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Everything posted by supercheese

  1. Carlos was surprised by his greeting, but enjoyed it and the party anyways. "Well this has been the most fun diplomatic mission I have been on. Anyways, and ODAP is possible. Do you have any write up that you would like to propose.?"
  2. The creature roared in pain from the stabs in his legs and arm. He dropped Jia, using his good arm to slam him a good distance away. He turned to Theresia, blocking against the log and picked her up and threw her away from him. He turned his attention to the sword in his arm, which he pulled out while roaring in pain. Snapping most of the spear out of his leg he decided to run off instead of continuing this fight and lick his wounds. Despite the antagonizing pain in his leg he sprinted off into the woods, a trail of blood behind him.
  3. The dagger hit its mark, striking the creature hard in his chest. Luckily for the Yeti however, his thick muscles supported by large dense bones in his chest kept the dagger from doing any real damage and only served to anger the creature who turned his attention to Jia, sprinting forward towards him and lifting his powerful arm to knock him into next week. He then would lift Jia, slamming him against a nearby tree. Repeatedly.
  4. The creature, attracted by the smoke from the campsite, slowly and quietly approached. It stayed hidden deep in thick foliage, sizing up the party and picking his first snack. Locking eyes on his target he released another massive roar and emerged from the foliage. He stood nearing 7 and a half feet tall, covered in a rough, thick, dirt stained white fur. Underneath the fur were massive muscles capable of picking up bears in a single hand while In his mouth were a row of razor sharp teeth, stained yellow, brown, and red. Above them were deep dark yellow eyes filled with hunger for the little creatures before him. With a ground shaking roar he charged, moving remarkably fast for a creature of his size, towards the closest target which happened to be Angelika.
  5. While Theresia and Angelika sat in the stream a loud, deep, blood curdling roar could be heard coming from up the stream.
  6. The Cuban representative spoke for the first time, hearing the mention of Cuba. "We have not acted in any way which would make it appear we expect any invasion." After saying that he lost interest in the conversation again, returning to drawing doodles in his notepad.
  7. Carlos Ernes was sent to meet with the UCNA in Charlotte.
  8. Public After a fair and public trial, Angelo Garcia was sentenced to death with the execution to happen within the next week. In other news, the trial against former Chicago Prime Minister is to begin next week. Semi-classified All troops have returned home, military alertness has dropped, and reserves deactivated. The navy has returned to port in Guantanamo Bay. Classified Design of a new missile for the S-400 is underway, which will fill the militarys need for a high altitude anti-bomber missile. All fighters are being refitted with a fly-by-optics system to replace fly by wires systems.
  9. A alarm buzzed through the prison. Then a message would be sent to all guards. "Prison riot, repeat prison riot. This may be it boys, the big escape attempt. Stay on your toes." Down below in the court yard guards rushed into the crowd of prisoners, attempting to take control of the situation. Alex and his team rushed to Angelo Garcias cell, he sat there smiling. "So I assume my friends have come?" Alex said nothing, instead took up a defenesive position in front of Garcia's cell. "Alright you know what to do." Two men in prison guard dress walked down a cell block. Most of them were empty, with the prisoners out in the riot and there were no other guards in the area, all attempting to fight off the riot. The men came down to a cell at the end of the block. "Its time. Lets go." They chained the man up and quickly walked to the parking area. "Get in." The prisoner climbed into the back of a small van, one of the guards with him. The other guard climbed infront and drove, they stopped infront of the checkpoint, the guard on duty approaching. "I will need to see your paperwork to transport this prisoner." "Oh ok." The driver pulled out his pistol, silenced, and shot the man. They quickly drove off. "Really putting guards on me is not really needed." Alex snickered. "You really that confident on escaping?" Garcia smiled "Oh no, you got it all wrong. I have no intention of leaving this cell." Alex looked back in alarm, then pulled out his phone. "Lock this place down, now." "Its to late sir, we were going to tell you. The east checkpoint, the guard, he is dead. They are gone." Alex slammed his gun onto the table infront of him. "Find out who escaped, now."
  10. "That is understandable and acceptable, and I thank you for coming today. Unless you had anything else you wished to discuss you are free to begin moving troops and equipment into Cuba."
  11. Public The government of Cuba announces the end to the Cuban-Chicago conflict. "It is still unclear as to the start of the conflict, but I am happy to say the conflict did not end as bloody as it could of." Said president Marco. From reports gathered, the enemy seemed to of collapsed under the weight of the Cuban offensive. With the Ex Prime Minister of Chicago in Cuban custody a trial is being prepared for war crimes against her. It will be a fair and public trial and she will be properly represented. If other nations choose, they are welcome to send observers. Reports say all Prisoners of War not connected to war crimes have been released, with no reason to keep them in custody. Control of the region is being transfered to the Republic of Indianapolis and every day more brave troops arrive home to their families. But that can not be said for all the troops. Currently a hundred identified corpse of Cuban soldiers have been located with another 40 seriously injured. This number is expected to rise as Chicago is searched for MIA soldiers. "For these soldiers they paid the ultimate price for their nations, for their sons and daughters wives brothers sisters. The least we can do is ensure their families are taken care of." Said an anonymous military offical. And its true, currently all families who have lost a loved one or has one who has been injured during the conflict are being reimbursed with quite a sum of money.
  12. [quote]Response to The Republic of Indianapolis You are welcome to begin taking control of the region. Our troops will begin pulling out of the region as yours replace them.[/quote] Classified The bulk of the navy returned home, along with the amphibious landing force. Troops and equipment will begin transferring back to Cuba with Indianapolis forces moving in. The ex-governmental leaders would be transferred to Combinado del Este under heavy guard while they await trial. All POWs not linked to war crimes have been released.
  13. [quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1340926760' post='2999677'] How many of these wars were preplanned? I don't seen Triyun's part as needing preplanning as she attacked Cuba with his fleet in the middle of it, but Mara's part? [/quote] Mara's probably should of been wiped but with rota quiting Chicago it really does not make a difference.
  14. "That is acceptable, and with recent events I do agree with you on the threats in North America. The only thing I ask is for a NAP. If you are in agreement I would like to propose this." [quote][b]Tianxia-Cuban Non-Aggression Pact[/b] Both signatories agree to not perform in any action of hostilites against each other, nor suport a 3rd party in doing so. Signed for Tianxia Signed for Cuba[/quote] On another note, I would like to thank you and your nation for assisting in the defense of Cuba and putting an end to a hostile and destabilizing regime in North America.
  15. With a beachhead obtained, air and naval dominance secured, and the enemy in retreat Cuba took the oppurtunity. The 1st airborn division, along with 100 tanks were dropped into the Glenview naval airbase, while SU-35s rearmed with a variety of air to ground munitions, the time had come to take Chicago. Drones took to the sky locating enemy armor, SAM and artillery positions which would be hit hard from the air and heavy guns of the Cuban navy. With the enemies defense crippled the 1st airborn division, along with its armor would push into the city. With the enemy panicked and disorganized the Cuban military quickly ripped through the city. By the end of the day the battle was won with minimal casualties and the city of chicago under Cuban control. Silence soon feel over the city of Chicago with the enemy retreated captured or dead. A black wasp squad landed outside Chicagos capital building, finding that the guards had abandoned the building they quickly marched in, locating the Chicago prime minister and several other key leaders of chicago they were flown to the Cuban fleet awaiting transport back to Cuba to face trial for war crimes. A message would be sent to west virginia. [quote]To: West Virginian military command From: Cuban comman We have succesfully invaded and currently occupy the city of Chicago. With the the prime minister and several other leaders currently under Cuban arrest and any others dead or in hiding the nation of Chicago is currently in a state of anarchy. We are prepared to assist you in pacifiying the regions and beging to transfer control of the region to you. We await your response.[/quote]
  16. Eva, please stop. Just because you do not like how cnrp is done does not mean the rest of us don't.
  17. If you do not want to deal with the war no one is saying what you do has to be cannon. You can do your own thing that way and not deal with anyone.
  18. Public [b]Breaking News[/b] Angelo Garcia, the founder and leader of a terrorist organization attempting to overthrow the government for more then a year now has finally been located and arrested. He is currently being held in Combinado del Este under heavy guard with evidence suggesting a possible escape attempt in the near future. He was located during a drug raid by police who were surprised to see the most wanted man in Cuba in the middle of the operation. "We have reason to believe his organization was leading drug sales for one of their sources of cash." Said the head investigator of the operation. "The arrest of this man means now all citizens of Cuba can rest easier tonight." Said chief of police in Santiago de Cuba. Currently investigators are pulling together all evidence for the case against Angelo Garcia and have already confirmed he was behind a number of attacks and murders including the attempted assasination on President Marco a few months earlier. Black Wasp guards are watching Angelos cell and the entire prison and an increase number of guards and an increase in police alertness in and around the prison has occured when the chief of the prison stated that evidence had come to their attention that there would be a attempted break in the prison. Police refuse to say more on the situation.
  19. [quote]To: Lucius Vanguard You will be allowed to send a reporter, as long has he/she is aware of the risks of entering a conflict zone and we will not be able to ensure no harm comes to him.[/quote]
  20. [img]http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p626/supercheese2/untitled.jpg[/img] thats 50% Requesting this spyroll to capture Rotas government.
  21. [quote]Response to John Brooks Minister of Foreign Affairs for The Republic of Indianapolis Our ships are only there to put an end to a hostile regime. We will ensure no threat will come to you or your ships and we will not allow this conflict to expand out of Chicago's borders. [/quote]
  22. The approaching fighters sent the navy just off the coast along with fighters in the air into a panic. A message would be sent. [quote]To: The Northern Imperium From: Cuban command Greetings, it has been a while since we have had much contact. Currently our forces are moving in to secure Chicago as we speak, we already have boots on the ground and control of the skies, while your support is welcome we must request you avoid the city of Chicago to avoid unneccessary loses of life.[/quote]
  23. Currently there is no arguement about this war. If mara gets involved that would be for a different war and not connected to this one.
  24. It was time to take the war to the enemy. The entire navy set out, save submarines to Quebec to enter the Great Lakes Waterway. In the air were 20 C-5 Galaxys covered by two squadrons of F-23s. When the ships came close to West virginian waters a message would be sent to West Virgin [quote]To: West virginian military command From: Cuban command Our navy is going to remove a threat to both your nation, and to the stability of North America. I am sure you are aware of the recent attack by Chicago against Cuba, well today we move to remove this hostile and insane regime. I message you today to attempt to arrange for our transport aircraft to be refueled before entering the assualt on Chicago. I thank you for your time and understand if you deny this request. [/quote] The navy would pull along the Chicago coasts and imediately launch 2 squadrons of F-23s armed with four AIM-120D missiles to begin jamming radars on the ground and removing any enemy air craft in the air. Another 4 squadrons of SU-35s would take to the air to assist with anti air operations armed with 3 ECM radar jamming pods and 12 vympel R-77 missiles. Once air dominance was established drones with infrared detection would begin locating enemy troop positions along the coast and forwarding it to the navy who would then level the area. This would be continued until the enemy retreated or was whiped out then the next phase of the attack would begin. The amphibious assualt ships would spring to life, sending 4,600 soldiers in to secure the beahces, backed with the heavy fire power of the navy and 60 AH-1Z vipers armed with 16 AGM-114 HellFire missiles. Troops would be armed with man portable SAMs and a direct communications link to the air force to clear any enemy helicopters that tried to get in the way. They would make a push to the Glenview naval airport, destroying anything unlucky enough to get in its way with overwhelming firepower from the air and the navy. Once the airport was secured the C-5 galaxys would come in for a landing to unload more troops and tanks. Then the real fight would begin.
  25. We recognize and welcome this new nation to America.
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