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Kubla Khan

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Blog Comments posted by Kubla Khan

  1. yea

    I need to update, ive saves all the info from last night and will post the 3 doomhouse alliances and the 3 biggest NPO and allies, i feel bad for not putting avalon in since they have been such a center of attention. after the big side by side comparison ill do an avalon breakdown

  2. Im really not taking a side, im making an NPO stats sheet as well with observations and quick commentary.

    Fyi, 303 mil to GOONS nations and 147 mil internal by my count, but its definatly changed since we counted.

    Umbrella has Moved over 700 million+ each round so unless this last round has been a lagging round, Id say your not giving them the credit they deserve for this mind boggling aid airlift.

  3. Its just an observation that MK has stopped playing a major roll in aiding GOONS and has begun to receive a not insignificant amount of aid. Also an alliance with almost 1/2 of their nations in peace mode and the rest in anarchy to call for NPO to leave PM seems odd in light of these facts.

  4. My stats were not as in depth and based on attack reports, nuke reports, and nation by nation damage, i didnt and couldnt take the rebuying of NS, adding tech, or the like.

    I will do a more in depth breakdown but as i stated, mine was a very general and boiled down GATO-GOD specific report.

    I will edit my post to reflect facts and stats you have and if you wish a break down like CSN or GOONS i can provide that in a day or 2

    Id rather be correct here than be "right" if you will and any inaccuracies were unintentional as i posted with a specific intention of a non-bias report

  5. Hmm I think the "mil" is misplaced there. I mean we got a lot of aid, but I don't think we even have that many slots.

    Edited, and yes, you do have that many slots, i have been keeping track of the umbrella/mk to goons aid ever since i noticed it, 1 billion every round has held steady.

  6. Hello guys, GATO here, thought a response would be due, i speak for myself in this.

    Yesterday I was glued to IRC in the hopes that this boring as S**t summer was going to turn into something. NSO had accepted and was supporting a member who was attacking RoK. RoK responded with a quad attack. We watched all this unfold and waited. Surely this would mean war, large scale war. It would seem logical that someone from NSO would contact us, to stratigize, to plan a response, even just to say "So...this is a bit of a clusterf**k,huh?". But no, Omni, DragonsPhyre, Me (I am Deputy AC) didnt get anything. We watched over 200 people in the NSO public chat talking trash, escalating, making everyone in the room absolutly certain of there intentions not to back down.

    I looked forward to a fight, flex the muscles, have some fun. But if were were going to go to the unconditional aid of an ally, we do expect the common courtesy to say "Hey, we are gonna start a war". Yes we cancelled, was it the right thing? Good people can differ. But now this cancellation is being used as a political tool by NSO, you can all see that, "GATO are !@#$%*^, and NSO is a poor, helpless victim" is the new narrative being pushed. That is horses**t and you would be foolish to buy that snake oil that some on OWF are trying to sell

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