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Joel James

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Everything posted by Joel James

  1. I doubt you would let anyone take land in Africa that easily, but I see your point.
  2. The Goverment of West India has defrayed the costs od building the military denfenses. The defenses are being built as this announcement is being made.
  3. [u]Classified[/u] Damn, I wasn't able to get in on the fun.
  4. 8936 soldiers added to the Fourth Division 89 tanks added to the Fourth Division 1 Landing ship added 2 Destroyers added
  5. 1 Landing ship and 2 destroyers added 8936 soldiers added 89 tanks added
  6. An additional 20,000 and 200 tanks have been stationed at the northern West Indian border. 5 squadrons of Eurofighteer Tycoons stationed at the northern West Indian border.
  7. To: UFE High Command From: West Indian Armed Forces Standing by at the border of West India to attack Khalistan if needed. I can also have 5 squadrons of Eurofighter Tycoons redirected to bomb Khalistan if needed. May I proceed or should I leave it to you two?
  8. To: Spartan Regional Command From : West Indian Armed Forces Please stay out of this. I will also keep Vicidalia out of this, so it can remain a regional conflict. This might not even happen anyways. We might all have had too much vodka.
  9. Don't worry, you will not be outnumbered as long as I am here. I am sure his soldier max is not much past 20,000 soldiers.
  10. The Republic fo West India is in the Indian subcontinent with Khalistan, so it shuld probably remain a regional conflict, if the need arises for conflict.
  11. I could hit him and he would be erased in less than a week, but I am sure not many others will look to kindly to it.
  12. 600 Eurofighter Tycoons added
  13. OOC: Tidy Bowl Man, I do not plan to attack, but ishabad has an interest in my state of Maharashtra, and I don't want to take any chances. This is for DEFENSE.
  14. Keeping a force of 30,000 soldiers and 300 tanks have been stationed at the border of West India at elevated threat.
  15. the Goverment of West India has stationed 30,000 soldiers and 300 tanks at a military base at the northern border of West India in response to the invasion of Africa by Khalistan and the fact that Khalistan is interested in Maharashtra.
  16. You are not ready to be starting a worldwide empire. Tell us your reason for this military action first. Considering that UFE and I in West India are you're closest neighbors, please think this through.
  17. 6 ships have been added to the West Indian Navy.
  18. The 250 troops have been succesfully stationed in The Grand Principality of Vicidalia.
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