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Everything posted by Fizzydog

  1. [quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1300063170' post='2663691'] "Well as you support the authority of the attempted coup against the legitimate government of Scotland, you must know you are being awfully hypocritical. Also, I don't recall speaking the name of your worthless nation aloud." [/quote] Scotland's government is more of a lazy, slobbish filth than a legitimate ruling party.
  2. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1300063830' post='2663733'] I don't see us making any such statement. Merely you acting as if you knew the thoughts of our leaders which you don't. We demand an apology for this slander. [/quote] A dead rabbit found on the roads outside of some sort of slum, which is now be funded for improvements, would be sent towards China along with dead roses and expired chocolate as a formal apology.
  3. [quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1300063581' post='2663718'] Nova Scotia is concerned by the Atlas Empire gaining the ability to use nuclear weapons of mass destruction. [/quote] "Once again, the shell of a nation called 'Nova Scotia' has no personal opinions, but just goes with the flow. OoC. <3 lbt88
  4. "We ahve our own opinions. But when you make a joke out of international politics, when you destroy your own reputation, we cannot recognise you as sane. We supported you till you created a horrible, pathetic treaty." "Our embassy workers will return home on Atlas Flights #844. If this plane is in any way attacked, we will consider it a declaration of war." PRIVATE: Atlas Flights #844 lifted off from a small, mostly unknown civilian airport. It carried with it a suitcase.
  5. We, as a nation behind the citizens, support this coup. If the Scottish leader cannot keep his economy going, who will stop him? These soldiers. Of course, a corrupt leader standing around doing nothing has support of the world due to a few friendships. Perhaps it is time to take your blindfolds off, take your heads out of the sand and stop looking at the ground. This naiton is in turmoil, and their "leader" has done nothing. He must go.
  6. [quote]would have to go back over to Africa and blow up the damn things again if the Atlas Empire continued to act as it previously had.[/quote]
  7. [quote]The news of the new nuclear power shook many heads in the UFE, the prevailing consensus among policy elites was that there was a decent chance that the PLA would have to go back over to Africa and blow up the damn things again if the Atlas Empire continued to act as it previously had. [/quote] You're threatening to destroy us.
  8. "If Africa cannot own weapons of self defense, who can? Why must we be silenced because we not extremely powerful? The world is a corrupt place. China, if you attack our nation, prepare for a fight."
  9. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299994432' post='2662475'] Oh, we are responsible? Do you think beyond the level of a ten year old? What does 'higher people with a conscience' mean? Are you endeavouring, perhaps, to spell 'hire'? If so, again, the eight mercenaries were not in the employ of our military (do we need to define mercenary for you as well?). We have little care for your pathetic, hardly amusing antics. If you attempt any hostility against the Republic--You. Will. Burn. [/quote] "The Republic is a nation who hides behind its allies. If they were alone, against any nation their pathetic, pitiful government would fall immediately."
  10. [size="5"]Official Announcement[/size] At 10:33 pm, our government successfuly exploded a nuclear missile placed 1 mile beneath sea level. The 500 kt missile detonated with expected power, and could be felt throughout our southern colonies. We have 20 missiles currently stock piled. We have a definite no first strike policy unless said strike is against a nuclear or biochemical threat. That is all.
  11. UPDATE: Hard work by the industry has yielded high results. All wanted vehicles, missiles and small arms have been finished. The military is up to standards.
  12. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299993803' post='2662457'] You speak of the actions of eight mercenaries who were from the Xinyan Republic and who are currently about to be executed for their crimes. Your attempt to use the actions of these murderers to represent the Republic as a whole is disgusting and petty. As for 'forcing other nations to attack and slaughter you', I am not even sure what that means. Please come back to us when you have the slightest semblance of logic anywhere in your illegal, incompetent 'leadership'. [/quote] "And how are we "illegal"? We have support of the people. Furthermore, you are responsible for the actions of the eight mercenaries. Keep a better lid on your men, or higher people with a conscience and that would not happen. You are a dangerous terrorist state."
  13. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299992548' post='2662428'] "You speak and act exactly like the Ottomans did, so from now on we shall refer to Atlas as the Ottomans." [/quote] "Perhaps Africa isn't as diverse as some people have thought."
  14. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299990898' post='2662376'] "When did the Ottomans come to Atlas?" [/quote] "Of course, referring to past war crimes obviously means we are Ottoman supporters."
  15. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299989899' post='2662344'] We take this as a threat. If the regional warlords who claim to control the 'Atlas Empire' make another unwise threat, or attempt to act on this threat, the punishment will be severe. Do not meddle in international politics; it is not your place. [/quote] "And what is your 'punishment'? Forcing other nations to attack and slaughter us, then you shall napalm bomb our citizens? International and regional politics are not your place. Your government would be wise to disband."
  16. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299988718' post='2662278'] Atlas Empire and Zaboor are no longer recognised as sovereign nations. [/quote] Another fine example of their immaturity. When one nation shuns you for your wrong doings, you must throw back the insult. The Xinyan Republic is the greatest image of a terrorist state that needs to be crushed.
  17. Our BLACK trade circle needs SUGAR and WHEAT for completetion. A 3br where you get Fast Food, Construction and beer! What more could a nation need? If you are Black team and have these resources, message these nations: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=175487 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=216943 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=160653 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=255637 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=401026
  18. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299956022' post='2661672'] Announcement from the Xinyan Republic: "I lol'd." [/quote] Furthermore, the Xinyan Republic is also no longer recognized by the Empire for their immaturity.
  19. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1299957581' post='2661706'] "Who is the true village idoit" I think you answered your own question. [/quote] Somebody doesn't understand intentional irony.
  20. I need to speak to you about a special land mass. Clear your inbox or send me a message. :V

  21. [quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1299947760' post='2661543'] I built an artificial island, it just took months of real life time to do as well as assistance from other nations. Unity Island :] [/quote] Speaking of Unity Island, what is the point of it? What happens there?
  22. "Zaboor is no longer recognized by the Atlas Empire."
  23. [quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1299914619' post='2661205'] Loss of morale? [/quote] More like gain of morale. Killing innocent animals for unconventional military uses is very stupid.
  24. What military would attack a man made tundra biome? There is nothing to gain in destroying it...
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