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Dr Beefstupid

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Everything posted by Dr Beefstupid

  1. I can't speak for everyone, but in my eyes the reason we haven't attacked you is because it's more fun to watch you squirm and scream every time we spill ice cream on someone's shirt.
  2. For the monster GOONS is usually made out to be, we don't usually just grasp at any old CB to go to war. The fact is we don't really need to start anything. If we want a war, there's usually a ton of angry and ignorant rulers who are so blinded by their intense dislike of us that they think they are totally justified in attacking us for any reason at all and actually having a valid reason for attacking us is only something they want to consider because of the political impact. GOONS likes to play the bad guy but does grasping at any excuse (and if none can be found, using entrapment) in order to wipe out their enemies sound like something fair and just people do? I wish some of you people could really listen to yourselves. Yes, I get that you feel you're totally justified in eliminating GOONS without politically correct means, but if you just put aside your own personal feelings and look at the situation objectively you'll see that we haven't done a whole lot that's really "evil". There were times when alliances did some pretty terrible things and got in a lot of hot water over them. These days, with those alliances gone (or neutered) and a really intricate treaty web ensuring that people begrudgingly get along some of you people are so desperate for some great evil to lay your vengeance upon that you'll really grasp at anything and in my eyes that makes you the bad guys, not us.
  3. [quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1286654614' post='2479806'] I don't see why the facts of an alliances membership are some big PR issue however. [/quote] You're right. I guess a lot of rulers seem to think that purposely limiting yourself to make the fighting as even as possible is the only way to be honourable. [quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1286654614' post='2479806'] If I were in GOONS place, I would have done the same, all be it with at least a notice that we intended to involve our allies. [/quote] I do see your point. But the fact was that your alliance and the Ninjas had somewhat flimsy CBs and I guess our allies didn't see a reason to bother with one. Also, we were the declarees so there wasn't much need for a statement of intention about how we were going to handle it.
  4. [quote name='Egwaterboy61' timestamp='1286548096' post='2478836'] I understand GOONS need's its treaty partners to fight us[/quote] You understand wrong. We don't need them. We're cordially allowing them to take part in the fun. It's not a hard concept.
  5. Apparently the length of the logs he's pasting are an indication of how clever Sardonic thinks he is.
  6. Your reality sounds crazy. It's one where people portray themselves as a victim by making fun of their opponents' pitiful attempts to plot against them. It's also one where it's considered an excellent debate tactic to say "Oh yeah, well GOONS are worse than them so they don't have to be held accountable for their actions." And most perplexing, it's one where "creative" is a verb.
  7. You guys are hilarious. Please organize a coalition to attack GOONS for our horrible horrible treatment of UPN. You obviously seem like such capable rulers and diplomats who can pull off a major coordinated offensive.
  8. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1286260817' post='2475699'] When fighting an alliance means the death of a nation something is wrong, he wasn't the first to have this happen fighting you guys and he probably won't be the last either, but that isn't reason to give up. [/quote] Jim offed himself. Hope that helps, buds.
  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1286259387' post='2475674'] I sacrifices of JimKongIl and others who stood up to GOONS won't be forgotten, GOONS won't win and KN won't be surrendering. [/quote] Don't worry, Methrage. We will never forget you sacrifices of JimKongIl.
  10. [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1286194334' post='2474145'] It's like talking to a wall.[/quote] Yeah, that's the OWF for you. In all fairness, I do see how you could see that as ironic and the word is used correctly if you make some insane leaps of logic. But the fact is that when people continue to make the tired "GOONS is hiding behind their allies" argument, it [i][b]is[/b][/i] talking to a wall. I just get tired of trying to argue and instead thought it would be more fun to criticize your comprehension skills, since all the logic in the world won't make you stop repeating your nonsensical mantra.
  11. [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1286059092' post='2472539'] Losing doesn't equal honor? You running to your allies embarrassed yourselves enough. You can still tell them to lay off you know. How ironic, it was only a few days ago you boys were running these halls saying you don't hide behind them. [/quote] After honour, I'll add "ironic" to the list of words you don't understand.
  12. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1285989967' post='2471875'] What the hell? Should I even try to figure out any of this? [/quote] Death economics is a pretty new concept to me too.
  13. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285982200' post='2471741'] Personally i think we would have alot more fun if we had more Ninjas v GOONS..NOT more Ninjas v whatever your bloc is named. [/quote] You do realize that GOONS are fighting Kerberos Nexus, UOKMB, and FkNa at the same time, so even if we didn't involve our allies, it's still not going to be 1v1. But thanks for your input. I'm sure we're all very concerned about what's more fun to an uninvolved third party.
  14. This is a very late response. I just felt like commenting on this post. [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285735975' post='2467711'] I would die ten times over for every brother fighting tonight and in the coming days and/or months. [/quote] If you count every soldier, I guess you should be prepared to die a few million times. Me, personally, I would happily die to save a baby. Once. Then they're on their own. Edit: Now that Ejay has brought up the whole death bartering system and I'm willing to put my reputation on the line that I will only trade one life for a baby, I'd like to ask for further clarification. The goons and I have been talking and we're experiencing some confusion on this bartering system. It's all well and good to trade your life for another person's life, but can it also be used to purchase goods and services? If I was to kill myself in exchange for ice cream bars for the rest of GOONS, what would a good exchange rate be? 300 million? Furthermore, if I were to offer 300 million ice cream bars to someone in exchange for their life, could I have them hold off on killing themselves and then use their death in place of my own to purchase something later on down the line? Sorry for all the questions.
  15. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1285906159' post='2470710'] With how bad you guys are at war, I don't think any amount of free war advice will save your reputation as an alliance that sucks at war, needing all your allies and the use of sanctions to try dealing with a few alliances way smaller than you guys. Yet you guys still can't seem to put me in anarchy or keep me there long in the rare instances you do knock me into it. [/quote] Thank you for that. It's not as funny as your usual reads, but it was worth a smile, maybe.
  16. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1285904122' post='2470657'] Oh and...they are doing it for very, very particular reasons, which you fail to acknowledge for no other reasons that it would [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwGVDmEsi8A"]force you to examine your own behavior[/url]. [/quote] When have we failed to acknowledge their reasons? The reasons are all over the map. Methrage is fighting us because... well, GOONS . UOKMB is attacking us because they're unhappy with a specific tech raid incident. Jim attacked us because we caught him aiding Methrage and didn't like us spying him. The ninjas are attacking us because we invited them to, I think. FnKa attacked us because... eh? Also, I can't speak for everyone in GOONS, but I'm definitely not in denial. I know why people want to attack us, but I see no reason to change our behaviour because so far this is just giving us what we want: An opportunity to fight dumb people.
  17. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1285903941' post='2470652'] If you're hitting multiple targets doing all aggressive attacks is counter productive, as it leaves you less troops to use for raiding other nations. If all you do is aggressive attacks, along with cruise missiles, planes and bombers on an unsuspecting victim, then it might be hard to keep them out of anarchy while still having your way with them. If your just trying to get some tech/land while doing minimal damage in the process, all you need are some cautious or planned attacks, and for your last attack making it aggressive is completely pointless unless your trying to knock them into anarchy ruining their day. [/quote] Methrage giving out war advice in this thread. Because he's so good at it, he's generously contributing hot tips.
  18. [quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1285901145' post='2470595'] Yes, seen as how we've said this already, you are correct. And 1 member's views on raiding do not represent the whole of FnKa. [/quote] Fair enough. Thank you for the clarification.
  19. [quote name='Noynoy Aquino' timestamp='1285898698' post='2470542']Unaligned nations are not "Milking Cows!" that you just come in raid him then get him to anarchy.[/quote] Are you saying that milking cows is an aggressive act? I get the feeling that's not what you're trying to say but it's a really weird turn of phrase. [quote name='Noynoy Aquino' timestamp='1285898698' post='2470542'] Yes I do tech raid, but when I tech raid out of respect from the one I raided, I never get them to Anarchy[/quote] This is very oddly specific criteria. Raiding without putting nations into anarchy is kind of difficult to do and it's a really really iffy reason to go to war with someone. I think it's plainly obvious that you're just out to cause trouble and GOONS is an easy target.
  20. [quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285898595' post='2470538'] ...I'm still failing to see what's ironic. [/quote] I think the fact that you're still talking to Chron is a true sign of bravery.
  21. [quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285895837' post='2470471'] I still don't know what you're saying. [/quote] THIS. Chron, you keep throwing around accusations like that we're deflecting, or changing our stance and not providing a single piece of evidence to back your statements up. Nothing you say makes any sense outside of your own head so I'm just going to ignore you now. Thank you for your contribution to my personal insanity. Edit: Wait, let me guess your response: "Nice deflection."
  22. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285893833' post='2470419'] I don't believe that nobody understands it, just you and Beefstupid, and in all likelihood everyone in GOONS.[/quote] I think I understand what you mean, but you pretty much just said that everyone in GOONS understands. [quote name='Sal Paradise' timestamp='1285893833' post='2470419']I am without sin.[/quote] Which is what Beefspari asked. Why did this turn into such a debate then? [quote name='Chron' timestamp='1285893976' post='2470423'] You're free to prove me the hypocrite, as always. Or you can continue to just deflect, of course. [/quote] What the hell am I deflecting? That "GOONS are cowards?" That's 100% an opinionated statement. I can't argue that. I don't think we are, but unless you actually back up "GOONS are cowards" with contestable evidence there's no point in arguing, is there? People have been calling us cowards for a while now. It's not news.
  23. [quote name='Chron' timestamp='1285887984' post='2470302'] Really? You can read Sal's mind? I am impressed.[/quote] I admit it was an assumption on my part, but the fact is that he was obviously very unclear. And you guys are mocking Beefspari for asking for clarification on an "elementarily simple" point while refusing to clarify so, hey, DUH, I'm going to start making guesses because you guys are giving me squat to work with. [quote name='Chron' timestamp='1285887984' post='2470302'][ooc]You do an excellent job of putting words in other people's mouths. I wonder how you're able to know what they're trying to say better than they themselves do?[/ooc] [/quote] It's a good thing you're not doing that, then. That would be silly.
  24. [quote name='Chron' timestamp='1285854564' post='2469709'] But that still has nothing to do with the fact that she was apparently wrong.[/quote] No, she wasn't. Sal was intending to say that he is not one of the alliances that brought allies along to deal with rogues so he's allowed to throw that accusation, but that's butchering the meaning of the quote and then pretending that Beefspari was incorrect in inferring the true meaning. (OOC: The original "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" was in reference to a woman who had committed adultery and was about to be stoned to death. The crowd eventually felt ashamed and left. Are you saying that every single person in the crowd had committed adultery? Unlikely. You can't use the quote to say "I'm not guilty of this particular sin so I get to point the finger" as that's totally warping the original meaning. So don't tell me that we're wrong for interpreting it correctly.)
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