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Joel James

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Everything posted by Joel James

  1. When the last visitor had left his room, King Simon temoved his plastered smile and sat down, holding his head in his hands. "Is it always this hard running a country?" He asked himself. "It was so much easier being on the staff". He thought back on what he had donw today. He wrote the Bill of Rights for the citizens in his country. Three hours of work put in there. It took so long to create the Bill. A few in Congress thought it wasn't needed, and other thought that it wasn't enough. It barely passed with 81 votes. He only managed to sway the last group of seven Congressmen by telling them that we will add on to it within 6 months. King Simon stood up and dragged himself into the shower. No better way to release your stress than by taking a nice long shower. Je turned the water up to full blast, and let the water carry away all of his troubles. After his shower, he put on a pair of clean clothes and slipped into bed. He wanted his 8 hours, the time that he could keep to himself. The rest of the Constitution would have to wait. He was exhausted.
  2. [quote name='jeff744' timestamp='1325217878' post='2888970'] Neo Roma votes to postpone the entry of the Solar Kingdom into USAN on the grounds of an unstable government which has already seen one king despite having a supposed majority support by the people. Neo Roma proposes that the vote be reopened when the Solar Kingdom displays an increase in its stability. [/quote] King Simon Bolivar would like to state that the old king retired in his own free will. If that is what is called instability, so be it. All that is going to change in the government is the poossible addition og Articles to the Constitution of The Solar Kingdom.
  3. King Simon Bolivar, with the support of Congress, has launched 2 warships to protect the Solar Kingdom coast. They do not want to invite trouble, but they feel that this is necessary.
  4. [u][i][b]Classified[/b][/i][/u] The Solar Kingdom has sped up its BrahMos missile research and started researching nukes in the face of war. They Kingdom is placed at DEFCON 3 due to the threat of war.
  5. Corvettes being relatively small and due to the large amount of workers in the shipyard, construction of the Corvettes were under way. The Solar Kingdom Corvettes were finshed beforehand, so they were sent to DROG due to war needs. Two shiny new Corvettes should reach DROG in 3 hours.
  6. Preliminary Constitution written http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107955
  7. [size="6"][center][i][u][b]The Constitution[/b][/u][/i][/center][/size] [u][size="3"][i][b]Article I-Preamble[/b][/i][/size][/u] [i]This is The Constitution of the Solar Kingdom. No person residing within the borders of this kingdom or carries the citizenship of this kingdom is above it.[/i] [size="3"][u][i][b]Article II-Check on the King's Power[/b][/i][/u][/size] [i]The 100-body Congress will be given more powers to limit the king's powers. 51 members of Congress must support the king's plans in order for them to come into effect. 67 members of Congress must apporve of a war in order for it to be fought. With the support of 70 members of Congress, the king can be impeached. The king can impeach any member of Congress as long as that removal has a majority support. To balance the king's power with Congress, the king is in charge of foreign relations, and can start any construction projects, both militar and civilian, domestic and international. [/i] [size="3"][u][i][b]Article III-Judiciary[/b][/i][/u][/size] [i]There are 31 courts situated around the country. They use logic, reason, and the Bill of Rights to deliver verdicts, and must explain the verdict to a jury to see if it is reasonable. The verdict need the support of the majority of the jury, unless it is based on the Bill of Rights. The jury is made up of common everyday citizens who are as unbiased as possible.[/i] [size="3"][u][i][b]Article IV-Additions and Changes[/b][/i][/u][/size] [i]This Constitution is the base of running the country. The first three articles are for limiting the kings power. Articles may be added on later, but only with 75 members of Congress approving it.[/i] [size="3"][u][i][b]Article V-Citizens Rights[/b][/i][/u][/size] In the Solar Kingdom, the citizens have rights that cannot be taken away from them. They are: 1. Freedom of Speech, Religion, assembly, and petition 2. Any citizen has the right to bear arms 3. the citizens have the right to privacy, and cannot be forced to quarter soldiers in peacetime 4. Searches, Arrests, and Seizures either need a warrant or a probable cause. 5. Secret trials are forbidden and no citizen can be charged with the same crimes except in some very rare cases. 6. The accused citizen has the right to be tried by a jury, and to legal counsel. 7. Forbids excessive bails and fines, as well as cruel and/or unusual punishment. 8. There are rights not mentioned in the Bill f Rights available to citizens
  8. King Simon Bolivar is grateful for the acknowledgement of the kingdom and the condemnation if DROG citizens being put on the terror watch list. King Simon Bolivar assures that the democratic reforms are being worked on. For now, the King is working on a constitution that has to me approved by at lease 60% of the population before being made law.
  9. the Solar Kingdom will watch this movement closely.
  10. OOC: I am still using the same account on the forums, so draw up some conclusions based on that. Also, if you check our news thread, you will see that I do have elected officals and judges.
  11. King Simon Bolivar will gladly authorize the project build you a class of Corvettes. I have just finished plans on a new class, and construction is under way. How many Corvettes would you like? My country is building some for oursleves while we build yours, so I would like to know how many you want to set up a suitable time frame.
  12. "Oh gosh" says King Joel James collapsing onto a couch.His skin is brown, but it felt even browner considering all the crap that he had taken today. He thinks back to the events of today and reflects "My citizens may like me, but foreign powers obviously do not." He goes through all his possible options, and settles on the last, unlikable but logical, idea. He will pick a new king to replace him. He checked his staff of South Americans he hired to help run his kingdom. His eyes rested on the last man in line. He calls out "Steven Gonzales, will you please step forward?" The man was tall and looked as if he hadn't shaved his beard in two weeks. He had a hard look in his eyes, as if he was determined to crush all emotion so none would escape. He looked tough, but King Joel James knew he was a kind man. He saw him give his dinner to a homeless person last week even though he had not eaten since two nights before. A powerful and kind man, to run a powerful and kind country. Steven replied "What can I do for you sir?" Joel James, trying to meet his gaze said "I have chosen you to be my successor as the King of The Solar Kingdom. It is time to put South American power back into South American hands." Steven was shocked. It could be seen in his eyes, which was surprising since he could hide his emotions so well. He said "As you wish sir, but at least let us talk about the future of the country and the future of you" The two mean sat down and started talking together. After hours of negotiations, both men were exhausted, and need a meal. this is what they had managed to come up with: 1. The kingdom shall remain a kingdom and keep the name of The Solar Kingdom 2. All treaties and trade agreements shall stand, and cannot be cancelled for at least 6 months 3. The soldiers from Gallifrey will remain in the city of Santiago until the treaty becomes void or Gallifrey pulls out. 4. The former King Joel James and the Indians that came with him will be able to live on a bit of land in the southern part of the nation 5. The new King Steven Gonzales will take on the new name of King Simon Boilvar. When the two men had finished their meal, Steven Gonzales asked King Joel James "When does the transfer of power take place?" Joel James quietly takes of the crown, places it on Steven Gonzales's head, and quietly leaves the palace. King Simon Bolivar stares in disbelief where the former king had exited, but recovered quickly. He had no time to gape. He had a country to run.
  13. [u][i][b]Immediate News[/b][/i][/u] [b]1.[/b] In the BrahMos missile project, scientists have managed to create thrusters to move a payload similar to the size of the real missile at Mach 1.2. There goal is to reach Mach 3 before constructing the missile. [b]2.[/b] The construction of the capital city and it's airfields are completed today. The other major cities are still under construction. [b]3.[/b] The manpower needed in the military and for construction is so great, unemployment has fell from 16% to 1.3%. [b]4.[/b] King Joel James's approval rating has gone from 25% to 60%. [b]5.[/b] The construction of the port city Santiago was started today. [b]PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD[/b]
  14. OOC: Anyone can answer, but will I always have to deal with crap like this in RP?
  15. The Solar Kingdom sends 250 soldiers to the port city of Demons Run. They will construct the warehouse and the tradeing post in Gallifrey. The Solar Kingdom also gives The Deomcratic Republic of Gallifrey to build a temporary barrack in the port city of Santiago to house a max of 10,000 soldiers.
  16. OOC: Can we just drop this? This is a news thread
  17. King Joel James thanks Vicidalia for its support.
  18. OOC: Look TBM, I had to RP the end of my nation in Asia somehow, and this seemed like the only logical course for me.
  19. I will try to explain this as easily as possible. We are the old leader os West India, and we decided to move our nation to South America. I no longer have any power in India. The ogvernment of Gallifrey and I did not feel like re-writing a new treaty, so we will use the old one. The only thing is I forgot to edit it and repost. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  20. [i][u][b]Immediate News[/b][/u][/i] 1. King Joel James has released a statement in the name of The Solar Kingdom. "While The Solar Kingdom does not support the conflict between The Grand Principality of Vicidalia and New Panama, it does not oppose it either. This kingdom will stay in a state of neutrality regarding the New Panaman conflict" The people of The Solar Kingdom thank there king for this choice, which will hopefully keep them out of war.
  21. To: New France Government From: King Joel James We are in need of 2 Cruisers and 2 Battleships made of the same design. Can you add this to the order? There is an additional $150 billion in it for you.You might need to re size it, but I will be willing to pay.
  22. To: New France Government From: King Joel James Even though $100 billion is a lot, I believe it is worth. $100 billion is being transferred to the New France government as I write this message.
  23. To: New France Government From: King Joel James I am requesting help in buidling a futuristic destroyer. Will you help me? Here are the specifics if you want to see them: 1. Nuclear Powered 2. Type 45 based 3. BrahMos missile capable 4. CIWS 5. Vertical Launch System 6. Sloping hull
  24. OOC: But Shammy, I am calm, I think. I am just making a statement of fact. If you think I need to calm down, then I will try to calm down even more. If I offended anyone with my previous post, please allow me to apologize. Thank you for telling me about the loss of privacy. I will keep that it mind.
  25. OOC: Evangeline, I can have you punished as well. No one should have known that I gave the land back to Triyun until he came and took it back. All I said was that I sent one final message to Triyun. Don't threaten Isaac when you are guilty of doing the same thing.
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