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Everything posted by Fizzydog

  1. Henry Woods, armed to the teeth with whiskey, stumbled aboard the newly captured ship. He took a long, deep swig of his nectar, then threw it at the nearest person. WHich was, in fact, actually a pole, but it sort of looked like a person. "Listen 'er ye scurvy scallowags, I'ma gun cut ye throat out if ye don't be behavin' to us and such. Ye best-" Henry woods collapsed, falling asleep with half empty (to him, half empty) whiskey bottles clanking against the floor. OoC:
  2. OoC I'm going to come in and say it right now, leave these two alone. Learn how to respect and acknowldge planned RPs. For gods sake, I'm going to come into everyone of you threads and mess everything up. Just let them RP there business. Just because you can doesn't me you should.
  3. Honestly, is "not recognizing an RP" even allowed?
  4. Idris Demir sat in her bed, looking outside the window. It was near time for her to get some rest, and boy was she tired. The middle aged woman placed on her night pajamas, turned on the fan, and was just about to close the blinds when she saw a black van pull into her driveway. "Lord, it's nearly midnight, who could be here at this hour? Aye aye aye." Idris turned on the hallway light and jogged down the steps, hoping to get this over with. The doorbell rang seconds before she got to the handle. Once she opened it, the politician was greeted by two men in suits. "Idris Demir? The Ottoman has a message for you." One of the men pulled out a small envelope. He reached inside, and out came a small, black pistol. He aimed it at her heart, and before she could create an expression, he fired. The small bullet drilled into her skin and came out the other way, killing her instantly and spraying blood across a small lamp. A neighbor walked outside to see what the commotion was and suffered the same fate as Idris. Before any security guards came rushing out, the two men were speeding away. The local police ,part of the conspiracy, blamed the attack on TIDO Wave, with the support of the entirety of the government, most of which was unknown to the plan. Due to Idris's involvement in industrial developments, this blaming was well accepted among the general public.
  5. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1301264658' post='2678526'] That wouldn't be realistic at all. RL nations don't just 'have hearts and give a bit of their land up'. [/quote] I was talking OoCly dotCom. ICly, anything could happen. Civil war? Peaceful Secession? Loss of control? It all happens IRL. A huge empire usually collapses when it grows too big.
  6. I agree with granite. The lock system needs changed. Don't give the IC bullcrap, not every little IC thing is in CNRP. For example, I can still have a highway system and a railroad system even if I don't have the IG wonders. If you're going to be gone more than a month, then just give up your land. Lord, it's just a chunk of pixels. If it really matters to you then take a step outside. Also, one should not have more than two locks in a row without posting at least for two weeks. Can't get on for 48 days? Then just leave for a while. If you have a vast empire, great, but you really don't need all that land. Have some heart and give a bit up. :/
  7. Rota, just shut up and listen to them. I don't like their gibberish (or, I'm the one speaking gibberish :3) either, but they have solid, mostly fair opinions. The game is a bit unfair, but not everything can be fair. If you want to change it, don't do so by acting like a "rebel" and ruining the fun for everyone else. I like you more than the others, but this is ridiculous.
  8. "It is funny, no, hilarious how this move has been met with peacefulness. Have the governments of the world lost their minds?" ~ Opinion Columnist of The Turkish Herald.
  9. Outside of a large, fabulous resteraunt, two men in shades gathered. Each held a small suitcase. Due to the sunshine and time of the day, these two men fit perfectly. They just looked like a couple of old friends sitting around during after work, about to go buy some dinner. What's more casual? One of the men looked at his watch, the whispered something to the other man. tHe other man, an older gentleman with very gray hair, sat up and watched the roads, waiting for the CEO of Leaf Coporation. The evil, corrupt man. Calling nature his. The two men looked at each other and sneered. The CEO's death would be today.
  10. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1300849094' post='2673524'] Right I'm gonna !@#$%*slap this to the floor. First. The Isle of Man does not have a predominately Irish population IRL, in CNRP fair enough but I personally think it's stupid, no offence. IRL the IoM has a predominantly British population due to migration since the 15th century, secondly it's next largest RL influence is Manx, the native culture to the Island which is a mix of Norse and Gaelic/Celtic from Scotland and Ireland. But like I said, the glory of CNRP is your customisation. Secondly, you have not been threatened in any way or attack by anyone for me to get involved or force my hand at defending you, but for your information I do has such a doctrine in place. In reference to you kissing up to him, you misunderstand me. Regardless of how much he offers you, my point is, is that you run to him like an old dog to it's master. I can't explain it without ranting pointlessly and offending you, which isn't my intention. Next, all your visa crap is the red tape I was talking about. You shouldn't need to have a treaty or an alliance of sorts with a Nation to be able to enter, that stuff just comes standard with crossing any border. The way you have done it just makes it an utter ballache to even go on holiday to the isle of man. Next I don't Have any treaties with you because you always ask me OOC. Do an ICly thread to open a dialogue. I don't like just jumping into bed with people. Only reason I'm reasonably well connected is because of several hard fought wars and five nukes. The only times I've seen you get actually involved in my affairs is scrambling fighters to guard your airspace which is essentially protected by me, sargun and yawoo anyway due to the way the territorial waters and airspace is spread out. [/quote] Funny, didn't you just tell me dotCom could RP his nation any way he wanted after I yelled at him OoCly?
  11. [b]Sunyan Ottoman I Suffers Horrifying Fall[/b] Sunyan Ottoman I was under secret hospital care last night after he fell down the Topkapi Palace's front stairs, leaving him with a concussion and many bruises. Witnesses and family say that after Ottoman had come from a birthday dinner for his cousin, he dropped a small suitcase down the steps. In an attempt to pick up the suitcase, he tripped and fell four steps before stopping himself. Sunyan groaned before a large group of guards game running to his rescue. He has been released from the hospital. The suitcase was returned with the contents un-harmed. Further news will be distributed in a while. Our editors have recently found new information with up to date facts.
  12. [quote name='Emperor Mudd' timestamp='1300753456' post='2672721'] Thats all he ever does, when he isn't rerolling and creating a new nation [/quote] Aww, mudd. <3
  13. OoC: Oh dear, I accidently put Tagruato instead of TIDO Wave. whoops.
  14. [quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1300752057' post='2672701'] Several hours later the president had recovered from his laughing fit and made this statement live on T.V. [i]"We have heard many extraordinary things recently. Things like warlock vatican assassins and people who are bi-winning, but this is by far the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life."[/i] [/quote] "Ah, yes, the socialist filth. You. Will. Burn." ~Known Tagruato Member Jonathan Q. Smith.
  15. I just want to ask who will be giving me permission to RP in their country. Like I have said before, I won't do anything to you until we plan it out via PMs, and of course it has the potential to be a lot of fun and open many new opportunities for you nation. And no, dotCom, you don't need to say anything.
  16. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1300749008' post='2672664'] Given you have no living members of TIDO Wave within the Xinyan Republic, we aren't too concerned. [/quote] As if Xinyan can read minds...
  17. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300748330' post='2672655'] MoG[Corp] does not feel they should harm their own economy to appease terrorists. [/quote] MoG[Corp] does feel, though, that harming the world is doable.
  18. [quote name='Vedran' timestamp='1300747949' post='2672650'] "If TIDO Wave is indeed prepared to do this, then they must prepare for the complete elimination of their organization through death, isolation, or imprisonment. The world's security forces will not stand by while you carry out these threats. The Union of Arctica calls for a worldwide one week amnesty for TIDO Wave members who wish to reconsider their position and return to mainstream society." [/quote] "Those loyal to life will not surrender. We will fight to the death."
  19. [quote name='Mergerberger II' timestamp='1300747430' post='2672640'] "So to stop violence, you're going to use violence? Logic." [/quote] "We are destroying the filth of this world."
  20. Spy operation odds are determined by the following formulas: Attacking spies chances of success are determined by (number of spies) + (technology level / 20) The defending nation's counter intelligence systems are determined by (number of spies) + (technology level / 20) + (land total / 70). Threat level modifiers are also taken into account for the defender.
  21. [img]http://images.wikia.com/cloverfield/images/a/a7/TIDO.png[/img] [b]T.I.D.O Wave's Final Warning[/b] We, the people of T.I.D.O Wave, issue a final warning to the world: reduce all pollutants and cease the incessant destruction of Earth's fossil fuels immediately, and move the safer hydrogen, hydroelectric and wind power, or face the consequences. Furthermore, an international decomission of unneccesary weapons and forces, and reduction of military to mininum security levels, is demanded. Nuclear weapons must be safely decommisioned, and navy vessels, war planes, missiles and disgusting weapons of violence such as napalm and VX gas, must be demolished immediately. These weapons only kill, and if governments cannot solve issues without words then they should not be in power. T.I.D.O Wave agents around the world are ready to attack government and corporations offices, buildings and plants. We will not stop till the battle for Earth is won. ~T.I.D.O Wave~ OoC: Yeah yeah you won't do any of this stuff, once again I'm just building on to TIDO Wave. It's all I've got left from Tagruato. D:
  22. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1300745434' post='2672608'] How would you deal with someone who comes up with an infinite number of impenetrable defenses on the spot to defeat said "RP-Only" spy attack? The reason the roll system exists is to prevent that from happening in the first place. [/quote] For one, if you mean when the RP starts then the person would obviously be RPing defenses without even building them earlier, which I assume is against the rules? But if you mean beforehand, well, impenetrable defenses are near impossible. You can only pull security so tight until you start chocking yourself. And even if not, with even the best technology a nation could still be breached.
  23. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300745381' post='2672606'] I'm pretty sure this will just vastly increase the capabilities of larger nations. So I think we'd need to see specifics. [/quote] WHat would it "increase"? Are you implying that larger nations have better RPs? Ifso, they DESERVE to win, and not just because their manly tech levels IG.
  24. I'm not here to type an essay or anything. I just want to send an idea out there. If you have an actual opinion other than "lol no", then please do post. Even if is a "lol no", at least explain so you don't look like a fool. Basically, I've found the roll system...stupid. Let's be honest, the "RP" is all determined by tech, like practically everything is. Which rules out free, open minded RP and implants a direct path for the two or more RPers to follow once the roll has been done with. So I've thought: why do we even NEED a system like this? Why not just have the entire thing decided by legitimate RPs? Basically, the RPers could play it out and if there is anything wrong, a GM will make them fix it. So instead of them whining OoCly, a GM will be contacted, or they could be already viewing the thread, and they would make a ruling. Less complaining, more fun. So instead of rolls and crap, you RP out whatever is happening, just like a war. This does away with luck and instead puts actual writing skills to the test, like the game should be. Nuclear bombs and SDI's won't be changed. They would still require a roll, since that is honestly the only good way to do it. Once again, I am not writing an essay. Just throwing an idea out there. Don't go "waah waah not enough detail." Something you want to change? Then do it. It is simply an idea in its simplest form.
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