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Everything posted by Myzebedeeistaken

  1. Good luck sorting out the mess. Here's hoping that you can identify who has done this and hand over relevant information to local law enforcement agencies.
  2. [quote name='Dragonaspect' date='10 April 2010 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1270932466' post='2255780'] Size matters not, friendship does [/quote] So very true. Congratulations to both parties on formalising your friendship with a treaty. May you both rebuild quickly and to even greater heights.
  3. Good luck to the generals of VOC and safe sailing Franklin
  4. Good luck to Killjoy as he battles the giant RL - may he return victorious and in glory. Good luck to Jedaye as he leads one of the finest alliances upon Planet Bob.
  5. [quote name='Tromp' date='03 April 2010 - 01:41 AM' timestamp='1270255274' post='2245945'] Seriously, I think it would be fair to say a relationship ends because of friction between two parties, not because of just one. [/quote] That's fair Tromp. I hope that we continue to be able to acknowledge our individual and collective mistakes as an alliance and in the manner in which we treat both successes and failures. Revenons a nos moutons, I appreciate Chill spelling out publicly just why Graemlins are on their current path. It's saddening, and, even now, worrying to see our former blood brothers at the receiving end of such negative attention. I hope that they will act quickly to reverse this decision and perhaps act one final time in the way which earned them the friendship of so many.
  6. Very impressed with the organisation to help with finding a trade circle and progress the alliances signed up for this have made already. Looking forward to working alongside others to help orange nations achieve even better growth.
  7. Sad to hear Finsterbaby has been kidnapped by that evil entity which takes so many of our bravest and most loved. Congratulations on your election Peron. Good luck as you lead such a fantastic alliance. o/ IRON
  8. <3 Mia. It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance
  9. Mistakenly hit the transmit button while desiring to receive. My apologies.
  10. [quote name='Trace' date='17 March 2010 - 03:36 AM' timestamp='1268797310' post='2227970'] Planning for who was to hit them (after they hit us), as opposed to just leaving them alone to do their own thing cause we cared that little. [/quote] Darn it, I laughed Smooth sir, smooth
  11. [quote name='Trace' date='17 March 2010 - 02:34 AM' timestamp='1268793561' post='2227930'] It really is. That's not to say we didn't plan for Iron this war, but concerned about their validity as a threat? Not very. [/quote] I thought y'all were peacefully minding your business and were brutally and horribly jumped out of the blue in this war - not planning for IRON and other such things. We need to stick with the narrative you've been trying to establish here. Personally, I'm quite sure that your planning was not for CnG to be fighting IRON in this war. But, you've now shifted the argument to this war when the reference which drew Rush in was about the TPF war. Public call-outs to alliances tend to indicate that you're not wanting to exchange love and kisses to the alliance you're calling out. We had plenty of those in the TPF war - some quite lengthy in their appeal for a war and some which can't be dismissed as 'lulz'. Not sure how that equates to Olaf's ramblings. Regards to the 'boys in black' though
  12. [quote name='Olaf Styke' date='16 March 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1268783398' post='2227764'] TOP is never going to be what it was after this monumental blunder, and their intransigence and unwillingness to see reason may--very soon--lead to their ultimate destruction and the end of TOP as a power in Cybernations. Far be it from me, somebody who's alliance's destruction TOP has sought for quite some time now, to suggest an outcome that won't lead to the neutralization of yet another threat to Spartan interests but... SURRENDER. For the love of god, have you no common sense? We're not going to stop fighting you just because you swear to dig in for the long haul, we're going to keep tearing your alliance apart one nation at a time. We've given you a chance to tap out here, it is unbelievable folly to keep refusing to negotiate. At least IRON is still willing to see reason in this, or at least they're reasonable enough not to insult us during a peace summit and then storm out screaming 'eternal war'. Do yourself a favour, because right now you're doing us one. [/quote] Not laughed so much for a long time. Thanks Olaf - do you write your own material?
  13. CnG were very much involved in the first front of the war. It's true that they hadn't yet chained in on the other side to you when we pre-empted though and it's a perfectly fair criticism that our failure to manipulate the web by ghost declarations and chains at seventh remove meant that CnG can portray themselves as an injured party. More injured than they would have been if the first front's peace terms had been passed on to NSO, TOP and/or IRON before the pre-emption and more injured than if they'd taken peace when it was offered as soon as we'd heard Polar's front had peaced out. No axe to grind with STA, Tygaland. Just pointing out that the argument you're making is something I can agree with in large part but one has to apply it equally for it to have any merit.
  14. So are TOP. We've not airbrushed the other front of this war out of history yet though
  15. May Johan bless and guide you Sky. May Jenko's kenco be warm and tasty or may BiB smite him with great fury. It's good to see fresh faces in non-Voting Council positions, and I'm sure Benevlan will do a fine job in his role as Grand Inductor.
  16. Good luck to the new Argent government.
  17. [quote name='flak attack' date='04 March 2010 - 04:56 AM' timestamp='1267678790' post='2213380'] This is getting really, really old [/quote] We often have little in the way of common ground, but these attempts to destroy the communication networks of Planet Bob are most definitely tedious. Good luck to RIA in their attempts to restore secure communication links between their member nations.
  18. Rush - Mebbe he wouldn't have been killed if you'd peaced us out a month ago with Polar? Just saying like...
  19. Urgh. Good luck with the new online home.
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