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Captain Enema

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Everything posted by Captain Enema

  1. Private to Novakia and UMS We of course are interested in meeting with you as well. Please set a time and place and we'll be there.
  2. Brian Hiley quietly enters into the room and sits down in front of the doctor's desk. He takes out a small notebook and a pen and looks across the desk at the doctor. He says, "One of your colleagues from Dredsen patched me up after taking a high velocity round to the left leg. The doc did a horrible job then, so do tell me what exactly you are doing now to help my son."
  3. Port Sudan Mad Dog Bob Denard steps up to the podium and shades his eyes from the glare of the sun. He looks out into the crowd and seeks out the faces that he knows. Six years of wandering, six years of scratching out a meager existence, six years of burning for revenge against those who unleashed a plague on his former home in the vanquished Republic of Somalia, and finally six long years of gathering to him those who still shared his vision of an African free of the stench of Western Imperialism. In the crowd he spots the occasional familiar face buried under the helmet of a African Legionnaire. The fall of the Republic had only caused the men of the Republic of Somal armed forces to return home to try and save their families. The men of the African Legion didn't have the luxury of a family so they stayed with him all these years. Those few hundred hungry lean looking killers wander their way through the crowd leaving a trail of respectful silence in their wake. The crowd grows silent as Mad Dog Bob Denard begins to speak by saying, "We gather here today in this proud land. In our midst we have men from all corners of Africa who have spent the last twenty years fighting against the facists, the colonial powers, the slavers, and those who wish to bury the culture of Africa under their boots." "In this crowd we have the sons and daughters of those who carry the scars of oppression on them." "Among us we have those of us who have been raped." "There are others who have seen their own family members murdered." "Some have had their own flesh and blood stolen from them and sold as slaves." "All of us have seen Africa suffer under the yoke of foreign powers. Today we don't gather as a Sudanese Nation. There aren't enough Sudanese left to even make a nation. We gather as a nation of free Africans who have gathered together in celebration of all things African," Mad Dog Bob Denard says as a hooded figure is drug up onto the stage. The crowd grows hostile at the sight of the hooded figure. Bob raises his hands and says, "Brothers, sisters, let justice be done," as he draws out his pistol, places it to the skull of the hooded man, and says, "You've been sentenced to death by people of Sudan. For your crimes of rape, slavery, torture, sodomy, and pedophilia you will now be executed," as he squeezes the trigger and blows the man's brains all over the side of the stage. Bob waits for the crowd to quiet down before concluding, "This scum, this European trash, this filth of humanity dared to rape and kill an African child. I say to you all that this ends today. We will no longer sit defenseless against foreign rapists, drug dealers, and cultural imperialists. We will educate ourselves, we will grow strong, we will create a bastion of African culture that the world will come to admire and respect. We will not do this by prostituting our nation to a non-African nation." General Announcement of the New Government of Sudan Effective immediately all of European particularly German, British, and absolutely Italian nationality are immediately ordered to register with the government. We no longer will tolerate those of European decent who promote a toxic influence amongst our people. OOC: Taking over the UMS/Novakian protectorate and it will be called Sudan, for now.
  4. Rerolling as Sudan, Bob is back lol. I drop all claims to Guangxi, thanks Cochin, but my heart is crying for Africa.
  5. Is ferrism anything like when your wok starts to rust when you use to much cooking oil? -Bored uninterested bystander..
  6. Brian Hiley nods and says nothing as he motions for her to lead the way. Nothing about this situation made any real sense to him. His distant relationship with Evan didn't mean he was out of touch. Using third parties he had been kept advised regarding his son's life and its ups and downs for the last several years. His aides over the years have played their role in keeping him informed with their standing orders to clip out and deliver any and all newspaper clippings regarding Evan that they should spot. As a result his son's life has been enshrined on the wall of his study. Newspaper clippings and printouts from the internet were about as close as Evan would let him get. The distance between the two seemed to grown into awkward proportions as the physical distance between the two lessened. Brian Hiley blames it solely on the long years of military service that has kept him so far away from his son. One particularly painful recollection he carries is of a very young Evan crying in the backseat of the car during yet another move to some far away base. Duty had taken him to many corners of the globe and those duties had taken him away from his son far to many times. Worst those duties had deprived his son of what could have been a normal childhood. Being shuffled from base to base, from school to school, and from city to city couldn't have been healthy for Evan. However, Brian Hiley having watched the progress of his son's career, is certain that deep inside Evan understands the importance of duty. Before he and Sarah get too far along he falters a step and comes to a stop as he is reminded of the price he's paid in the path of honoring duty. A slice of pain ripples up his leg and he patiently waits for it to subside. With the ghastly scarring on his face twisted into a grim mask of tightly controlled agony he looks at Sarah with a decidedly malevolent look upon his face. Not being one to get overly distracted by pain he pushes a grim thought from the front of his mind down to his lips and he asks, "Perhaps we can take a moment to speak with Evan's physician?"
  7. Brian Hiley's face doesn't show even the slightest shiver of emotion. Showing emotions is contrary to his entire belief system. Quietly, with as much dignity and grace that exists within him, he takes her hand and gives it a firm shake in return. He's well aware of Sarah's history and even if he quietly believes that no woman ought to control a nation due to their fickle temperaments, he's willing to concede that Sarah has a few accomplishments to her credit. Though, you'll never hear him admit to this in public. The here and now of the moment calls Brian Hiley's attention as his aide, Master Sergeant Halloway (Retired) returns to the room. The tall eagle beaked gentlemen asks quietly, "Sir, do you need anything?" Brian Hiley looks past Sarah and says, "No Master Sergeant, if you could give me a few moments alone with this young lady....." "Yes sir, I'll be right outside," the Master Sergeant replies as he returns to the hallway and closes the door behind him. Brian Hiley redirects his attention to Sarah with a firm gaze and bluntly asks, "What the hell happened to him?"
  8. Brian Hiley runs a hand through the salt and pepper stubble that covers his deeply tanned head. His severe face has been winnowed by the rigors of a life spent in the military, which shows in his mannerisms and the way he speaks. Blunt and directly to the point at all times along with being obstinate and cantankerous at the best of times is perhaps the most generous way of describing Brian Hiley, aged sixty one years old. Even with the time spent in the service of his country behind him, he's still left a deep jagged scar from a blast of shrapnel etched into the side of his face. When angry the, his aide will swear, that the scar has been seen to throb with a violence all of its own that heralds an explosion of Brian Hiley's temper that is best described as cataclysmic. Today the scar is of the normal color that one would expect a scar of that severity to be. The ugly testimony to the folly of man constantly reminds Brian Hiley of his past and he can often be seen touching it as he mutters to himself. Not that someone like Brian Hiley needs to be reminded of his service. That same damn service that kept him away from the man who is lying somewhere in this damn crypt of a hospital. The same damn service that turned his son against him and made their relationship a cold one. With a sour look on his face he leans on the cane that takes some of the pressure of his crippled right leg and waits impatiently. Being a patient man isn't one of his virtues given his rank upon separation was that of Air Marshall. Not one of those Nancy boy sorts who hides a pistol in his panties and flies around on planes looking for drunks to rough up either. An honest to god hard fighting man of war who had served in countless engagements, took an uncountable number of lives, and ordered thousands into battle on more occasions that he could remember. He reaches up and tugs a button on the hem of his conservatively cut suit jacket and opens it. Brian Hiley's aide, Master Sergeant Halloway (Retired), had disappeared to locate a bathroom, leaving the retired Air Marshall to fend for himself for a bit. In retrospect, Air Marshall Brian Hiley DSC, UCV, OoB (Retired) decides it is a fortuitous absence in the sense that he is allowed to meet Evan's wife in private. As the woman, Sarah, walks through the door he shifts his weight a bit awkwardly as he meets her gaze and says, "I'm Evan's father, take me to him now."
  9. The Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force It was nearly dawn when the first of the TLAM sappers breached the wire. The National Policemen of the GMEF only just barely managed to spot them. Captain Po was the first to die as he launched himself headfirst at the sapper closes to him. With desperate hands he tackled the man and brought him to the ground. Not quickly enough though as the sapper's charge blew both of the men into a misty pulp. A young Sergeant quickly racked a round into the chamber of his rifle and left off a stream of high velocity bullets that cut down two more sappers as they attempted to hurl their charges into the tents that contained dozens of wounded and medical personnel. From there on the small battle got uglier as men came face to face in the murky light of the rising sun as they struggled to be the last man standing. Lt. Colonel Sichuan was blown out of his bed, but managed to roll to his feet. The hammer of rifle fire, the crump of satchel charges, and the howl of men trying to live and a few trying to die attacked the Lt. Colonel's ears. He reached over and picked up his carbine before he walked out into the street. His eyes adjusted quickly as he clicked the safety catch forward and pops off a burst of fire that caused the head of an approaching sapper to explode like a ripe watermelon being hit by a slegehammer. In the tents the doctors worked quickly to pull the wounded to safety. Doctor Peng was a vision of calm as he barked crisp orders. At least he was a vision of calm right up until one of the sappers managed to brush past the National Police Officers and into the tent. Doctor Peng immediately recognized the threat and acted as he barreled into the man, connected with his shoulder, and carried himself and the sapper out the door and into the cruel grips of a violent explosion. An explosion that promptly ended both of the men's lives in a violent flash of blinding light. Sichuan wasn't aware of this as he struggled to regain control of the GMEFs perimeter. After the fight he looked down at the Doctor's smiling face and frowned. He wanted to say something, but decided against it. Strength was what he felt the men and women of the GMEF needed the most at this moment and strength was what he was determined to give them. He spent the rest of the morning overseeing the repairs to the wire, the damaged tents, and other buildings. From: Lt. Colonel Sichuan To: Feng Ficai Combat related casualties were taken in an early morning surprise attack by TLAM forces. Requesting immediate replacements for the lost medical staff and security forces. Attached are a list of the dead and wounded, please take special note of the award commendations. -LTC Sichuan From Feng Ficai To: General Sichuan You've been promoted, awards will be granted, and reinforcements are on the way. Keep your head down and don't blame yourself, its a war and these sorts of things happen. Feng Ficai Bang Po International Airport A reinforced platoon of National Policemen carrying mortars, heavy machine guns, and sniper rifles hustle their way onto the plane past a group of eighteen riflemen who were selected to act as replacements for the seven dead and eleven wounded of the GMEF. With them come another thirty men and women who will act as reinforcements to relieve the burden on the overstreteched medical staff.
  10. Internal Auditor's Office The population of Guangxi has expanded dramatically as we've assumed more and more control of the countryside. We've grown from 14,000 to nearly 43,000 citizens. This has placed a great tax revenue at our disposal and has allowed us to consider the ambitious pursuit of different projects. However, for the time being the primary projects will be the razing of the ecologically unsound infrastructure projects, or at least those designated for destruction by the Office of Civil Engineering. A small expansion of the GNP will be coming into effect in the coming weeks. Our current roster of 800 full time officers and 600 reservists will be expanded to 4000 full time officers and 1000 reservists. Further, we will be creating a small, but highly professional, military force that will be backed up by a significant reserve component for assisting with National Defense, emergencies, and foreign deployments. This force will be headed by Lt. Colonel Sichuan, now promoted to General, and will consist of an entire reinforced Infantry Division. At least it will consist of this strength once the growth of the division has reached its full measure. Until then we plan to lay the ground work for the four Regimental Combat Teams that will comprise of the Division's strength by forming a Battalion combat Team for each of the Regiments. The BCTs will comprise of the nucleas of the the Division's leadership and technical specialties. Typical BCT configuration: 3 Rifle Companies 1 Heavy Weapons Company 1 Logistical Company 1 Services and Support Company These BCTs will be expanded into their regimental configurations which will follow this configuration: 3 Rifle Battalions 4 Rifle Companies 1 Heavy Weapons Company 1 Services and Support Battalion - Logistical Company - Transport Company - Engineering Company - Scouts and Sniper Company - Whiskey Company (On hand infantry company for Regimental Headquarters support) - Medical Services Company Division Level Assets will include: 1 Air Defense Battalion - 4 Air Defense Companies 1 Artillery Battalion - 4 Companies of 105 and 155 SPH 1 Air Transport Wing - 4 Squadrons of Heavy Helicopters and light prop driven aircraft 1 Air Attack Wing - 4 squadrons of Attack Helicopters 1 Special Operations Group -120 Special Operations Capable Troops 1 Division Services and Support Battalion - Transport, medical, intel, engineering assets Project time for total readiness of the 1st Guangxi Division is set at 1 year. Roughly 30 percent of the annual budget is being set aside to make this project a successful one. Recruitment of specialist soldiers and officers will begin once training support can be contracted.
  11. Senior Researcher's Journal We've begun the construction of the new factories today. By using several small underground structures, which range from underground parking garages to large subterranean basements we believe we'll be able to disguise the locations of these factories. Power supplies are being doubled up by using the standard power sources and equipping each of the factories with a bank of portable generators. Work is projected to take roughly a month as it is a matter of the machinery into the abandoned structures after upgrading them for stability. The Internal Security Units have doubled in number. Each of the teams is commanded by a Sergeant of long service. The majority of the men haven't yet been assigned to their teams as the team leaders are still being trained up for their new roles. Most of them have prior service experience in other military organizations that have trampled their way across Guangxi in the past. However, only a few of them have any sort of Special Warfare training. This will not deter us from completing out assigned mission as we will simply invest more of our energy and funding towards this project to make it work. Funding is currently being funneled to the organization via a Head of State Nonprofit Organization back-channel. The entire chain of funding is highly convoluted, but Ficai assures me it is extremely difficult to trace.
  12. Bang Po- From the Office of Feng Ficai Today the citizens of Guangxi celebrate the completion of the remodeling of our Foreign Ministry. This lovely old building resides in one of the old Foreign concessions. These Foreign Concessions once were symbols of hatred for the people of Guangxi, but now will serve as a symbol of unity. The Bang Po Foreign Concession, is hereby renamed the Guangxi Embassy District. We've chosen the location due to the historic nature of the area. It wasn't more than one hundred and fifty years ago the British and French Opium traders forced their way into China. We now hold this area to be a symbol of unity rather than imperialism and racism that it once represented. The surrounding harbor has been restored to full capacity as well. At this time the Government of Guangxi opens the Harbor of Bang Po for business. We hope to procure contracts to act as a refueling and resupply port for all who choose to utilize our services. We offer competitive rates and only ask that incoming ships be extremely carefully with emitting any hazardous wastes or materials into our international waters. Bang Po Embassy District http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concessions_in_China
  13. Senior Researcher's Journal- Classified We've been making progress in putting together an unconventional warfare training curriculum for our training teams. So far we have the manpower for ten teams of ten men. Feng Ficai named these teams, "Internal Security Units" in order to mislead foreign powers. So far the ISUs have been using up copious quantities of ordnance in the pursuit of sharpening their war fighting skills. I'm of the opinion they are bored and are trying to amuse themselves. None the less, work is progressing and we expect to see the development of the decentralized infrastructure to create a network of small factories. Each factory will be a self contained unit to create small runs of the needed equipment and munitions. The hope is that by spreading them out we'll be able to hide some of them in times of war. They'll be carefully concealed in some of the abandoned underground structures left behind by the previous occupants.
  14. The Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force The medical officers of the GMEF are hard at work piecing together the shattered bodies of the wounded as they come through the doors of their operating rooms. It is bloody work but they are strong in their resolve to go about it properly. Doctor Peng strolls from operating room to operating room as he examines the work being done. Occasionally, he comments, but rarely does he personally have to lend a hand. The doctors, nurses, and other specialists of the GMEF are some of the best Guangxi has to offer.
  15. Somewhere out there, on a beach far far away, no wars are raged, only women in tiny tops and smaller bottoms run and play, old Mad Dog Bob Denard sits reading a newspaper. He smiles and gives Sarmungian two great big thumbs up and promptly goes back to organizing a mostly nude beach volleyball tournament.
  16. Captain Furious of the Venusian Space Marines screams, "TO The Ships," as he furiously charges the boarding ramp of his departing Orbital Drop Shuttle, which suspiciously looks a lot like a playground slide . Damn nuclear grenades and such going off at the wrong moment. In he distance he hears the whine and howl of a Styglian Mark VT Disruptor cannon that barks out a line of hot energy blasts that obliterate another of the advancing tanks. On the other side of the field, near the merry go round, Lieutenant Tommy Parker, 9 years old, orders his ragtag squad of Stone Cold Commando Elite Killers onto the field of battle with the shout of, "First one to the tree house gets ice-cream!" And so the war of Cherry Tree Elementary School raged on and on, until no one was left, as they all had to go back to class.
  17. The Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force Lt. Colonel Sichuan opens the tent flap as he hears the thunder of helicopter rotors in the distance. He says, "On your feet, we'll probably be having wounded to clear soon." Doctor Peng and the rest wearily stagger out of their cots as they make their way to their operating rooms to wait for incoming wounded. They have been working around the clock in some cases to do their best to perform miracles to stabilize the wounded soldiers, civilians, and on occasion captured rebel. Doctor Peng walks past Sichuan and says, "God, I don't know how much longer we can keep this up." "You'll keep it up as long as you need to keep it up," barks Sichuan, but doesn't mention anything about the ten or so more doctors and other extra staff soon to be arriving from Guangxi to assist the worn and tired medical staff of the GEMF. Sichuan says nothing as he turns away and strolls off to find Captain Po. After a bit of searching he finds the Captain asleep, face down on a pile of paperwork, and shakes him awake. The Captain looks up, recognizes the Lt. Colonel, and staggers to his feet as he chokes out, "Sorry sir, I must have fell asleep." "We all have to sleep at some point, has the guard shift been rotated yet?" Po checks his watch and says, "About an hour ago sir." "Good, we might be getting some wounded, I heard choppers taking off from the main base a short while ago. Get Fourth Platoon ready to go double up on our perimeter guards and to provide a squad to assist the doctors." "They need stretcher bearers?" "That and the docs are damn tired. They may just need someone to fetch things for them so send them all of our medics instead. Maybe the medics can take some of the rote work off of them," replies Sichuan thoughtfully. "We have four medics sir, not enough to make a difference," replies Po. "Four medics and eight more men who are trained paramedics serving as riflemen. Send them all and do it quickly," orders Sichuan. "Sir, yes sir," Po responds as he wonders how Sichuan came across the information that eight of his men had been trained as paramedics on their own time.
  18. Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force The men of the GMEF dismount their chartered plane and proceed by truck to the front. They quickly find a nearby field to pitch their tents. Sentry positions are set up around the small tent city that erupts in the center of the pasture. A few irate cows are ran off to make way for foxholes, tents, latrines, and other basic facilities needed to provide a forward medical base. Roving patrols are sent out to keep tabs on the surrounding countryside to ensure no surprises are met and to check on the health and welfare of the local citizens. For the most part other than being a bit frightened they seem to be in good health. Captain Po reports this to Lt. Colonel Sichuan who makes a note to forward the reports from the roving patrols to the local authorities to keep them advised. Elsewhere Doctor Peng is busy directing his medical staff as they go about treating the sick, wounded, and injured civilians and soldiers that find their way to the GMEF's Medical Base. As it is located directly on the Main Route of Supply for the local military it isn't to difficult to spot from the road with its large Red Cross flag, hence making it a natural destination for anyone who is need of medical care.
  19. Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force Lt. Colonel Sichuan nods his head at the pilot and says, "Radio ahead asking for permission to enter their airspace, I don't want them blowing us out of the sky." "Yes sir," replies the pilot as he brings up the proper air control frequency and says, "This is Oscar Meyer 2 with the Guangxi Medical Expeditionary Force on an inbound flight to Madurastan, we request to enter your airspace and a bearing towards the landing strip of your designation, copy." The Lt. Colonel nods as he walks back into the chartered aircraft and looks at the NPF Detachment. They are hard looking fit men who are experienced with keeping the peace and keeping people alive. In other words, perfect for protecting a mob of doctors and other medical staffers. He motions his hand to the Captain Po, son of Jiang Po, and says, "Have your men load their rifles, but keep their chambers empty. I want an visual inspection of every single rifle on this crate done before landing." "Sir yes, sir," replies Captain Po. Sichuan turns to Doctor Peng and says, "Have your team ready to depart the plane quickly. We'll unload our equipment once transportation to our site has been organized. Things were put together on the fly, so I don't expect we'll know exactly where we are deploying until we make contact with the Madurastan Authorities." "We'll do our part," Doctor Peng says calmly. "Good, I'm sure you will, just remember that the situation on the ground is probably going to be chaotic. Keep your people moving," Sichuan said very sternly as he walked back to the cockpit of the plane.
  20. Bang Po, Capitol of Guangxi Lt. Colonel Sichuan opens the orders in front of him and frowns. He reads them and mutters, "Crazy foreign schemers," as he collects his personal equipment and prepares to depart. OOC: In case my ban appeal gets tossed feel free to NPC the medical detachment and add it to your own ranks.
  21. The government of Guangxi suspects the men of the revolution are in for some very lonely nights and will no doubt see the errors of their ways, quickly.
  22. Feng Ficai scrambles down the boarding ramp holding his fly rod in one hand and his hip waders in the other. He looks around for the waiting SUV as his staff unload his baggage and their own personal effects. Turning to his Minister of Tourism he says, "Now look damn it, the only one having fun on this trip is me. You get to work, pay attention and talk to people. See what you can learn and see if you can make any connections." "Yes sir," the Minister of Tourism says as he waits by Feng Ficai.
  23. Feng Ficai's assistants turn around to witness their fearless leader mounting a nearby aircraft's boarding ramp like the Marines storming the beaches of Iwo Jima. One caustically mutters, "I wish he'd put the same energy into getting his paperwork sorted out," as he huffs and puffs his way up the ramp. The Minister of Tourism, who overheard the remark, asks, "This is going to suck isn't it?" "Don't be so glum, he'll be up to his hips in a river all day, the last time he drug us all out fishing we spent most of our day draining the hotel bar," another assistant remarks. "Yeah and he took the cost of it out of our wages," yet another observes as they file their way onto the place. Several Hours later the pilot radios ahead to the Kingdom of Cochin, "This is flight Oscar Meyer requesting clearance to enter Kingdom of Cochin Airspace.... I repeat..."
  24. "Well a one way trip and the SUV as we'll be moving on from the Kingdom of Cochin to our next fishing destination," replies Feng Ficai as he motions his assistants to collect his fly rods and luggage.
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