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Everything posted by Sarkin

  1. No. God, no. Good luck with this protectorate, HB.
  2. You say this (with a horrible excess of emoticons, I might add), as if Skaro hasn't been almost completely ineffective in its ridiculous ambush. In our war, you've lost 6,492 NS compared to my 192 NS. Micronesia has fared only a little bit better, losing 4,245 NS to my 76 NS. In Liechtenstein's war against bcortell, he has lost 4,719 NS to bcortell's 292 NS. Other war stats are likewise skewed in our favor. There were a couple wars where the damage was largely even, and I think I saw one where the Skaro nation had a clear edge in damage output. Considering Skaro's advantages in terms of surprise, time to prepare, and circumstances (the fact that SO had already been at war for nearly a month with SUN, and had recently been ambushed by Mume as well), it just wasn't an impressive attack. And bragging about the efficacy of your SDI is likewise silly.
  3. Aurora Borealis likes Solis. Solis likes Aurora Borealis. Thus, a treaty. Luce Stellarum Article I: Non-aggression We won’t be aggressive toward one another. Article II: Intelligence and Aid We’ll share. Article III: Optional Defense and Aggression When desired, we’ll share military opponents. When not desired, we won’t. Article IV: Cancellation When desired, one of us will end this treaty. Give the other one a head’s up of 48 hours first, though. Signed for Aurora Borealis, Drake Spoke, Triumvir Jutopia, Triumvir Sarkin, Triumvir Signed for Solis, James Maximus, Dominus Combat Pope, Princeps of Mor EmperorDhruv, Princeps of Pon abbasmehdi, Princeps of Xin dixitque Deus fiat lux et facta est lux
  4. So, we're now at war with three alliances? Well, alright then.
  5. I just can't believe that after our last war with you guys ended (in mid-July, I believe), you guys were only involved in two "wars" (as the junior partner of a NDO/Hellas/WD coalition, and then a one day nothing-war with TFK). And yet, you still couldn't mount a serious challenge for us, even when we were in the midst of a nearly month-long all-out updeclare war with SUN. Come on, now. We gave you everything you should have needed to make an end-round splash. We gave you motive for revenge, war experience, time to rebuild and scheme, and the perfect opportunity to attack us when we're already battered. This is the result? Also: You have this insane self-image as the uber-polite rational actor dealing with barbarians, but in reality, you're simply petty, narcissistic, and an inept leader.
  6. My prediction for my team's final record this season (assuming 14 games, it's a little hard to tell how long our regular season actually is): 4-10. I think I'll do better than break even next season, though.
  7. Just to clarify: Yes, Aurora Borealis is still protecting them.
  8. Well, it's about damn time. I was wondering if you lot would ever actually muster the stones to declare on us. Also, Serrulata? This is, what, Mume 7.0 by now?
  9. Always good to see one less fence-sitter. Kudos for making a choice, GOONS.
  10. Frankly speaking, you're terrible at this whole "making a coherent argument" thing, but this was your worst attempt yet. I will refer you to Exhibit 1 here, "Winning by Losing." What you're really trying to do is appeal to the audience (I have no idea why, they're not going to come save SUN to protect its right to be dicks to WAPA) by saying, "Hey, look at all of these losers in Specify Other who take this super seriously (how lame is that!?), whereas those of us in SUN are super-chill sunglasses-wearing bros who just like to party!" It's just so trite and transparent. If you guys are willing to fight to the end to protect your right to be assholes to whoever you want, just say that. Don't make weird and pointless ad hominem attacks to that end. I couldn't possibly care less what is an "SE idea" and a "TE idea." It's an artificial distinction. Also, we're currently fighting, while the date for peace is still left to be decided. This could still end with us shaking hands. I'm not seeing a conflict here. 1.) I don't care. 2.) And gleefully raiding a much smaller and weaker alliance throughout the round while posting tech raid songs on here is perfectly gentleman-like? More truthfully, it sets a dangerous new precedent for SUN's right to be dicks to whomever they want. That's what you're actually concerned about. 1.) There is no treaty. 2.) I think it's hilarious that not only are you guys fighting solely to preserve your right to be dicks, you're also offended by the very idea that someone might want to stop you, and that your only explanation for this occurrence is to conjure up a non-existent treaty (or to say that an informal one exists). The only part of TE culture you're trying to preserve is the "right" of large alliances to beat the hell out of much smaller alliances whenever they want, and all the time. What was that called? Oh, right, "downdeclaring," that one thing that absolutely nobody in TE supposedly likes and that everyone tries to deny. WAPA wasn't a new alliance. They had more than a few members. Your attacks have come early and often. When you get right down to it, I guess that you're not only fighting to preserve your right to be dicks, you're also fighting to preserve your right to downdeclare on anyone you want and however many times you want. We're not at peace. The only thing we're trying to enforce now is your faces into the dirt. And it's going pretty well, you know.
  11. If nothing else, I'm grateful for my monthly reminder that PNU is the worst alliance.
  12. You were curbstomped because you were awful. Mume was poorly built and thoroughly unprepared. The alliance was designed with a completely unrealistic foreign policy strategy. Also, it goes without saying that the leadership was terrible. You write this as though we weren't also coming off of the exact same war. hartfw already highlighted your hypocrisy here, but if you wanted a longer delay between the wars, or for us to be too damaged to obtain nukes before the second war, you should've done one of the following three things: - Prepared better (or, hell, at all) for war - Fought better (or, hell, at all) in the first war - Not gone around telling everyone who would listen about your secret plans to destroy us (this goes back to that leadership thing I mentioned earlier) I'm sorry, I didn't realize that we held an obligation to our targets to make their lives easier. Gee whiz, I thought we were trying to make your lives harder. This is the silliest thing. If that's the proper name, why didn't you actually name it that in the game? What, you didn't trust your members to spell it? Or to, I dunno, copy and paste it? Also: no. You're ridiculous. "I thought it would be funny to ward off attacks from other alliances by falsely invoking the protection of an alliance that I'm planning on attacking in a couple of days! In no way, shape, or form could I have possibly foreseen the negative reactions this plan has drawn! Allow me to apologize for your lack of appreciation for my sparkling wit!" I'm not sure what your long-term plans are, but alienating major alliance after major alliance was probably a bad idea. Far be it from me, however, to impugn the strategic genius of Inst, Leader Extraordinaire! Although I'm not Auctor, I will say that it's going swimmingly. If this was meant to be some sort of verbal jab, well, you should probably check the stats first next time. "I'm not crying! I don't cry! I'm a man! I'm manly! Do you understand the point I'm trying to make here!? I never cry because I'm super cool and shut up!"
  13. I wonder if Mume is willing to fight a third consecutive round of war just to preserve their (non-existent) right to terrorize WAPA. I hope so.
  14. Right? Specify Other was merely leading a righteous vanguard. You're (all) welcome, by the way.
  15. You're free to have whatever policy you desire. However, we are under no obligation to respect it. In other words, "Nice job SUN, trying to dictate someone's TE policy (of hitting alliances for being jerks). :rolleyes: " This reminds me, a bit more entertaining warchest data from our friends at Mume: The Ship: $3,417,637 (8/3/13) Kamikazia: $32,762 (8/2/13) Andres: $2,498,168 (8/1/13) Cyberia: $5,946 (8/2/13) Midway: $1,655,268 (8/1/13) Lee PH: $1,176,045 (8/3/13) Forgotten Ones: $2,764,376 (7/30/13) Sbogodoff: $3,269,322 (7/30/13) Klondike: $462,333 (8/3/13) TiffHelena: $34,021 (7/30/13) HellsingEngland: $88,168 (7/30/13) From what I can tell, Mume might not have a single nation left with more than $10 million. Good luck with that.
  16. Due to Mume 2.0's persistent refusal to stop being jerks to WAPA, the war marches on.
  17. Hey, look everybody! It's the guy with the $91,114 warchest! I guess raiding WAPA like douchebags doesn't pay too well, huh?
  18. Why would you declare war in the early evening? You don't have enough guys who can blitz at update?
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