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Everything posted by Kankou

  1. June 16th, 6 PM In Dalian, a long line of trains started moving. On aboard were 100,000 troops of the Chosun People's Army, 500 Pokpung-ho tanks, and 1,000 heavy artillery. They would be going to Karaganda, which would take 5 days. After a day's rest there, they would be sent to Europe, according to the needs of the Germans.
  2. June 16th [quote]To Slavic Federation PR Chosun wishes to join the effort against the Marxist scums in Southern Germany, under the flag of the Slavic Federation to hide the connection to Koryo. We have 100,000 troops and 500 tanks ready on trains in Dalian, and it should take 6 days to arrive in Karaganda. If you accept, they shall leave on the 17th. Please notify Cochin and Slavorussia so we may pass without hinderance.[/quote]
  3. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1280317097' post='2392383'] Precisely, a trial and error undertaking which involves the factor of luck and yes you need a very accurate rough idea where they are located, after all the oceans are pretty huge! [/quote] Well, in my case, I only searched around the Spratly Islands, which is relatively shallow. If we're talking about all around the world.... I'm not going into that particular insanity.
  4. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1280309335' post='2392351'] Cables need not be buried, they would still be undetectable! How will they be detected if they do not radiate any emissions? [/quote] Hard to detect does not mean undetectable.
  5. [quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1280308601' post='2392343'] A general idea may not be enough to find SOSUS cables as they do not radiate energy, they are essentially massive antennae. It would take trial and error and a massive amount of luck to find this particular needle in haystack. The only ways for a SOSUS cable to be disrupted are through accidents, random events and natural forces. Any attempt at locating a SOSUS would be absolutely impossible to hide from whoever is manning the network. [/quote] Unless the cables themselves are buried, it is actually quite possible to locate the cables. On the other hand, what you say about the user state knowing that someone is search is correct.
  6. I have a question: Who's Natal?
  7. [quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1279679611' post='2381828'] If it's indeed possible, how would one go about locating an SOSUS system? Because they're basically underwater microphones, right? Passive sensors and if properly hidden you'd never know they were there... [/quote] The hydrophones happen to be connected by underwater cables. If you have a general idea that there might be lines in the area, you could find it after some time. @HHAYD: You have a nice imagination and such, but you should tone down on your stuff. It's getting ridiculous. Also, you can't really detonate the nuclear reactors unless you want to go for a radiation bomb-style thing.
  8. Having a new [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89689"]President[/url] installed was not the end of the Revolution. While it was true that the central government had come under the control of the Seungilpa, most of the northeast were still held by the Juchepa. The Juchepa's base was in Hamgyong, and with the military city Chagang as its center, it would be a long time before the entire country would be under one command. [IMG]http://i911.photobucket.com/albums/ac318/kousenkankou/Map/chosuncivilwar1.png[/IMG] Red: Seungilpa Blue: Juchepa Yet either side had not made any moves yet. Both did not want intervention from either the Chinese, Manchurians, or Japanese, and so it was mutual tolerance. THe Juchepa did not have the political backings, and the Seungilpa did not have the army to defeat the other. So, for the time being, it would be Seungilpa central government, Juchepa regional governments. In the meantime, the Seungilpa was arresting all former members of the Juchepa. Around 200,000 ad already been arrested, and it was estimated that the numbers would reach over 2 million. Most of them would simply be downgraded in rank, to either the "wavering" or "hostile" class, but those going to the camps or the dock will be many. At the same time, secret arrangements were being made in Pyongyang.....
  9. After going over the structure of my government. I began wondering how others RPed their governments. In my case, Koryo is a mixture of Belgium and Switzerland. It's a confederation of states, each retaining its own military. There is the central government, but the only thing it does at the moment is trying to coordinate the states and attempt to make a united stance on foreign affairs. I expect things to be more centralized as I add more states. The states are: 1. Republic of Daehan (OOC: Based on RL South Korea) 2. People's Republic of Chosun (OOC: Based on RL North Korea) 3. Nanyo (OOC: Japanese majority state)
  10. Not sure if what you would build can be considered bunkers. Sentry posts yes, but bunkers?
  11. My thoughts is that you should ask Lynneth (when he comes back) about it. If I understand what's going on, you'll be fighting only Lynneth, so he's the one that should decide.
  12. Koryo has no comment on this matter. - In Pyongyang - "Just 17,215? That is a very low number."
  13. [quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1280287001' post='2392003'] Additionally, Western America isn't even involved... [/quote] Tahoe is indirectly fighting.
  14. From what I'm seeing, the war is breaking up into Eastern America/Western Europe vs Eurasia/Western America. Is this correct?
  15. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1280280163' post='2391872'] On serious note, Perkins CV-12 Diesel 1,200 hp that the Challenger II uses would work fine. [/quote] It happens to be more than 1.5 times as heavy (1888 kg) as as a Honeywell AGT1500C (1134 kg) or a GTD-1250 turbine (1050 kg). Just use the GTD-1250 turbine (the one in the T-80U) More important, how big is the tank? I'm not sure if you can fit the engines in it if it's small.
  16. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1280277282' post='2391826'] I might as well as load a Honeywell AGT1500C multi-fuel turbine engine onto my 40 ton tank. There, I fixed it. [/quote] Have fun trying to fuel that beast.
  17. Announcement from the Koryo Confederation After carefully considering the ethnic composition of the disputed territory of Elsaß-Lothringen, the Koryo Confederation supports Germany. Regardless of who had the territory in the past, what is certain is that the current population is now almost completely German, and thus it should belong to Germany. However, given our own internal affairs, we are unable to do nothing more than give moral support. Separate Announement on the Southern German Communist Rebellion from the People's Republic of Chosun The People's Republic of Chosun condemns the rebels for using the corrupted ideology that is Marxism in causing bloodshed to its brothers. The materialism that pollutes that ideology is the reason why the world is shedding blood everything. We demand that the rebels take up the banner of nationalism before turning to the false call of international brotherhood.
  18. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1280275971' post='2391787'] Then how come a M1 Abram 67 ton tank can have a max speed of 42 mph? [/quote] The engine. The Honeywell AGT1500C multi-fuel turbine engine has 1,500 hp. Also, actually, scrape what I said. There is a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-80"]42.5 tonnes tank[/url] that goes at 43 mph. PS: Which ton are you using?
  19. How do you have your thread titles changed?
  20. [quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1280252925' post='2391410'] EDIT: Is it possible for a 40 ton tank to have a max speed limit of a high 50 mph? [/quote] 50 mph is going to be tough. More like 35mph.
  21. [quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1280197157' post='2390662'] So I used the Mach 14 to basically show its speed and power, in the kinetic range. Sorry for the confusion [/quote] Ah, kinetic range. Understood. However, here's something important for all those arguing that because ICBMs can reach Mach 10+, a ASBM can do so: How are you going to factor in the fact that the range itself is shorter? The main reason ICBMs can reach such high speed is because the warheads are at an altitude of 100 km when reentery starts. Unless you're launching the ASBMs from more than 5,000 km away, that's not really going to work.
  22. Koryo hopes it can defeat the United States of America to go to the next round.
  23. I have a question about this [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89364&view=findpost&p=2389361"]post[/url]: [quote]Each of the MaIRVs would slam into the enemy vessels with their high explosive warheads and Mach 14 kinetic energy. No ship would be able to withstand such an assault. Indeed, it would be a crippling blow to enemy naval forces in that area of operation. [/quote] Do those MaIRVs have boosters on them? Mach 14 is impossibile to achieve from what I know.
  24. [quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1280156538' post='2389693'] Whats the IC reasoning behind China's Declaration on Koryo? I'm all for righteous punishment and IC threads opposed to OOC, but this just screams IC/OOC line crossing. I especially enjoy the land gifting portion. If the dude is a multi, simply wipe and retcon his RP. [/quote] IC reasoning is that the northern state of Koryo had been doing so many backdeals against the interests of Koryo's allies, it was better to kill it off. It worked with my RPs before it, when I have a coup in Chosun. Also, the Singapore bid was won by Neo Tokyo/Japan, which I took out for threats against Japan.
  25. After the various troubles caused by the arbitrary decisions of former Co-Prime Minister Chang Sung-taek, the current confederation has been reformed to give the central government more authority. The dual primie minister system has been changed to a triumvirate, with the Emperor having veto power. It is expected that this change will help Koryo have a mroe stable government. To fill in the third seat of the triumvirate, and to acknowledge the cultural identity of its Japanese citizens, a new state has formed and joined the Confederation. This third state is Nanyo, meaning "Southern Sun". Located in Jeju, this Japanese majority state symbolizes the new era of pan-nationalist which Koryo is entering, as it slowly includes close relations into the family state. Basic Facts of Nanyo [img]http://i911.photobucket.com/albums/ac318/kousenkankou/nanyoflag.png[/img] Capital: Saishu Motto: Nanjitsu Shouten (南日昇天, "Southern Sun Ascendent") Official languages: Japanese, Korean Government: Parlimentary republic
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