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Dirty Plunger

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    Soapy Water
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    Nueva Vida
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  1. [quote name='Nelchael' date='22 February 2010 - 12:14 AM' timestamp='1266815684' post='2196352'] ...nothing quite like the feeling of allied gov hailing a declaration on your alliance. [/quote] Hes NPO now apparently, so meh... BAPS is doing a pretty good job of mangling our guys between 10k and 30k since all of the BAPS in that range used to be a couple thousand heavier a week or two ago lol. /me shakes fist at everyone that nuked BAPS into the overpowered wonder heavy smallish nations they are now [quote name ='Haflinger']You probably should have considered what their reaction might be when you decided to support FAN bandwagoning and attack their allies.[/quote] QQ more please.
  2. [quote name='Haflinger' date='20 February 2010 - 01:59 PM' timestamp='1266692374' post='2193938'] I don't think you've ever been allied to GOD. [/quote] Attacking your ally's MADP partner on an oA is always a good call, man. Thanks for the tip. Don't get me wrong though, I know Xiph and Hizzy would love a go at each other and Hizzy would have gobbled up that opportunity already if it were an option, but thanks for the idea that we NEVER even considered.
  3. [quote name='mhawk' date='20 February 2010 - 01:10 PM' timestamp='1266689445' post='2193841'] We didn't need to ask for help from the massive 0 wars y'all actually launched. [/quote] You just can't see them, they're ghosts, you have to have a special 6th sense to see all of our declarations on 'em. When you finally see them though, I'll just save you some time and let you know that you're actually a ghost also. Sorry in advance for dying and becoming a ghost. Hopefully declaring on an 8k nuclear BAPS nation goes as terribly wrong as possible. Catch you guys on the... errrrr... uhhhh... wars across the globe screen?
  4. [quote name='Locke' date='15 February 2010 - 11:06 PM' timestamp='1266293177' post='2184372'] You do know that most people couldn't give two !@#$% about the CB when deciding to go to war, right? [/quote] No, usually thats the most stressed over part of any war actually and rallying more alliances onto your side of a CB is kind of important.
  5. [quote name='KingTopherXXIII' date='15 February 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1266285839' post='2183941'] I am sure we have dished out quite a bit of damage as well! How many of you can say your alliance would hold together given the circumstances, not many I am sure! We are Invicta! We Honor our commitments and stay true to our friends! Together we stand, together we fall! We will return, be it sooner or later, but we will return! [/quote] Honestly, 4+ years into this game, most alliances that have been around for longer than 2 years and are still here have been through pretty much the same thing at least once...
  6. [quote name='Jorost' date='15 February 2010 - 07:06 PM' timestamp='1266278807' post='2183655']We will not surrender. We will fight until an honorable peace can be achieved. We will fight until Hell freezes over. And then we will fight on the ice.[/quote] That might take a while if you guys keep saying the only way you'll surrender is if everyone else agrees not to re-enter the conflict... Until then, lets just make the most of the opportunity to fight in some wars before everything blows over, clears up and everyone gets so bored they start praying for a new war to pop up.
  7. Lol, yeah, a bloc MADP is pretty opportunistic, thanks for that one
  8. lol solid DoW. I'd say lets have some fun, but theres no one in Umbrella within range to attack, so I'll just watch as the big boys take care of things
  9. Different strokes for different folks This should be a lot of fun since I've got nothing but respect for FOK, its just where the DoWs fall
  10. I really don't have anything against FOK, this is just what happens when someone hits NpO o/ AZTEC o/ FOK Lets have some fun now and when the dust settles and things start to get boring we'll see what needs to happen
  11. Pretty nice declaration of war tbqh. Have fun, enjoy war as much as you can whenever it pops its ugly head up
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