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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. OOC: speaking of which, was it Niko who nuked Furon? because i understand Niko offered retcon to everyone...
  2. After months of silence (OOC: I assume it would be about a couple of months) Mandalore is returning to the international community. We have been recovering from attacks and building up a military, thus we chose to refrain from international affairs. However, president Jack Carter has decided that now is the time to return to international affairs. We do, however, have a few declarations to make about our territory. 1. Ships coming into Mandalorian waters that have not been cleared and are not Nod or UMS will be searched. This is to prevent any mishaps similar to previous ones. The ships will be allowed to go on their path through Mandalorian waters without any interruption after making sure that no uncleared weaponry is on board (OOC: if you are transporting weapons to someone through Mandalorian waters, please clear it in this thread) 2. Mandalore is currently in a closed border state; immigration in and out has been halted for the time being. 3. Mandalore has begun construction of the MS-01A Borissean satellite (OOC: I have one IG) which hopefully will soon be launched into space to join the rest of the world. That is all for the time being: we simply wish it to be known that we are now reentering international politics.
  3. Mandalore expresses its alarm at these occurences; though, of course, we have never been on good footing, we wish Furon luck in hopefully getting rid of these bloodthirsty elements, especially after all the civilian deaths you have suffered.
  4. If it hasn't been claimed yet could I have the Eastern-North part of Russia? anywhere in that general region.
  5. Having just recently come out of a long silence to recover from the series of attacks on it, Mandalore is ready to issue an official statement on this news from Jack Carter, president. "We regret Johto's loss of its satellite, whether due to Libya or not. We do wish to express our sadness that war has come to Africa once again. OOC: I thought i was suspended for a lot longer than 5 days...
  6. You're the one who's thick. We killed 134,000 people by pointing out they bombed us? What a load of bullcrap!
  7. Your story is balony. Regardless of what you say.
  8. OOC: he said it OOC, i assume he means OOC he also believes it.
  9. OOC: And the withdrawal of recognition?
  10. Mandalorian factories have begun the production of tanks, arms, planes, and other defenses.
  11. OOC: They came from Libya. That already is incriminating. Then this.
  12. OOC: with that reasoning this WHOLE saga is null. which it should be.
  13. Not necessary. Why would anyone be fleeing into a nation that we all hate in Mandalore?
  14. We recommend not trying to reason with Dranagg. Reason apparently doesn't get to them. Figures.
  15. We advise the world at large not to listen to Caucasia and Libya's flawed logic. They believe, that by our pointing out that they bombed us, we encouraged Helzan to nuke them and thus they believe we are responsible. Which is a load of crap.
  16. OOC: Soviet Socialist Republic? EDIT: You said it Jed
  17. Unless in the case of pirate attack, of course.
  18. You will be allowed to keep your weapons then. Just don't use them, please.
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