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Keysariyt Hanssen

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Everything posted by Keysariyt Hanssen

  1. If you had came to discuss this with the relevant NoR government members (there are 12 of us there was plenty of choice) then you wouldn't have gone to such waisted lengths just to find out we didn't support this.
  2. Based upon the insignia, Herr Hauptfeldwebel would be more appropriate. But at least you stand up for the Odal. Also, the Odal in action for haters:
  3. If this isn't really about NoRway then what the heck is it? Because every time I read the petition I take note of the fact that Nordreich is mentioned (and erroneously translated) in the very first sentence. If we aren't the true subject, then why on this God forsaken world did you even mention us? Your idea to try and gain more members on this game, through a farce that happened several years ago, which is dying due to the game itself being outdated is nothing more than a sham and should be treated as such by any rational human being. If anything, this is gaining more negative PR for NoR than it is positive PR for CN.
  4. Congratulations to everyone, tell letub not to be a stranger now.
  5. Prove it so we can start dropping the banhammer. I like the banhammer.
  6. This is where Wilhelm needs to jump in and show off his collection of Bundeswehr Odal ranks.
  7. And this is a terrible ploy at best to bring in the tiniest most remote imaginable number of players who won't last 25 days to actually see their nations slip into inactivity.
  8. Thanks for asking Nordreich how we feel about this, you know, as would be courteous.
  9. As possibly the only Nordlander who doesn't drink, this thread is rather dry. o/ GATO
  10. Very respectful way of dealing with this Yuurei.
  11. The system is bad and you should feel bad.
  12. Steaming along to fight the good fight. Another bloc comes to end. o/ RON
  13. Happy birthday NSO! Have fun reading Tywin's posts for another 5 years.
  14. Two great alliances come together. o/ GATO o/. TTE
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