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Everything posted by supercheese

  1. [quote]Hola. Estaríamos encantados de discutir las relaciones entre nuestros pueblos. Una reunión se creará de inmediato. From: Government of Cuba To: Her Majesty's Government of the Northern Imperium [/quote] OOC: can we do it in english from this point on? also assume the meeting has started... be it in my nation yours or a video meeting i dont mind.
  2. Cuba will order a thousand of these figures.... for classified reasons.
  3. "We recognize and welcome this new nation to North America and look forward to working with you in the future."
  4. [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1335918419' post='2961908'] Sooo tempted...ah, what the heck, I'll throw in my hat with the Dalianists, just to be the odd man out here. [/quote] beat me to it.... i will be subtles second in command if its cool with you.
  5. "We are saddened to see yet another collapse of what had appeared to be a stable nation." Private to Greenland "Should you require any assistance we are willing and ready to help to achieve and maintain stability in the former Atlantic Confederacy."
  6. "We agree. Why further blood shed and foster hatred if a peaceful solution has been offered?"
  7. "As are we. Thank you for coming today."
  8. "That would be acceptable. We have been looking into clean and efficient power supplies to take over power requirements from some of our older, less clean power plants, If they would be interested in selling us some."
  9. A box of morale cigars would be sent to the brave forces of marscurian siberia, scraped together from all the broken rejected cigars in the dumpster out back. Enjoy. [img]http://www.cigars-of-cuba.com/images/CIGARS/SECONDS.jpg[/img]
  10. "I'm sure a trade agreement would be acceptable. Did you have any document in mind?"
  11. [quote][b]Cuban-Texan Optional Defense/Economic Cooperation Pacy[/b] Preamble: The nations of Cuba and The Republic of Texas agree to work together for a greater friendship between said nations. Article 1: The signatories shall not participate in any form of aggression against the other nor support a third party in doing so. Article 2: Should either of the signatories be attacked the other is encouraged but not required to defend the other. Article 3: Both signatories agree to increase economic cooperation and loosen trade restrictions for greater economic growth between our nations. Signed for Cuba Signed for Texas[/quote] "How does this look?"
  12. Classified 4 military satellites have been launched today. Satellite 1- All around Secure military communications systems Satellite 2 and 3- Intelligence operations use Satellite 4- Communications system for Eagle Eye use
  13. She was escorted to a meeting room where Justice Boomer was waiting to meet her. "Welcome. Please, have a seat. So what is it that takes you all the way to our little corner of the world today?"
  14. [quote][b]To: Georgette Lemare From: Cuban Foreign Ministry[/b] We would be honored to have you come to Havanna to discuss trade relations.[/quote]
  15. [quote name='Vespassianus' timestamp='1335110978' post='2957150'] 5 years and your biggest nation is 82k. Truly successful alliance. [/quote] Hey, sorry, you got a 5 year old alliance? No yeah im sure your 5 year old alliance is way better than ours.
  16. "The hounds have been silent recently. We haven't gotten any intel on them in weeks." Alex was reading his reports a look of frustration on his face. "We need to give them something to come out of the shadows for." Alex looked at Juan. "What did you have in mind?" "This is the worst kind of day. Hot and dry, I'm not even sweating the air just sucks it up." Juan took a look out into the bay, where he could see the aircraft carrier pulling in to dock. Juan walked into a small bar and gave a sigh of relief at the feeling of air conditioning. "That's much better." Passing a few waiters and a group of tourists wearing what he thought to be ridiculous red and pink outfits he walked up to the barmen. "Hey Rick. The usual." Rick pulled out a bottle of beer fresh from a freezer. "Haven't seen you here in a bit. Here its on the house." A man siting at the corner of the bar lifted his cell and pretended to be replying to a text. Instead he took a few snaps of Juan before paying for his drinks and leaving. "Hey, you aren't gonna believe what I found." Shortly after a group of men stood in an alley way a few blocks off. "So you are sure its him?" The man passed the phone "Yeah its him. No mistaking it." Another man pulled out a small bag "You have done well. Here's your pay." The first man gave a small smile "Don't you think i get a bit more than that, i mean i did take the risk to tell you about him and hes a pretty big target for you guys. I think i deserve a little more. Or perhaps the police will be receiving an interesting phone call on info on you guys." The group laughed. "Your right here take this instead..." The man quickly pulled out a pistol and shot him. "Actually take two." He shot him again. A few minuets later police where on the scene and Alex got a call. "Its begun." "Stick to the plan. We didn't expect him to get killed but you cant predict everything." A sea stallion on board the aircraft carrier prepared for lift off, a platoon of black wasp agents boarding. "What the hell is going on here? Who ordered this?" The captain of the ship came out fury in his eyes. He looked at a group of sailors and marines who looked just has stunned has he was. "Stop them until I get to the bottom of this." "Uh, Yes sir." The group of about 8 men cut the platoon off from entering the transport. A man walked up to them "I order you to stand down and move out of our way." The marines and sailors looked confused "I'm afraid i can not do that, sir. I am under orders to prevent this transport from boarded." The captain came towards the man with a few more marines joining the others around the aircraft. "Just what the hell do you think your doing?" The Black wasps commander said nothing but instead pulled out a letter. "I'm sorry its so short timing. Here is a letter from command giving me access to your ship and that transport. Now, I would greatly appreciate it if you told these men to stand down and give me access to this transport." The captain grabbed the paper and gave a nod of his head. "!@#$@#$ command needs to keep me posted on this kind of thing." The commander looked at him again. "This is top secret, only you and I were given access to that paper. We couldn't send it via radio. I expect that paper to be destroyed after you finish with it." The captain folded it up. "Yeah, sorry for the mix up." Back at the bar Juan finished off his beer when he heard the ring of the door open and the group of men walk in. "Finished this just in time" Juan thought to himself. The group of men took the row of empty seats next to the left of Juan, cutting him off from the exits. They ordered their drinks. Rick turned to go into the kitchen to refill his little fridge. That's when it started. Positioned outside were men just standing about trying their best not to draw attention. No far off the sound of a helicopter could be heard. In the docks just below a trio of coast guard fast transport ships had gotten into position, a group of 14 coast guards along with Alex stood waiting to move in. Rick heard the commotion in the bar and quickly grabbed his gun, thinking a robbery. He walked out to find Juan on one end of the bar, the group of men had cut off his exit, all armed with knives. "Alright this !@#$ ain't happening in more bar. Take it else where." Rick pulled out his gun pointing at the group. The group hesitated and another pair of men came in from behind. Juan watched the two "tourists" he had seen earlier quickly take on the group of men. In reality they weren't tourists at all but wasps. The group quickly recovered from their shock and quickly began overpowering the two men. "Go now." Juan quickly made it out of the bar. A few seconds the sound of a bullet shot was heard. A second then a third. Three men came out after him all carrying their own guns. Alex heard the shots. "IT's time! Lets move." The squad of coast guards quickly began making their way up the docks towards the bar. Meanwhile in the air the helicopter got their reports that it had begun. Police where blocking the street off already and soon it would be clear for them to land. "Alright men we will be going in soon. Prepare yourselves you may be heading into the middle of a firefight." Back on the ground Juan quickly got to his cover. He looked up to get a sight of the situation. All around him he watched men get into position. The number of cars and civilians in the area have dwindled but not been completely removed. The helicopter want land until they are gone. He pulled out his pistol and got ready, picking who was going to be his first target. He had plan to get the first shot, instead he quickly ducked has the sound of an assault rifle could be heard firing onto his position. "Damn." He quickly went back up and returned fire, taking out a man attempting to get into a flanking position. Not far away Alex heard the sounds of gun fire. "Lets pick up the pace. Remember shoot to incapacitate, not kill. We want to capture has many has possible." Juan had gone threw his clip and quickly reloaded his second one. He had plenty for now but at this rate he was going to run out. It was either that or be overwhelmed by flanking enemies. He went back up then fell back down. "Son of a !@#$%*!" A bullet had skinned his right side of his face, he could not see out of his right eye and it hurt like hell. "Damn it." His gun had fell out of the cover of his position and he knew the enemy was surrounding him. He heard the sound of intense gun fire and believed it was aimed at him, that it was over. He opened his one good eye to find himself still alive. Alex and two coast guards were at his side a second later."You didn't think I was just going to let you die did you?" Juan gave a little smile "Don't get cocky, this ain't over yet." The hound forces had been taken by complete surprise from the coast guards interference, but they weren't about to give up. They still had the numbers advantage and they were well positioned. Has the fighting continued the sound of the helicopter grew stronger. The hounds were so caught up in their fight that they did not notice the transport till it was right on top of them. The Helicopter landed and the doors flew open, wasp agents pouring out of it. This fight was lost. The hounds knew it. The leaders decided to slip away in the chaos, leaving their own men to keep the wasps and coast guards at bay until they were well away from the area, but they didn't get far. Police had set up a tight perimeter around the area and the group quickly got arrested. "We got a nice group of them. 12. A few of them appear to be pretty high up to. This little fight should be coming to a close soon." Juan sat back, a bandage on his right eye and face. "I hope your right. A few more fights like these and the media might catch onto this. Last thing we need." Alex opened a report "You know, the head of the wasps will be retiring soon. You should think of taking his place." Juan laughed "I retired for a reason. The position is all yours. Though I may stick around for a bit." Alex picked up a letter and handed it to Juan. "The President is impressed on how you handled the mission. He wants you has his personal guard." Juan looked shocked "Really? Wow. Well I suppose i can't say no to the president. But... the hounds." Alex smiled "I will finish our business with the hounds up. Its been a pleasure working with you. We will keep in touch."
  17. [quote name='Ayatollah Bromeini' timestamp='1335032830' post='2956668'] Glad to see this. Congrats, guys! MCXA don't get any ideas that this means we're not fighting you again in the next war. [/quote] wouldnt dream of it... wouldnt be the same
  18. "We recognize and welcome evonian to the world. May yout nation live long and prosper."
  19. classified With the conflict raging to the nations south military alertness has been increased and security Tightened. The navy airforce and first reaction forces are on standtby and ready to move should the war start making its way north towards cuba. Eagle Eye has also been brought online and will monitor the air and waters around cuba.
  20. "Thank you for coming. I hope the flight was not to bad?" President Marco showed Matt a seat before taking his own. "Lets get down to business. I invited you hear to open up diplomatic relations between our nations. We have been around for little bit but have yet to have much of any contact with each other. However you seem to be a source of stabilization in North America, being among the oldest. Tell me, how would you feel on laying down a foundation for a hopefully long and prosperous friendship between our nations with an ODP with an economic cooperation clause?"
  21. Cuba had remained diplomatically silent for far to long. It was time to go make friends Private Message to the Republic of Texas "I would like to invite a representative to Cuba to discuss relations between our nations. I look forward to your reply."
  22. [quote]For República de Cuba- Justice Bomer Foreign Affairs Representative[/quote]
  23. "We expect to see the gods in orange suits picking up trash and getting saddled in Atlantic Confederacy prison by the end of the day."
  24. Please mark Guantanamo bay has part of cuba.
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