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Commander shepard

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Everything posted by Commander shepard

  1. I thought pulling a bipolar was going along with a coalition and then organizing the peacing out of alliances you're at war in order to attack another alliance that is planning an attack by setting them up.
  2. I heard white peace was being offered to them, that is awfully nice of them. I thought peace was going to take longer but it looks like people are ready to sit around the table, lets put this boring war behind us.
  3. Until TIO states otherwise officially, I'm just sticking to the OP that they're recognizing it.
  4. Not so as they do not have to recognize war with everyone, hence they did not.
  5. Well no, they're just choosing to recognize it with you. Hence the OP of them recognizing it.
  6. It's funny as I recall in the TIO and NATO DOW on sparta people were complaining about how RNR was not involved in the attack and were using the US bloc treaty wrongly to suggest it should be. And now people coming back and saying US should not recognize and attack on one as an attack on all and are using the bloc treaty wrongly to suggest it should not be. Bob is getting the unity it wanted from US from a month ago, is the unity not good enough?
  7. o/ TIO While I may be on the opposite side of the war, I wish you good luck in your fight.
  8. It's sad to see RAGE getting rolled, but on the other hand their current leader is inane and drove them down a dark path.
  9. Does it make a difference, a record is a record.
  10. Well no and yes as if it was a record, it would be joint record shared by GO and R&R.
  11. Someone drank all the silly juice, put your hands up and step away.
  12. Close to 80k was my war build up of aircraft and troops, my actual peace NS was 75k or so. I was at war for 20 days and my damage ratio's is due to your alliance getting a good beating.
  13. It is a far way off almost half(1 more full round at least is required) and it is not over half, STA actually lost close to 60% of their NS since this http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/119299-siberian-tiger-alliance-declaration/, that was only a month ago and a sizable chunk over half.
  14. There is a difference between going to war and staying at war.
  15. I thought your dislike of IRON was a reason to stay, you made a whole post about it. But hey my hat is off to everyone I fought in STA and I have a lot of respect for you guys. Because I know I sure hell would not be bragging after losing half my strength.
  16. It's a wonder why STA surrendered then. You guys were kicking ass, why did you stop?
  17. Honey, you're far too low to be receiving checks you can't cash.
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