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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. The ship came up on Mandalorian radars and was immediately destroyed. The felons were immediately captured and executed, since we had officers crawling throughout the coastal region.
  2. Or whatever you 'people' call yourselves.
  3. OOC: don't worry. apparently around here there's no such thing as a ton of bull being too late.
  4. Don't bother trying to reason with these...'people' of Drakoria. You won't get any out of them.
  5. okay, seriously people, cut the crap. Stop bloody attacking me for no reason, it is getting to the point where it's just annoying.
  6. Let it be known, any non-Nod or UMS ship in Mandalorian waters will be immediately destroyed, no questions asked.
  7. The ships were met by officers who immediately began firing on the ships and their felons. Meanwhile, all the people that the Libyan Reserves sent were captured, those who resisted were shot. OOC: wow, what a bunch of... honestly, I just starting RPing this damn nation. thanks a ton, all of you. You're perfect RPers, everyone should follow your example. CNRP would get a lot of new players after they saw the kind of people they'll be playing with.
  8. OOC: okay, seriously? IC: The CMs were shot down almost definitely by the UMS, as they said they would shoot down any more missiles.
  9. OOC: you must be a genius with Sketchup...I just installed it and can't make a single bit of sense out of it. :/
  10. Can't have an intelligent conversation. wait, i already knew that. I suppose you think crapping bombs on me was improving diplomatic relations as well.
  11. I totally agree to at least some restrictions...so a janitor can't 'accidentally' launch a nuclear payload at a random nation. *cough*Novak*cough*
  12. With a group of soldiers. Hmm, what is it when a foreign force of soldiers moves into another nation and starts shooting at people? I wonder.
  13. you didn't...you invaded me while I was preparing to write the explanation! how's that for giving me a chance, eh? anway, I'm done arguing with you like a pair of bleedin girls.
  14. OOC: I tried to, but people like you gave me no chance. And how do Orcs kill RP faster if they're no different from Humans? If you insist on arguing, take it to the OOC thread.
  15. "I wanted to discuss the possibility of a large-scale missile defense and radar system, to be constructed by the famed Dr. Kettenheim." Carter said. "To prevent something like this. I want to clear it with you first, it will be a purely defense system."
  16. OOC: I explained they were the victims of a genetic disease. The fact that he's dead doesn't change it. It didn't defy the laws of Physics or RP. And when last I looked, everyone bombing each other would kill RP a lot quicker than everyone RPing something other than humans.
  17. OOC: Not really. You're saying if everyone had a creative idea CNRP would die.
  18. OOC: So you're saying that while making Mordor I bombed someone. Right then.
  19. OOC: Okay, so can I hire him after the person after Helzan then? >_>
  20. OOC: I've never even gone to war with anyone before.
  21. OOC: Because I also go around bombing people for no reason.
  22. OOC: well, i certainly have the money, can Kettenheim do multiple projects at the same time?
  23. OOC: Those blueprints...do you actually draw those? And do you think I could hire out Dr. Kettenheim in the near future?
  24. OOC: Riight...i wish everyone was like you. CNRP would have failed a long time ago.
  25. OOC: Please, tell me who. I don't see a single person who has a good reason.
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