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Roi Loup

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Everything posted by Roi Loup

  1. [quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1295500131' post='2585049'] But that doesn't mean all of SF will be activating their treaty. [/quote] it means if they dont theyll either lose respect or friends. we saw how that went when pc stayed out even at new's "requests"
  2. as if the war wasnt already one-sided gl upn. rooting for your victory
  3. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1295470979' post='2584233'] Somehow I doubt you couldn't have done what you did without your alliance generally being behind your actions. [/quote] im loyal to the alliance not the leader. the leader does something stupid i wont leave or not fight for him because of it. my friends and allies dont deserve to be deserted because of one mans actions.
  4. [quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1295433304' post='2583642'] Umbrella has parsers and check-ins, would you consider our organisation or military preparedness to be silly or incompetent? Not all parsers come though that method and there's no downside to having an extra manual check-in as an additional test of activity or to draw people to specific or particular information. I'd challenge you to find out who has these unnecessary extra checks and compare their organisation and performance in war to those who don't and then come back and tell me that they're 'silly'. [/quote] i do believe we have checkins as well. what i dont believe is any military info other than activity is open to anyone but correct officials..
  5. the resistance? i wanna be named tiny
  6. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1295330249' post='2580367'] What exactly do Confusion and Warriors keep doing? Are you really that butthurt? It's just pixels. Get. Over. It. G-6 got over it, and we had the !@#$ kicked out of us. Confusion. [/quote] yea im done with the te owf.. i might understand doch being able to call something like that out if he is who he says he is.. but confusion your war this round was a result of a grudge thats been multiple rounds. im not in warriors either if you noticed and i never fought you except last round when i was nuked for defending myself from your alliances tech raid
  7. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1295332066' post='2580467'] You know, people always tell me well it's just a game your whatever is just whatever it's just a game man! Well here's the thing. At the onset of this war Polaris wanted to set a precedent that a certain amount of decorum had to be displayed and that such childish acts can't rule the day. Many agreed, and many of who agreed were ex-Hegemonic alliances. Polaris knew that the sides were lined up to be 50/50 and that the only way we had a shot to finally put an end to the GOON-like behavior would be through this. With Polaris and its allies along with ex-Hegemonic alliances going up to bat it seemed like this was it, this was our time. And with TOP/IRON/TORN/DAWN about to go in as well it appeared like there was a good chance we'd pull through. No longer would we have to put up with the childish behavior of GOONS/\m/MK/Umbrella and whoever. All well and good. Until Polaris decides it would not only be a good idea to pull out of the war, but to set TOP/IRON/TORN/DAWN up for what is the most brutal thing I have ever seen. Before TOP conducts it's attacks it is now common knowledge you told MK of the preemptive attack and even had the audacity to reveal plans from our coalition, in a war Polaris started, to the enemy. Leaving us stranded and out to a third unprecedented curb-stomp taking along with it much of their blue allies in Genesis and Nueva Vida. In a war [i]you[/i] started. And let me tell you something, there was no friendship with Polaris and our side other than our common need to achieve an objective in which you took upon yourself to instigate. We went in, we defended you, and you let us rot as if we weren't friends and that's what we get for going into a war with you. And yet you all have the [i]audacity[/i] to claim we don't have a reason to want to see you burn? For castrating any shot we had at taking down those that loathe us and you, but whom for whatever reason you decided to write a blank check to rule this world as we sat idly by with no hope? At the onset of the war, MK was very vocally opposed to you and carried many along with it. It wasn't going to be an easy battle but we decided we'd go in with you and when it was convenient for you to abandon us to save your own skins you did. Just as you looked on callously at how we were annihilated before the onslaught of the enemy and you, yourselves, you'll have to excuse me as I do the same now. Nothing will satisfy me more than to see you destroyed. [/quote] i didnt read up on that war yet so i didnt know anything about it. i was honestly fearing that we did something really bad like attack someone defending us.. but that? did your side admit to foolishly getting into a war to help an alliance they had no ties to other than common goals? its honestly not the best fa. if youre so butt hurt over an alliance you have no ties to not helping when you declare a massive war then your alliance must hate most of the world...
  8. fortunately theres no madp with gato. would be more interesting to see this play out
  9. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1295395880' post='2582303'] Not saying that every time you hear anything you need to believe it and tell anyone who might be interested. But it's easy to check if he created the nation and whether or not he applied to where he said he would. If I knew someone was planning to spy on an alliance the only reason I wouldn't tell them was if I did want to see them get messed with. Now I'm not saying that this means Dajobo was malicious in his actions, as I don't expect everyone to act as I do, but malice is not required to do wrong. [/quote] you would really check up to see if every lunatic who says theyre going to do something stupid on your irc or forums follows through with their plans?
  10. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1295394995' post='2582280'] Lennox has mentioned to me plans of setting up a special rogue alliance before to hit alliances, I told him I wasn't interested in the idea, but just as I didn't take his plans seriously I can see why Dajobo didn't either. If he said I'm going to create an alliance to rogue alliance X, if I respond that if he's going to do it alliance Y would be more worthwhile without taking his idea seriously, I don't think that would be a good CB. Also I don't think its normal to run to alliances you're not allied with to tell them every idea you hear people talk about when you have no idea if they will actually follow through with it. People are bored most of the time and talk about doing dumb stuff in CN all the time that they don't follow through with, if each time someone tells you they might do something you run to the alliance to warn them, you'll probably be laughed at most of the time for taking everything you hear so seriously and willingness to sell friends out over an idea they had. [/quote] i heard methrage was planning to attack mha!
  11. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1295384459' post='2581972'] It's all been done, NPO got there before us. The best we could ever do is a tie, and even that would take years. [/quote] from the sounds of it some of your buddies here wouldnt mind tying with them
  12. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295352585' post='2581132'] You should have something of your own to add to it, yes. Otherwise you're literally trying to argue by numbers. [/quote] to my understanding were supposed to argue in circles on the owf until a thread gets locked and then get back to fighting and hating each other or watching. rules mustve changed since i started posting
  13. [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295352361' post='2581125'] Did you even read the post I made? The case 'you' refer to via your brilliant sig. Was a single person posting screens in query with a OV gov without saying what those screens contained beforehand. Here on the other hand Dajobo told the spy what alliance to go to and then had the spy reupload the screens that wasn't working. This was an actual planted spy while in the OV case it was a gov person being linked screens by a random member of the other alliance. It's quite a stretch to claim that these two are exactly alike. [/quote] not exactly alike but similar. spying is spying. you cant claim what ov did wasnt spying like what dajobo did. then theres the fact that he didnt actually tell him to spy ve specifically or for any good reason. that and the info was old and warchest info isnt exactly all important i just wonder why if ve thinks warchest info is so important they keep it open to the general public.. its amazingly dumb of one to say that its uber sekret but still leave it open for anyone to take
  14. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1295351374' post='2581116'] I like how you're trying to use someone else's creation as your own argument. Stick to your own boards. [/quote] so it makes a good point. am i not allowed to use someones research as an argument? i must use my own? [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295351528' post='2581118'] Certainly my good man! In fact I was even considerate enough to write it up before you even got here. Here you go. [/quote] doesnt explain why ve said spying wasnt a good cb then but is now tbh. cmon admit the irony and hypocracy is there so we can all just move on
  15. [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1295350904' post='2581113'] So he got a pm from a guy he knew was in VE with the line "Here are some links you will find useful in regards to VE's military" followed by 3 image links. He naturally assumed these were cute cats with captions. No really we're so far beyond the good faith line here it's not even on the map. [/quote] can you read my sig and tell me wheres its wrong?
  16. [quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1295334278' post='2580644'] [b]common rules of courtesy[/b] that everyone else on [b]Planet Bob[/b] [/quote] which words here do not belong in the same sentence?
  17. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1295333737' post='2580613'] Since some people just don't seem to get it, let me just point out that the attacked alliance [i]always[/i] responds to their attacker's CB. It's been this way since forever. Why now do you want the victim to remain silent? Oh, yeah, because they just punched a gaping hole in your rationale for war. That might do it. [/quote] dont forget it steals their thunder
  18. p/ polaris we will prevail. behold my glowing nukes of glory!
  19. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1295287789' post='2578720'] my alliance? this is the first time G-6 has existed. shows how much you actually know of anything. if you are talkin about Confusion, realize that this is my first round with him as well. but hey, you can continue to talk out your ass as if it matters. you are whining that it is not an even war, and then go on to whine and show how butthurt you are by stating you are going to carry a grudge and war on them next round over actions done this one. yes, that is butthurt. [/quote] forgive me but i do remember seeing you and your last alliance whine. g-6 declaring war over a two round grudge isnt butthurt? confusion and warriors keep doing the same !@#$ and whining and yall call it what?
  20. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1295158153' post='2576794'] Good sir, this is TE, Fair and TE are two words that don't go together. AT ALL. [/quote] because no one wants to fight a war they might lose.. its cowardly
  21. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1295140173' post='2576468'] dude, you totally sound butthurt. i got hit by the #1 nation in LE who had 954 infra when i had around 400 or so. not to mention had 1 offensive war going and at least 1 if not 2 defensive wars going (the defensive wars were larger than me as well). did i get butthurt? nah. instead, when the #1 nation wanted to peace me out most likely cuz he was bored of stomping on my crushed nation, i told him no. i did not whine and i hit who i could when i could. you are crying like a little girl over being declared on by someone larger than you. i mean, all i hear from you is WAAAAHHHHHH WAAAAAAHHHHHH WWAAAAAAHHHHH. [/quote] im not whining? i said ill be fighting them again next round BY MYSELF and said i was just pissed because i couldnt have a FAIR war.. not even close i do like how your alliance and warriors take turns each round bawwing.. its funny to read tbh
  22. [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1295115401' post='2576169'] butthurt much? wow. [/quote] butt hurt? no. just a little upset that we can have a fun fight.. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1295117685' post='2576204'] Good Sir, I would recommend that you not grudge hit people, especially next round. It will not go over so well. Again though, whiners will be whiners. o/ TE [/quote] i want to see synergy get declared on by someone five times their strength.. honestly i didnt care until i got hit by that guy
  23. [quote name='Burning Glory' timestamp='1295070385' post='2575800'] GL with the war to all involved, have fun! [/quote] ill have fun when synergy nuts up and fights fair seriously expect a second day war next round synergy ill be hitting when were all the same ns
  24. [quote name='partymaster' timestamp='1295058613' post='2575620'] You can win, it is only what 3 people? 6 wars with 2x nations fighting your x one is a lot more fun [/quote] yea.. a lot of fun.. especially when all your spies and aircraft were destroyed and your ground battle odds are less then 20% id rather keep it a 6v1 where its 6 nations my strength fighting me.. at least i wont lose everything in less than a day
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