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Everything posted by mythicknight

  1. what this fine gentleman said. In the meantime...*grabs draws hopscotch lines*
  2. I'm still banning you.
  3. Third seller has been found for next cycle.
  4. One might stab said person with a rusty foon
  5. Ugh. Ok, I'm having some of my guys send tech to cover you and Boddah at update. if GODOFYOU tries sending tech tomorrow just cancel it and tell him he's out of the deal. I'll find a new seller for the next cycle.
  6. The Righteous Times This paper is part of... Editor-in-Chief: King Vences Righteous wRiter: NeCoHo Righteous wRiter: Quiz Righteous wRiter: Rach86 Righteous wRiter: El Pilchinator (Resigned) Visual Media Team: Sithis Fighting Evil By Moonlight: Tuxedo Mask What's that ? Oh, its Duckroll ! Just recently, Planet Bob just became a whole lot more interesting. TORN, IRON, Valhalla, and ML sign the Duckroll Project, a cooperative military group bent on world domination domination of everything. It was greeted with a glorious rain of hails, rightfully so. This is a true giant leap for cybermankind. I couldn't put it any better than the following quotes. I couldn't get in full contact with ML, so no quote from them. Well there you have it folks. The future of CN...is in OUR hands now ! --- King Vences, Editor-in-Chief Peace works...with nukes. Well, its been almost an entire year since the Woodstock Massacre, a large-scale war that ended up in the severe weakening of the GPA. When GPA surrendered, they were presented with a list of surrender terms, as are most other alliances. One of these terms is the revoking of nuclear weapon rights. This term has recently been canceled, and GPA is free to own as many nukes as they want to. To celebrate, many nations across Planet Bob released a peace dove...and then nuked it. Oh what a wonderful world we live in. Good luck GPA, may your pixels be packed full of uranium. --- King Vences, Editor-in-Chief. Rise Against... then Rise Again. The recent resurgence of the Mushroom Kingdom and the New Polar Order have been events which have shook Planet Bob in recent weeks. Both alliances were defeated in war, and both had been enthralled with harsh restrictions and deep reparation payments. MK paid 82,000 tech, while NpO paid 100,000 tech. Now that all this tech has been repaid, and both alliances are independent and free to make mischief in any which way they please. Without a doubt, these alliances have continued to add the extra flavors which make Planet Bob such a sweet succulent cake, filled with all sort of delicious flavors. But aside from making cake analogies, there is a purpose to this article. Mushroom Kingdom is still under a single restraint from its surrender terms. The MK is still disallowed nukes (and will be for about another month), however, this is a small price compared to the large amount of tech they paid out in return for giving one of the largest bloody noses to the entire Planet in the history of Bob. Not only that, but the Mushroom Kingdom, on the same day of its freedom, had a PEACE signed with TORN, which had eventually grown to a MDoAP. Born out of battle, the friendship is one which will hopefully last long into the future, and hopefully lead to MK coming out victorious the next time they even decide to let loose the dogs of war. But this alliance, which could have just as easily come out as a pariah, had a successful transition back in to the treaty web. Why is this? It could be justified as a way to ensure lines be drawn a certain way, as in, those who get there first, get a new ally, and potentially, a new resource to scare off others to starting a war, or it could have simply have meant that Planet Bob has grown and moved on, accepting the MK into its bosom once again. Within a month, there was a MDP with Siberian Tiger Alliance, and, astonishingly, a Pact with the New Pacific Order to maintain the CN Radio, which can be heard of right here: -- -- MK’s ascendance to this role is a true sign of growth and friendship between these two former enemies. When looking at the New Polar Order, one can find much in the same as when MK took its place back in the realm of Planet Bob, if not to an even greater scale. NpO, once a sanctioned alliance, and now, once again, a sanctioned alliance, has seen growth unprecedented almost anywhere else. On January 4th (4 days before their surrender terms were over) NpO had regained sanctioned status on Bob. Having paid the largest amount of tech any alliance has ever been forced to, it is a testament to the will and skill of the members of NpO to have done this, and the things which have followed. Much like a wedding cake, layer upon layer of good things were to happen to NpO soon after their ascendance back into the top alliances of CN. A MDP with the Siberian Tiger Alliance, an ODAP with Valhalla, a MDoAP with Nueva Vida, and, with great admiration, with New Pacific Order. What this means for the New Polar Order is that that have completely assimilated back into the ranks of CN’s alliances, and they did so with quickness comparable to one large man getting 10 minutes alone in the closet with a cake. NpO has emerged better off than before the start of the war, which is certain. Some may wonder what this also means for the world, and to be frank, one cannot predict with certainty that anything at all will happen, and that may well be a good thing, for now. --- NeCoHo, Righteous Intern. Not The Final Countdown On the 6th of January, 2006, Admin created the Cyberverse. One week later, the Cross-Atlantic Treaty Organization, CATO, entered the world stage. In the three years since, they have not left. Renamed the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization shortly after founding, GATO celebrated its third birthday to much applause and many well-wishers on January 13th, 2009. Assembly Chairman MTTezla marked the occasion with a few brief remarks of his own, recounting the role that GATO has played on Planet Bob since its formation. The oldest alliance has fought in a multitude wars, from the very first war with INC, each Great War, in addition to the Unjust War and the One Vision War. Yet it has remained the mainstay of the Brown Team, without fail, since its inception. The alliance had previously been placed under Pacifican Viceroy Z'ha'dum, survived a coup attempt, and general disbelief that a democracy could work on Planet Bob. Yet MTTezla was quick to deflect praise away from him and his government, instead choosing to focus on GATO's membership as a whole, the Great Assembly. It was this membership, he said, that has stuck by the alliance, through the good and the bad, and has made it what it is today. He concluded his remarks with two brief 'interviews', past and present government members who outlined their reasoning for joining the alliance. The responses from the rulers of the Cyberverse were ones of happiness, despite some being surprised. GATO has weathered arguably the greatest odds that any alliance has had to face in its history. Even when the rest of the Cyberverse disagreed, even when violence was used against the alliance, GATO has stuck to its principles of democracy and honor through them all. The membership and government all deserve to truly celebrate, and look forward to the next year to bring what it will. They are certain, after the trials of their past, that they will not only survive, but flourish. --- El Pilchinator, Righteous wRiter. Righteous News Sup, KFG ? Our glorious regent has returned from his quest to the enchanted forest, and has been enlightened. A few months back, KungFuGeeks took a break from CN to deal with other issues, but couldn't resist dropping by IRC one day and saying hello...and thats where the evil grasp of CN returned to haunt him. He went from just wanting to say hello to retaking control over his nation and government position in TORN. Here is what he had to say: -"Well, I left for RL reasons. Something bad happened to somebody close and I really didnt have time for CN. I came back because, well....Nobody ever really leaves CN. Once it has you, it never lets go. As far as plans in TORN, I just want to blow stuff up so I hope that all the CN drama comes to a head again sometime soon. I honestly wasn't all that surprised [at my readmission]. TORN is a good group of people and I have never felt more at home in any other alliance. I was a little shocked when I realized that my nation had been raided by TORN...Of course, I did tell my nation sitter to kill my nation. - KungFuGeeks, Regent of TORN"- --- King Vences, Editor-in-Chief. February Council Announced That's right ladies and gents, the new TORN council has been announced...with extra pink, flowers, love, and other things that we men highly dislike. The vote was unanimous. HannaH, April, and Quinoa Rex will form the new elite all-female council body. We also purchased skin tight shiny leather suits for each to wear while they are in the council. The government expressed their horror with changing the skin of the TORN boards into a pink, lovey dovey Valentine's day tragedy. --- King Vences, Editor-in-Chief. Diplomacy ARES signs Protectorate with Sons of Chaos NpO signs MDoAP with Genesis TPF signs ODP with Invicta NADC cancels treaty with TGE UPN signs ODP with TP LoSS signs PEACE with Zenith NADC signs ODP with Zenith NpO signs MDP with ARES IRON signs ToA with Argent War Feature Articles Special Guest Interview RyanGDI is a leader of a small Alliance named after a Command & Conqueror faction everyone who played the game is familiar with. The Global Defense Initiative is a 19 member alliance with a total Nation Strength of roughly 80,000, and an average Nation Strength of about 4,300. Recently, with the advent of The Christmas War, this alliance has taken the spot light, and suffered due to it. Seeking answers to questions posed by denizens of Bob, the TORN Press Corps investigated. The following is an interview with RyanGDI: There you go folks. TORN asked, RyanGDI answered. You decide. --- NeCoHo, Righteous Intern. TORNerview I decided to get the scoop on Kaveman, TORN's Minister of Internal Affairs. Please take note that the entire conversation is uncut, right out of my IRC logs. --- King Vences, Editor-in-Chief Closing Editor's Take Well...today's issue was short and didn't include much that people didn't already know, but it was all worth it in the end. I recently picked up a bunch of new reporters from the TORN membership to join me in my quest to make the best newspaper around, not just for us, but for the rest of CN. This is also my first go around at the BBCode version of this newspaper, and after accidentally deleting the first draft version of this newspaper and having to retype it all, I am glad to get it over with. Thanks for reading ! --- King Vences, Editor-in-Chief Acknowledgments I will extend a special thank-you to... Reahoi, the first Editor-in-Chief of TRT. Heft, for his contribution. bigwoody, for his contribution. chejoe, for his contribution. Kaveman, for the TORNerview. KungFuGeeks, for his contribution. And most importantly, to all my much valued readers. Check in next time for another issue of The Righteous Times. Take care, and god speed. Fin.
  7. GODOFYOU has confirmed he's still in. He should be getting out of peace soon. Deal can proceed. I'll be updating the first post's progress as we go.
  8. I hear it was that Tuxedo Mask fellow. Never did trust him.
  9. GODOFYOU deleted my message and went into peace mode...dunno whats up with that. In the meantime I'm searching for a backup seller in case he's doesn't show.
  10. Heh, I lol'd Congrats to the new Emperor(s) I guess.
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