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Everything posted by Rextu

  1. Two Minutes To Midnight would be so much more awesome. Ahh well, we can't have Iron Maiden everywhere.
  2. I was about to say; it's a funny comment coming from somebody [nc1701] who left MCXA when he was questioned about repeated trolling and taking part in a conspiracy to take over the government with his cronies. Even more interestingly so, Francesca was one of those cronies.
  3. I still think the hole in the wall show is better.
  4. Looks like Jonathan Brookbank should buy a lottery ticket.
  5. Funny, I was thinking about the likelihood of something like this last night. Looks like Reverie read my mind.
  6. Member since I started in January 07 until about April/May 07. Probably before about most of the players in this game started.
  7. Because I'm !@#$@#$ insane.
  8. No porn... like there's a shortage of that on the internet.
  9. Looks like a pretty solid charter. Best wishes for your new alliance.
  10. That could be something sig worthy: "I dream of a day when there will be no more STA SoTAs. Be optimistic!" Nevertheless, a great achievement from the Tigers.
  11. Good things just never last. It's very much like a dream--always waking up just as the good part comes.
  12. You can not imagine how happy I am to see an announcement from STA which is not a State of the Alliance address.
  13. War on an alliance which is in perma-peace mode and a suicide march to the biggest alliance in the game. This, I like.
  14. Damn. Already a thread about this. I should be more observant. Topic left to the mercy of mods/spammers and all the rest.
  15. If you were observant enough, you would have noticed a link to the (fake) Mod Control Panel, which would allow you to delete nations and such. So who did you try to delete or install a tracking worm against? I'll start -- Baden Wurttemburg (first nation I looked at) EDIT: 1 point for each deletion attempt against you. Who will win?
  16. Sounds cool. Probably a good opportunity for some alliances to renew their ties to the MCXA
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