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Everything posted by Fizzydog

  1. "By the princess was sent to handle them, you mean diplomacy and not by militarial attack right? because sending one person, especially a member of the royal family, to fight a ton of rebels is very stupid."
  2. OoC: Sorry Rota, I'm waiting for Voodoo to reply
  3. A loud *ahem* came from the Atlas High Priest. "Perhaps you should lear a bit more about the Islamic faith. Muslims don't run around destroying other nations. Furthermore, religions do nto "war" eachother. Why, an atheist or paga attacking us would be a terrorist act. Governments of the world would not accept that.
  4. "The Atlas Empire officialy apologizes for its ignorant statements and for the support of the UCF. We let political views before moral views."
  5. "If we can get together and form an organization, we could do so much more. We could fund charity and religious organizations, create and place churches, Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods, send priests and ministers throughout the world to preach the word of God. We cannot sit around in a room and just say to get mroe people to rpeach. We must take action now."
  6. The Atlian general decided to ask some questions once he got over his shock. "What are you going to do about the Labradorean tragedy? Do you believe for there to still be terrorists left? Furthermore, will the Dobbs Doctrine still be in full effect under your rule?" OoC: no ooc bias here, just a question. I won't pursue it further.
  7. "What if the Catholic Church is truly dead? It has been running for two thousand years, being a huge influence among the world. It seems to be fading. If we cannot stop it, and Catholics are reduced to a cult, then what? Islam is taking over the world. Perhaps it is time to accept the Islamic faith. Perhaps we are reading the wrong scriptures."
  8. "Socialism does nothing but take hard earned money away from those who have tried in life. All the socialist ideal is that everyone, no matter how hard they work, deserves equal pay. That's pure idiocracy. We do not accept this murder. We meerly support the uprising. Their actions are not our actions."
  9. [quote name='Justinian the Mighty' timestamp='1299365446' post='2653810'] The fact that Global Research ignored Slavorussia’s momentous contribution to this war shows their anti-Russia and pro-western slant. This publication will no longer be viewed as a reliable and unbalanced source for world news. [/quote] "Slavorussia seems a bit full of themselves for massacring a small army, don't they?"
  10. It really doesn't matter much, but I laid claim to the tiny bits of coast down South. [img]http://i55.tinypic.com/2hcp45v.png[/img] See them? All the way down south. I don't want anyone taking these.
  11. "We support the capitalist uprising in Blue Heaven. We would like to correct you, though, on one issue: Muslims do not hate Jews and Christians." ~ Atlas Empire
  12. High Priest Abidemi Hikanya spoke up. "Christianity is fading, and there is honestly not much we can do about it. We can run around preaching the word of Al-erm, God, we can open new churches, but what are the chances those we do not accept this religion will suddenly accept it just because we say so? In fact, the numbers of Christians in Atlas have been dwindling ever so slightly. If these numbers keep up in a couple of years they'll be reduced to just a dozen or so members! How can we convince people that Christianity is the one true religion? How is it more convincing than Islam, Judaism, and others? We need to do more than just sit around and preach. Something [i]more[/i] has to be done."
  13. General Kibwe Enu arrived alone at the announcement. He was not concerned much with the Empire but Atlas's government picked him to go.
  14. "We recognize this name change."
  15. MESSAGE TO NOVAK: Our nation is currently under talks of allying Zaboor, a nation within your EEZ. We ask for special access to this region. This potential meeting can improve Zaboor and ours economy and peoples. Surely you will find this acceptable.
  16. [quote]To: Zaboorian Government From: Atlas Empire Sector of Foreign Affairs Subj: Re: Meeting Very well. We shall send Kojo Nakato to this meeting. He will arrive by Boeing air jet at your countries capital. [/quote]
  17. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299374039' post='2653927'] "Zaboor is greatly in support of every one of these laws. The Atlas Empire is under extremely good leadership." [/quote] "We thank Zaboor for their kind words and return the compliment."
  18. [img]http://www.hudsonhorizons.com/pub/images/paperboy.jpg[/img] Official Laws of The Nation: Freedom of Speech: Approved Freedom of Religion: Approved Freedom of Press: Approved ------------- Homosexuality: Legal Gay Marriage: Legal Interracial Marriage: Legal Polygamy: Illegal (No exceptions) Age of Consent: 18 Legal Driving Age: 17 Legal Drinking Age: Alcohol illegal Legal Recreational Drug Use Age: 18 Cannabis: Illegal Cigars: Legal Cigarretes: Legal Crack Cocaine: Illegal Medical Cannabis: Legal Abortion: Legal (2 months maximum abortion time///any after is illegal) Slavery: Illegal Gambling: Legal Internet: No firewall Pedophilia: Illegal
  19. After recent updates from the government, we now recognize and welcome the territory. Furthermore, we offer diplomatic aid to this new nation.
  20. [img]http://www.rhnltw.com/images/news/20100828/extra_2010082896270.jpg[/img] [b]Government Funds Railroad Project[/b] A nation wide rail road, which will spread across all of the main provinces, has been approved today. The huge system of train tracks will web its way across the mainland, with extensions into the outer islands. Territories above the Zarmonian Federation and way down south will have their own sets, but stretching rails to them will require the approval of the Rebel Army and Zarmonian Federation. The government announced that, "We will do all in our power to ensure that all of our territories are united one way or another. [b]Nuclear Power Plant Will Fuel Nation[/b] Atlas's military said today that all of Atlas will one day be powered with one of the cleanest resources known to man, nuclear power. While wind, water and hydrogen are all clean, nuclear power will generate more electricity for less of a price. [b]Capital City Will Be Built on An Island[/b] After a lot of headaches and about ten gallons of coffee, the Strategic Placement Committee has done the first act of their history: placing the capital city on an island. They say teh soon to be constructed city will be placed on one of the various islands outside of the mainland. In order to keep a stable and runnning country in the event of war, placement of the most important city an this hard to reach island is near "genuis". Military members say that if sea ports, barracks and airfieds are placed throughout the island, attack by any weapon aside from illegal nuclear or biological missiles is near-impossible. The committe's main job is to pick and build cities, barracks, airfields, sea ports, defenses and industrial factories in the most protected and effective spots throughout the nation. While nearly everything they do is classified, the annoucnement of a capital city seems near required. [b]Nuclear Bombs?[/b] Rumors have begun circulating throughout the entire nation that the military is building nuclear weaponry. While none of these reports ahve been confirmed, the recent construction of a nuclear power plant and the shut down of one of the southern coastal territories has gotten citizens wondering: what are they doing? [b]Seven Dead, Twelve Injured At Amusement Park Tragedy[/b] At a small amusement park in the Northern Territories of the Empire, a wooden roller coast, neglected by the park owners, collapsed, taking with it around fifty people. While most were unharmed, seven were killed and twelve injured. Those casaulites were all from one vehicle, which was going downhill when the ride gave way. The park has been shut down while investigations of the entire area take place. The owners have been sued by many families.
  21. Okay, well, I was pretty sure Oceanic Union had more than one protectorate. Calm down.
  22. "We refuse to recognize this nation until we realize where they are, what their government is, and anything besides a flag." ~ Atlas Empire.
  23. Oh, yeah, that one protectorate. Btw, can you add the one Rebel Army protectorate to my nation? jking, but be more specific. Also, do you have permission and an RP to back it up?
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