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Everything posted by supercheese

  1. "If Quebec truly wanted peace, they would not involve themselves in this conflict and cause it to spread."
  2. Private message to Texas: "Our allies are always welcome. I look forward to our meeting." OOC: I consider this meeting to have happened before the current conflict involving Texas.
  3. It does not make them invincible. They can still go to war with a GMs permission should the other guy refuse to preplan it.
  4. There are rules if they say no GMs can give them permission.
  5. OOC: there is a large difference between a war and a massacre. Icly my troops will arrive after you have left.
  6. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1339161592' post='2979344'] Diocese has fell into Anarchy, Probably returning it to Cuba as the agreement stated. [/quote] Indeed please rename Jamacia has a Cuban protectorate.
  7. OOC: Actually this is exactly what I said would happen. IC: A 50000 man peacekeeping force assembled and moved into Jamacia quickly putting down any resistance. F-15Es flew above the airspace to enact a no fly zone.
  8. Official statement from the Cuban command: " We urge that what remains of the Diocese military and Government to quickly repel this terrorist attack. If this does not happen, we will see Diocese has in a state of anarchy and will act has per our agreement when Diocese became independent. Should Diocese require assistance in the current conflict we will provide what we can".
  9. 20:56 Ty Well I'm telling you right now you have access 20:56 Ty However, I accept whatever conditions the closed war brings 20:56 *** Subtleknifewielder left #cnrp 20:56 Ty If it's not allowed, so be it All of #cnrp was there to witness.
  10. Few things First off i use SU-35s not isaac. Ty did say i could have access over irc... idk if i would also require jed's permission. You can ask ty when he gets on though.
  11. "We are saddened to see that the objective NADU had come together to try and achieve has failed. We would still be interested in establishing a more personal alliance with the mexican government, should they be interested." Currently, with the NADU being seen has a complete failure, revisions of Cuba's commitment to the organization is underway. "We also support the Calzada doctrine."
  12. [quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1338947627' post='2978013'] I dont think it right that Isaac or others can magic up an advance in technology and put it immediately on the front- in real life, WWII America for example, once it hit say 1942/3 the Americans just didn't pull the P-51 Mustang outta their butts and start flying it- new advances had to be manufactured and then brought to the front lines. [/quote] Heh, he could easily say it was about to go into active use. The real problem would be fitting the F-22s with the advances while hes being pounded.
  13. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1338945761' post='2977992'] Does the reverse work too say I went from 300 tech to 50 I wouldn't have to reduce my RP tech? [/quote] yup. unless all of your equipment were to be wiped out and you had to build new ones.
  14. [quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1338945418' post='2977987'] Be aware if Isaac has upped his tech IG then his stats in RP change accordingly. As it has been established IG takes precedance over RP the same works in reverse. If I ended up going to zero tech IG I would need to change my RP stats to match. [/quote] Actually thats only to an extent. Because Isaac was not 2005 tech when this war started, none of his equipment is to that level unless he specifically RPs it being brought to that level during the conflict.
  15. just fyi isaac is not attempting to hide behind non combatants i'm just using it has a way to move my troops.
  16. [quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1338868054' post='2977264'] OOC: Supercheese- assuming that Greenland is not in this war which he isnt you should not be allowed to move though Florida. [/quote] OOC: since we are allies, and he has given me permission, I can.
  17. "At this point, The Republic of Cuba is now in a state of war with West Virginia and The Nutmeg empire." Classified A 100,000 man force had been assembled, along with 1000 tanks, 5000 afvs, and the bulk of the Cuban air force. The forces would quickly move and assemble in Florida then begin moving towards Carolinan territory, eta being 14 hours. The air force would move much faster, 20 squadrons of F-23s armed with 4 AIM-120 Amraam medium ranged air to air missiles backed by another 25 squadrons of SU-35s armed with 12 R-77 missiles. They would fly along the Florida and Georgian coasts for the majority of the flight, once nearing USC territory they would turn in and head towards the capital to link up with any other friendly aircraft. Emergency recruitment has begun and recruitment offices are flooded with new recruits ready to fight for the Republica. North Carolina The SU-35s had arrived, to late to help out against the bomber. But with reports coming in of a attack on the Carolina's they were given new orders. They would Fly 20 miles out from the capital city, radars turned off, making them rely on vision. When enemy bombers approached they would quickly turn radars on and come alive, engaging enemy bombers on their descent/approach to attack the ground. If enemy fighters show up they would pull back, unless they had more fighter support from allied air force.
  18. Classified War Prep The reserves have been activated, radars brought to full alert, naval and air patrols around Cuba at all times and the mobilizing of all military forces have begun. Intelligence satellites have turned their attention to north eastern America and the preparations for a intervention force to move into the Carolina's has begun. Should it come to it, we are prepared for a war.
  19. "We echo what our Mexican allies have said. Try to find a diplomatic resolution before resorting to further bloodshed. Should this fail, we will act in defense of our allies in the Carolina's."
  20. "Heh, we should respond. Those pilots we put in mississippi have been siting on their asses doing nothing. Let them get some work done." The 2 squadrons sent to mississippi for the peacekeeping force would quickly mobilize and head out to fly threw the dixie confederacy and into the USC. Private Message to the Dixie confederacy "Do to the USCs recent request for assistance we will be deploying two squadrons of our SU-35s to assist them. They will require to fly threw your airspace has it is the quickest response possible. I hope you understand, one NADU nation to another." Private Message to the USC "Two SU-35 squadrons will be deployed to fly threw Dixie confederacy airspace and into the USC. ETA 50 minuets."
  21. Classified Several new navy ships have been cleared for operation today. Littoral Combat Ship (corvette) 1 Modernized Montana class battleship 1 Gepard class frigate 1 kirov class battlecruiser 1 zumwalt class destroyer 1 Wasp Class amphibious assault ship 1
  22. [quote name='vandelsand' timestamp='1338520864' post='2975495'] Little red head !@#$%^&. Rota will do very well, I expect. She has the drive and the know how. Don't hate, haters. [/quote] who da fuq are you?
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