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Scooby Doo

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Everything posted by Scooby Doo

  1. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1331361532' post='2936271'] Think we hit 800 nations next round? This wait (with very little information being given) can't be good. [/quote] I don't think they care. It can't be that hard to press a few keystrokes.
  2. [b]Sheriff Joe? [IMG]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/Joe-Arpaio-Fist-Angry-cropped-proto-custom_28.jpg[/IMG] Not taking Crap? [IMG]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/jan-brewer-finger-obama.jpg[/IMG] Aces and Eights? [IMG]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/cards3.jpg[/IMG] We are Arizona! [IMG]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/biteme.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1328574751' post='2915701'] I find the persecution of [u]A former Empress[/u] by the government of Ragnarok (and for OOC reasons, of all things!) to be shameful and disgusting and I'm hoping that the membership of Ragnarok will clearly stand together to right the wrongs committed on their behalf by their clearly evil government. [/quote] And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown. [b]"Enjoy your Harvest"[/b]
  4. The following PM came from Bob. He deserves whatever pain he receives. Nothing pleases me more. By the way, the issue was Bob's demand that tech be traded at 3 million for 150 tech. Good Riddance to Bob and those that supported him. [quote]Let me give you a little lesson on how things work here in Ragnarok: As an alliance with a large base of players, we can understand that not everyone will be passing through government at any point of their CN lives. Yet, the idea of whether one is in government service or not should be irrelevant, because it is the duty of each and every RoK member to help their alliance in whatever way they can. Another rule (it's not exactly specified but it's common practice) is that, when a member, be it a member of government or a Warrior or an Academy Student, expresses a continual dissatisfaction with a current state of events, we invite them into the planning areas of said operation and ask them to provide input and work in improving the department that they have issues with. We work with them, as a member of Ragnarok, in order to make this alliance the best possible place it can be. As you might be able to tell, I'm referring to the fallout of a certain thread that you posted in the Tech Selling area that was subsequently locked. Following the discussion in that thread (as well as numerous people explaining the issue with your point of view and giving reasonable counter arguments to it), it was determined that we should invite you and ask you to provide input as well as help make the Finance department the best it can be. So, we locked your thread (it had outlived it's purpose) and Adel sent you a PM detailing some of the actions you should take in order to help us improve the department. We were under the impression that, despite your delay of the assignment, you were going to make due on what was requested and provide the list that Adel had specified you would compile. Instead, you gave her a steaming pile of !@#$ in her PM box. That's where this scenario goes into baaaaaad !@#$@#$ territory, because it's when high gov gets involved. Your antiquated beliefs on "freedom of speech" on the Internet are ill-formed, as you were given the option to free speech as well as free assembly. If we were trying to censor you we would have locked the thread much earlier. Instead, we gave you more than adequate time to present your ideas, solutions, and to listen to counter arguments, and all we were given in return was a bare-ass to the face, courtesy of you. Your definition of "Freedom of Speech" is irrelevant, because the very concept is flawed and open to perception. In this case, freedom of speech extends as far as it does not become derogatory to anyone else, via because of their sex, color, view, whatever. That thread entered dangerous territory as soon as it became clear that you would rather just !@#$ on our current tech system than actually listen to others and work on a solution, so we closed it. It's not a question of debate and it's not in your rights to debate the decision as to why the thread was locked; not a single one of your "rights" was infringed upon. Go ahead and feel free to argue with me on that point... I'm a lawyer IRL, and I look forward to you trying to pull what you did with Adel on me. What I'd like from you are the following things: 1) An apology to Adel for your continual disrespect of her wishes, especially the request she made of you via PM last week. 2) Quote If you honestly have this much of a problem with slot useage among other things then get started. Your job now is to find buyers and sellers with empty slots. Rather than starting a thread !@#$%*ing about something that shouldn't even matter to you at this point, you are now required to do something productive. I want a list PM'd to me by Tuesday. You still haven't done what Adel asked you to. PM the list to her by Wednesday. 3) PM Rampage3 (our new Lord of Finance) and have a legit talk with him about what you and him want for the future of the Finance department. Be open to compromise and listen to his ideas; he just might know a little more about CN economics than you do, and there is plenty to learn. As a last request, do yourself a favor and actually listen to what we're saying. I don't want to come back here, because if I do, I'll be angry, and then you won't want me to come back either. Bob[/quote]
  5. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1327219985' post='2904627'] I think you'll be glad to know that one of the first things I've done as Emperor is making any tech deal under 3/100 illegal... that way idiots like you won't have anything to complain about anymore... we don't do 3/50 deals. No one in their sane mind does. Get it together, man. Thank you to everyone for their support and kind words. I really appreciate it. [/quote] I'm sure everyone will follow you blindly. NOT. Enjoy driving ROK into the the ground.
  6. [quote name='Commander shepard' timestamp='1327056095' post='2903507'] Can't say I'm a fan of Scooby Doo. But him getting bill-locked is good enough for me. [/quote] [b]Jinkies![/b] Bill Lock? Timely Scooby Snacks/victories allowed me to survive. Best of luck to all my former opponents! [IMG]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/TheGang.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1327026738' post='2903299'] I'm worse than GOONS. [/quote] No your not, GOONS have wit, you have none.
  8. Greed. Goes right back to the basic 3 million for 50 tech deal. When the tech buyers get greedy they get burned. Certain alliances are so concerned about raping new nations for what ends up being free tech, they forgo everything for their precious stats. Send em back cash and tell them to go find someone else to rape.
  9. Lowlife move. Just the fact that you have to post page after page of justification shows how little thought went into this. Enjoy the beatdown on anarchied nations just out of war. Ya'll are idiots.
  10. My NS: 9,968.205 In Anarchy My days of nuclear anarchy remaining: 2 My opponents NS: 18,848.013 Updeclare? Total Lie. And I will never fight alongside Liars. Enjoy your Loss.
  11. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1321857209' post='2847946'] See my edit. We can't nuke you til tomorrow night.. get some partners to change resources or get the FSS, and you're golden. [/quote] Why couldn't you have at least waited for Nations to come out of Anarchy before you it em? Why? Because of your character. You avoided a fair fight with you BS justification. Poor Move, No way around it.
  12. As far as I can see, the war is over. And pork shrimp is the loser.
  13. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1321856301' post='2847912'] Yeah.. I know what it's like Clash. Anyways, I see there are a lot of people upset here. Heh. Good luck in the wars. tW and RD, nice job getting counters out ASAP. [/quote] Good luck? You are an Idiot. Quit trying to justify your curbstomp on anarchied nations. The previous war wasn't even over until changeover. Pork Shrimp is worthless.
  14. What a Punk move. Don't believe a word they say. Their stats are lies. Their justification is a lie.
  15. What a bunch of DIRTBAGS. I zeroed my troops. I'm dumping everything. I've never seen such a lowlife move.
  16. Congrats to my Flying Kiwi Buddies. Y'All Rock.
  17. [color="#48D1CC"][size="7"][font="Impact"][b]ROK ON![/b][/font][/size][/color] [img]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/ROKINIT2.png[/img]
  18. [img]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/Avalanch102.png[/img]
  19. [img]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/avallanche.png[/img] [img]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/avalanche2.png[/img]
  20. [img]http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g388/ScoobyDoo910/DownhillCropped.png[/img]
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