but President Abdul hopes to have the tanker returned in one piece. tankers are expensive to construct, and they take time as well.
  5. From: President Abdul To: King Ael'iyon Trevan Nahali of Xendria Your Majesty, on the behalf of the Eastern Federation government, I would like to extend full dilpomatic recognition to your country. In order to show our friendliness and welcome to Xendria, I would like to send a diplomat to your country to talk about a treaty between our two nations. I have a great interest n your nation because you are in the middle east, just like my nation. If you choose to accept, a plane will depart to your country carrying the diplomat. I am sorry that I will not be able to come to your country myself, but I am currently having talks with another foreign dignitary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I hope to see your nation grow and one day be a world power that it is meant to be.
  6. The Eastern Federation recognizes this new nation. Welcome to the Middle East.
  7. President Abdul lead Dellion to an armored car, and they both climbed in. When they were safely heading towards the palace in the middle of an escort, President Adul said [i]"They might not be as good as the soldiers of your I saw eariler, but they will do. I hope that you like archery. I don't usually resort to it, but I find it somewhat calming and easier to think. If you want to, you could also join me while we talk."[/i] After saying this, President Abdul leaned back waiting for Dellion's reply. He looked out the window behind Dellion's head while waiting. [i]"A beautiful night, so far so good. An excellent start so far."[/i] He only hoped that everything went well. Considering that this was the first foreign dignitary visiting his country, he knew that this would have a huge impact on his foreign image.
  8. President Abdul smiled. [i]"Don't worry, I will confirm that you did not parachute in"[/i] While this was not what he had expected, President Abdul was actually pleased by what he had saw. Now here was a group of people that knows the meaning of punctual, a word he probably wouldn't have associated with the Legion eariler. He knew that he would like this man, and that they would get along well. This was going to be an interesting evening. A car pulled up behnd the two of them. This car was to drive the two of them to an archery range so that they could work out an agreement together. President Abdul always thought better when he was concentrating on something, especially archery. After giving the man a few seconds to write down something on his paper, he extended his hand to the man and said [i]"I humbly welcome you to the Eastern Federation. I hope that you had a good flight. Forgive me for asking, but what is your name? If you want, I can have more cars called infor your friends"[/i] After the pleasantries were over, President Abdul and the man would depart immediately.
  9. Since the Legion was kind enough to send a diplomatic team to the Eastern Federation, Preisdent Abdul thought it would be right to welocme them himself. Since President Abdul had sent a message earlier to land in the capital, President Abdul expected the aircraft to be landing any minute. President Abdul dd not know what to expect. He heard of the reputation of the citizens of Legion. If he was not a person of high office, he would not mind going there for a few parties. They seemed like decently good people, even though they tended to go too overboard a lot. The type of people the President would enjoy talking with. He should ask if he could ever come to Legion for a visit. Not many people would approve, but he didn't care. Just one week of loosening up and forgetting his problems temporarily would be great. When the President looked up at the night sky, he heard the sound of chopper wings. A moment later, he saw a chopper descending through the sky. When the chopper touched down on the helipad, and tall, powerfully built man stepped out. When he strode towards him, the President took a moment to compose himself. He knew that he had to be very careful. He figured that these were the type of people who liked arguing and fighting, and would look for a reason to fight. When the man came up to the Presdent, the President extended a hand and said in a warm voice [i]"Welcome to the Eastern Federation. I take that your flight went well. Forgive me for asking, but what is your name?"[/i]
  10. President Abdul knew that it was time. If the Eastern Federation was to ever be respected, they would have to establish relations with other country's. Instead of going halfway across the world for a relationship, he chose to start wth his neghbors, startng with the Legion. He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen. He wrote down a short letter and put it in an envelope, pasted it shut, and put a stamp on it. He summoned an aide to mail the letter for him. When the aide came into his office, he said [i]"sir?"[/i]President Abdul replied [i]"I need you to mail a letter for me. It's destination is the capital of Legion."[/i] The aide's eyes widened, but he did not say anything. Instead, he took the letter and went to the presidential mailroom. The letter would get top priority, and be mailed immediately. If everything went alright, the letter would be received wthin the hour. Meanwhile, President Abdul went to his bedroom. He laid down in his bed, stretched, and went to a nap. He knew this was a bad habit, but the role of being thr first president of a fairly new country did not agree with his sleep schedule. While asleep, his mind kept rolling over the words in his letter, knowing that is was a terse but forward notice: [b]Classified[/b] To: The Government of Legion From: President Abdul If you, the people of the Legion government would be allowing, please allow me to send a diplomat to the Legion to start talks about a relationship between our nations. I would like to get to know many nations, especially my neighbors. Please reply as soon as possible.
  11. Shouldn't you be providing the funds yourself? You are looking to acquire the island, remember?
  12. [size="3"][b]CLASSIFIED[/b][/size] The same aide that was dispatched earlier came into the president's bedroom and woke him up. After receiving a cold stare, the aide said [i][i]"Tianxia has wthdrawn [/i]from this conflict. We can pull out if we choose to. What should we do?"[/i] President Abdul thought for a moment and gave his reply [i]"since Tianxia is not fighting, we are not obliged to fight either. Pull back our troops from their station and returned them to base. They have no reason to go to West Africa anymore. Make sure they get a good meal when they get to base. They really deserve it."[/i] The aide wrote all this down and handed it to the president. After looking over it twice, he signed it and handed it back to his aide. He then departed to the communcations room to send the message to the commander there.
  13. [size="3"][b]CLASSIFIED[/b][/size] President Abdul looked at the transmission he had gotten. It was no ordinary transmission, due to the fact that it had come from Tianxia. President Abdul knew this day would come, but he did not think that it would be so soon. He looked down at the transmission and read it again. "[i]Mobilize and move your troops to the most eastern[/i] [i]point of your country.[/i](OOC:Oman) [i]There, you will receive transportation to West Africa for garrison duty"[/i] President Abdul wrote a short notice to his Military Command. It said the following: "[i]Mobilize and move 80,000 soldiers, 800 tanks, 800 Main Hell Guns, and 800 S-400 Triumfs to the easternmost point of our nation in the[/i] [i]south. There, you will meet transportation to move the soldiers and machinery into West Africa for garrison duty. [/i] President Abdul called one of his aides and gave him this note. After he left, President Abdul slumped in his seat and wondered what this could mean for the Eastern Federation. Being located on the land gateway between Asia, and Africa, he knew nothing good could come out of this. After he finished thinking, he got up and went to bed. It was time to take a nap, and he needed his rest more than ever now.
  14. In order to protect the mainland of The Eastern Federation, the government has set the nation's top scientists to develop RADAR, SONAR, Jammers, electronic warfare, electronic warfare protection, and to top it all off, a missile defense system. These have gone into Research and Development. The first five projects are estimated to be completed fairly quickly without much problems, but the missile defense system will be a lot harder. Scientists estimate that it will take 1 year to develop and another year to implement it, but it will be extremely expensive.
  15. President Abdul would like to be assured that in the event that a new pope is elected, then he would be chosen b the College or Cardinals uninfluenced. A statement released by President Abdul today stated the following: "A pope instated in the papal office not chosen by the College of Cardinals and with the intervention of the Holy Spirit is not the true pope, but the antipope. A pope should be chosen by the faithful, not by the ones who need it to suit their needs."
  16. OOC: If you follow Jesus, you know your power in the kingdom is not of this world, but of the next.
  17. The Eastern Federaton had a steady flow of food from the farmers they had. There were two problems though: The farmers were barely scraping by, and their was no surplus food. One bad harvest could starve the entire nation. To fix this, the government brought the incentive for farming up from $5,000 a year to $10,000 a year. They have also devoted $4.2 billion to build desalianation plants on the coasts to brng more fresh water, wells for groundwater, and greenhouses to provide the nation with more food. If everythng wet well, the next harvest would bring in some surplus food for its citizens, eliminating the threat of starvation. Presdent Abdul signed this bill today. Even though the proce tag was still a little high, it would be worth it if they could be self sufficient. Desalianation plants and greenhouses would be constructed first, and the wells would come afterwards. 10 desalianation plants would be built, along with hundreds of greenhouses.
  18. President Abdul was rushed to the hospital today. When the offical report was released, it said that the reason he was in the hospital was because he facepalmed so hard.
  19. Question, how are these numbers picked? Is it a random number generator or something?
  20. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1328042236' post='2911713'] The Horde's patience with European domination of South East Asia is rapidly running out. For what reasons exactly is there a European Monarch in Indonesia. [/quote] OOC: I think she rerolled Triyun
  21. [size="7"][center][u][b]Military Specs[/b][/u][/center][/size] [size="3"][b]F/A-37 Talon[/b][/size] Crew: 1 Pilot Range: 4,600 miles Speed:Mach 4+ Powerplant: 2 × Pulse Detonation/Scramjet engines Armaments: 1 × General Electric M164 Vulcan cannon Payload: 16,000 lbs RADAR jamming system: DRFM [size="3"][b]B-2 Lancers[/b][/size] Crew: 4 (aircraft commander, copilot, offensive systems officer and defensive systems officer) Payload: 125,000 lb (56,700 kg) ; internal and external ordnance combined Length: 146 ft (44.5 m) Wingspan: Extended: 137 ft (41.8 m) Swept: 79 ft (24.1 m) Height: 34 ft (10.4 m) Wing area: 1,950 ft² (181.2 m²) Airfoil: NA69-190-2 Empty weight: 192,000 lb (87,100 kg) Loaded weight: 326,000 lb (148,000 kg) Max. takeoff weight: 477,000 lb (216,400 kg) Powerplant: 4 × General Electric F101-GE-102 augmented turbofans Dry thrust: 14,600 lbf (64.9 kN) each Thrust with afterburner: 30,780 lbf (136.92 kN) each Fuel capacity, optional: 10,000 U.S. gal (38,000 L) fuel tank for 1–3 internal weapons bays each Performance Maximum speed: At altitude: Mach 1.25 (721 knots, 830 mph, 1,340 km/h at 50,000 ft/15,000 m altitude) At low level: Mach 0.92 (700 mph, 1,130 km/h at 200–500 ft/60-150 m altitude) Range: 6,478 nmi (7,456 mi, 11,998 km) Combat radius: 2,993 nmi (3,445 mi, 5,543 km) Service ceiling: 60,000 ft (18,000 m) Wing loading: 167 lb/ft² (816 kg/m²) Thrust/weight: 0.38 Armament Hardpoints: six external hardpoints for 50,000 lb (22,700 kg) of ordnance (use for weapons currently restricted by START I treaty[72]) and three internal bomb bays for 75,000 lb (34,000 kg) of ordnance. Bombs: 84× Mk-82 Air inflatable retarder (AIR) general purpose (GP) bombs[154] 81× Mk-82 low drag general purpose (LDGP) bombs[155] 84× Mk-62 Quickstrike sea mines[156] 24× Mk-65 naval mines[157] 30× CBU-87/89/CBU-97 Cluster Bomb Units (CBU)[N 2] 30× CBU-103/104/105 Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser (WCMD) CBUs 24× GBU-31 JDAM GPS guided bombs (Mk-84 GP or BLU-109 warhead)[N 3] 15× GBU-38 JDAM GPS guided bombs (Mk-82 GP warhead)[N 4] 24× Mk-84 general purpose bombs 12× AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) 96× or 144× GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb GPS guided bombs[N 5] (not fielded on B-1 yet) 24× AGM-158 Joint Air to Surface Standoff Munitions (JASSM) 24× B61 nuclear variable-yield gravity bombs[157] (no longer carried) 24x B83 nuclear gravity bombs[157] (no longer carried) Avionics 1× AN/APQ-164 forward-looking offensive passive phased-array radar 1× AN/ALQ-161 radar warning and defensive jamming equipment 1× AN/ASQ-184 defensive management system 1× Lockheed Martin Sniper XR targeting pod (optional)[158][159] [size="3"][b]B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber[/b][/size]Payload: 70,000 Lbs. Flight ceiling: 100,000 Ft. Classification: Stealth Crew: 2 RADAR jamming system: DRFM Missile evasion system: FLARE [size="3"][b]Desert Class Corvette[/b][/size] Speed: 45 mph 2 76mm guns 2 40mm guns 3 BrahMos missiles 12 MK48 Advanced Capability (ADCAP) Heavyweight Torpedo 10 RAMS Draft: 17.4 ft Displacement - 2,000 tons Range 8,000 miles [size="3"][b]Oil Class Landing Ships[/b][/size] Displacement: 8,500 tons Length: 522 ft Beam: 70 ft Draft: 17.4 ft Propulsion: 6 ALCO diesels (3 per shaft) 16,000 shaft horsepower; 800 hp GE bow thruster. 2 Hydraulically Controlled Variable Pitch Reversible Props and 1 Variable Pitch Bow Thruster 3 ALCO/GE Generators (750 kW, 1201 A each) Speed: 33 knots Troops: 400 [size="3"][b]Global Class Cruisers[/b][/size] Displacement: 9,800 tons Length: 567 ft Beam: 55 ft Draught: 34 ft Propulsion: 4 × General Electric LM2500 gas turbine engines, 80,000 shaft horsepower (60,000 kW) 2 × controllable-reversible pitch propellers 2 × rudders Speed: 32.5 knots Range: 3300 nmi at 30 knots Troops: 400 Sensors and Processing Systems: AN/SPY-1A/B multi-function radar AN/SPS-49 air search radar AN/SPG-62 fire control radar AN/SPS-73 surface search radar AN/SPQ-9 gun fire control radar AN/SQQ-89(V)3 Sonar suite, consisting of AN/SQS-53B/C/D active sonar AN/SQR-19 TACTAS passive sonar AN/SQQ-28 light airborne multi-purpose system AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare Suite Electronic Warefare: Mark 36 SRBOC AN/SLQ-25 Nixie Armament: 2 × 61 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems 122 × Mix of RIM-66M-5 Standard SM-2MR Block IIIB, RIM-156A SM-2ER Block IV, RIM-161 SM-3, RIM-162A ESSM, RIM-174A Standard ERAM, BGM-109 Tomahawk, or RUM-139A VL-ASROC 8 × RGM-84 Harpoon missiles 2 × Mk 45 Mod 2 5 in / 54 cal lightweight gun 2 × 25 mm Mk 38 gun 2–4 × .50 cal (12.7 mm) gun 2 × Phalanx CIWS Block 1B 2 × Mk 32 12.75 in (324 mm) triple torpedo Armor: Limited Kevlar splinter protection in critical areas Aircraft: 2 × Sikorsky SH-60B or MH-60R Seahawk LAMPS III helicopters. [size="3"][b]Trident Class Battleships[/b][/size] Displacement: 45,000 tons 52,000 tons 57,000 tons Length: 861¼ ft 890 ft Beam: 108 ft Draft: 36 ft Installed power: 212,000 shp Propulsion: 4 screws;[1] GE geared turbines;[1] 8 B&W boilers Speed: 31 knots Range: 14,890 miles 11,700 miles (18,820 km) @ 20 knots (23 mph; 37 km/h)[2] Complement: ~2,700 officers and men (WWII, Korea)[1] ~1,800 officers and men (1980s)[1] Electronic warfare and decoys: 1980s: AN/SLQ-32(V)[4] AN/SLQ-25 Nixie[4] Mark 36 SRBOC[4] Armament: 9 × 16-inch / 50 cal. Mark 7 guns 12 × 5-inch/38 cal. Mark 12 guns 32 × BGM-109 Tomahawk 16 × RGM-84 Harpoon 3 x BrahMos Missiles 4 × 20 mm (78 inch).Phalanx CIWS[1][4] Armor: Belt: 12.1 in (310 mm),[5] Bulkheads: 11.3 in (290 mm),[5] Barbettes: 11.6 to 17.3 in (295 to 439 mm),[5] Turrets: 19.7 in (500 mm),[5] Decks: 7.5 in (190 mm)[5] Aircraft carried: World War II: 3 × Vought OS2U Kingfisher/Curtiss SC Seahawk Korea/Vietnam: 3 × helicopters Cold War/Gulf War: 5 × RQ-2 Pioneer Unmanned aerial vehicle[6] [size="3"][b]Apocalypse Class Destroyers[/b][/size] Displacement: 8,000 tons Length: 152.4 m (500 ft 0 in) Beam: 21.2 m (69 ft 7 in) Draught: 7.4 m (24 ft 3 in) Propulsion: 2 shafts Integrated electric propulsion(IEP); 2× Rolls-Royce WR-21 gas turbines, 21.5 MW (28,800 shp) each 2× Wärtsilä 12V200 diesel generators, 2 MW (2,700 shp) each[2] 2× Converteam electric motors, 20 MW (27,000 shp) each Speed: In excess of 29 kn (54 km/h; 33 mph)[3] Range: 7,000 nautical miles (13,000 km) at 18 kn (33 km/h) Complement: 190 (accommodation for up to 235) Sensors and Processing systems: SAMPSON multi-function air tracking radar (Type 1045) S1850M 3-D air surveillance radar (Type 1046) 2× Raytheon I-band Radar (Type 1047) 1× Raytheon E/F-band Radar (Type 1048)[4] Ultra Electronics Series 2500 Electro-Optical Gun Control System (EOGCS)[5] Ultra Electronics SML Technologies radar tracking system Ultra Electronics/EDO MFS-7000 sonar Electronic warfare and decoys: UAT16 Surface ship torpedo defence (SSTD) Armament: Anti-air missiles; Sea Viper air defence system. 48 cell SYLVER A50 VLS, for a combination of 48; Aster 15 missiles (range 2-30 km) Aster 30 missiles (range 3-120 km) BrahMos Missiles - 5 (290 km) CIWS system Guns; 1× BAE 4.5 inch Mk8 Mod. 1 gun 2× 30 mm guns 2× Phalanx CIWS 2× Miniguns 6× General-purpose machine guns 2× Quad Boeing AGM-84 Harpoon launchers (8 anti-ship missiles) BGM-109 Tomahawk land attack cruise missiles Aircraft carried: 1-2×Lynx HMA8, armed with; 4× Sea Skua anti ship missiles, or 2× anti submarine torpedoes Aviation facilities: Large flight deck Enclosed hangar [size="3"][b]S-400 Triumf (40N6)[/b][/size] Propellant solid propellant rocket motor Operational range 400 kilometres (250 mi) Flight ceiling 185 km[2] Boost time cold launch ejection system Speed Mach 12.0 Guidance system inertial guidance with radio command corrections Steering system gas dynamic flight control system [size="3"][b]Main Hell Gun[ /b][/size]Weight 1,858 kg (4,100 lb) Length 8.8 m (28 ft 10 in) Barrel length 37 calibers[1] Width 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) Height 2.13 m (7 ft) Crew 6 (normal), 4 (reduced) Calibre 105 mm (4.1 in) Breech vertical sliding block with electric firing mechanism Recoil hydropneumatic Carriage box trail, firing with wheels on the ground or platform Elevation -5.625° (-100 mils) to 70.3125° (1,250 mils) Traverse 360° (6,400 mils) on its platform and top traverse 5.625° (100 mils) left or right Rate of fire 6-8 rounds per minute Muzzle velocity maximum 708 m/s (2,320 ft/s) Maximum range 17,200 m (18,800 yd) (20.6 km (22,500 yd) extended range using base bleed) Sights optical dial sight on reciprocating mount or inertial using 3 ring laser gyros [size="3"][b]M-1 Abrams Tank[/b][/size] Weight 67.6 tons Length Gun forward: 32.04 ft Hull length: 26.02 ft Width 12 ft Height 8 ft Crew 4 (commander, gunner, loader, driver) Armor Chobham, RH armor, Depleted Uranium strike plates, Kevlar mesh Hull & turret - 350 mm vs APFSDS, 700 mm vs HEAT Main Armament 105 mm L52 M68 rifled cannon 120 mm L44 M256 smoothbore cannon with 42 rounds Secondary Armament 1 x .50-caliber (12.7 mm) M2HB heavy machine gun with 900 rounds 2 x 7.62 mm (.308) M240 machine guns with 8,800 rounds (1 pintle-mounted, 1 coaxial) Engine Honeywell AGT1500C multi-fuel turbine engine 1,500 shp (1,120 kW) Power/weight 24.5 hp/metric ton (18.27 kW/t) Transmission Allison DDA X-1100-3B Suspension Torsion bar Ground clearance 0.48 m (1 ft 7 in) Fuel capacity 500 gallons Operational Range: 426 km (265 mi) Speed : Road 67.6 km/h (42.0 mph) Off-road: 48.28 km/h (30.00 mph) [size="3"][b]Leopard 2A6 Kampfpanzer[/b][/size] Weight 62.3 tonnes Length 9.97 m Width 3.75 m Height 3.0 m Crew 4 Armour 3rd generation composite; including high-hardness steel, tungsten and plastic filler with ceramic component. Main Armament 1 x 120 mm Rheinmetall L55 smoothbore gun 42 rounds Secondary armament 2 x 7.62 mm MG3A1 4,750 rounds Engine MTU MB 873 Ka-501 liquid-cooled V-12 Twin-turbo diesel engine 1,500 PS (1,479 hp, 1,103 kW) at 2600 rpm Power/weight 24.1 PS/t (17.7 kW/t) Transmission Renk HSWL 354 Suspension Torsion-bar suspension Fuel capacity 1,200 liters Operational range 550 km (340 mi) (internal fuel) Speed 72 km/h (45 mph)
  22. OOC: Thank you for both of your input . I will adjust my times for missiles, tanks, and ships. I forgot to add planes but put them in now. Adjusted the cost to $400 billion. Good? Need feedback.
  23. [size="4"][b]CLASSIFIED[/b][/size] [quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1327776976' post='2908842'] In other news, 200,000 soldiers have been recruited into the army. Training has begun for these soldiers with fake weapos as of now. President Abdul has started a company to create weapons for the army. The President has put in an order for 800,000 FN SCARs and 800,000 Deset Eagles. More weapon orders will come later. (Total Cost of All Weaponry: $2.2 billion) [/quote] A report was laid on President Abdul's desk when he sat down at his desk to start the day's job. It had the military isignia on it, so he opened it immediately. He slowly read the report, absorbing as much as possible. When he sat back, thoughts were running throgh his head. "So, the 200,000 recruits have completed basic training and are moving to regional training. The desert and coastal regions were being set up for this. Some of the soldiers ere being trained to be officers. Another 212,008 people were rcruited to go through basic training. half the amount of FN SCARs and Desert Eagles have been manufactured. The Research and Development of the specs for the M-1 Abrams tanks, Leopard 2A6 Kampfpanzer tanks, S-400 Triumf Missile Version 40N6 Anti-Aircraft Weaponry, Artillery Guns, mid-range BrahMos missiles, F/A-37 Talons, B-2 Lancers, B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers, Corvettes, Landing ships, Battleships, Cruisers, submarines, and EMP missiles has been completed. Manufacturing of these have begun. An order has been put forward for the following: 2505 M-1 Abrams : 500 per month (OOC: 2 days) (5 to go) 2505 Leopard 2A6 Kampfpanzers : 500 per month (OOC: 2 days) (5 to go) 5010 S-400 Triumfs Missle Version 40N6 : 1000 per month (OOC: 2 days)(10 to go) 5010 Artillery Guns : 1000 per month (OOC: 2 days)(10 to go) 5000 Air to Land BrahMos Missiles : 400 per month (OOC: 2 days) (3000 to go) 5000 Sea to Sea BrahMos Missiles : 400 per month (OOC: 2 days) (3000 to go) 5000 Sea to Land BrahMos Missiles : 400 per month (OOC: 2 days) (3000 to go) 5000 Land to Sea BrahMos Missiles : 400 per month (OOC: 2 days) (3000 to go) 5000 Land to Land BrahMos Missiles : 400 per month (OOC: 2 days) (3000 to go) 6 Corvettes : See below 8 Landing Ships : See below 4 Battleships : See below 4 Cruisers : See below 4 Destroyers : 1 year for all ships OOC: 26 days) 840 F/A-37 Talons : 100 per month (OOC: 2 days) (340 to go) 240 B-2 Lancers : 100 per month [b]FINISHED[/b] 120 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers : 60 per month [b]FINISHED[/b] Total Cost: 400 billion EFD OOC: If any of these timings are absurd, please comment and say why. I want to make this reasonable. Specs will be given upon completion.
  24. The construction, R&D, weapon, and other bills are piling up. The information below is based on the costs every 2 weeks (OOC: 1 day in RL) [b][size="4"][color="#FF0000"]BILLS[/color][/size][/b] Construction :[color="#FF0000"]$20 billion[/color] R&D :[color="#FF0000"]$2 billion[/color] Weaponry :[color="#FF0000"]$2.2 billion[/color] Training :[color="#FF0000"]$995 million[/color] [u]Maintenance: [color="#FF0000"]$5 million[/color][/u] Total :[b][color="#FF0000"]$25.2 billion[/color][/b] [size="4"][b][color="#00FF00"]Revenue[/color][/b][/size] Tax Revenue :[color="#00FF00"]$57.7 billion[/color] [u]Oil Sales :$0 [/u] Total :[b][color="#00FF00"]$57.7 billion[/color][/b] Bi-weekly change: [color="#00FF00"]$32.5 billion[/color] [size="3"]Surplus: [color="#00FF00"]$181.6 billion[/color][/size] (OOC: Updated February 9th) [size="3"]Oil Surplus: 21.0 million barrels[/size] (OOC: Updated February 9th)
  25. To: Beckwith From: President Abdul I know Africa is not my business, but I can help you. My nation is establishing oil wells. While I cannot give you free oil, I would be willing to sell at $50 a barrel for this cause only.
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