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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. "Well, I can see...but I think it would be better if you asked them. Since the Crisis, we've been somewhat nervous of asking the UMS for more favours after what they did for us."
  2. "Hmm. Very simple." Gvatua said. "But it can be done. I will sign it in Jack Carter's name. Now, about the soldiers, what details of that?"
  3. "I think an economic pact can be very easily arranged," Gvatua said. "As for training our military, I believe that too would be good. If you would write out the terms as to what kind of economic pact you desire, we can get down to business."
  4. OOC: The Mandalorian-Troinan Ambassador is Gvatua IC: Sergei Gvatua walked into the embassy as well. "I understand you wish to discuss a possible treaty?"
  5. Mandalore wishes good luck to the new king, and hopes he has a good rule. --Private-- "Let's hope this kid has got more brains than his old man did."
  6. "It is." Gvatua responded. "Feel free to get yourself comfortable, our men should have already left this area."
  7. The armoured cars drove for about 45 minutes before entering the city of Gradniy. There they stopped for a brief break and fueling, and then drove for another 45 minutes outside of the city into the embassy complex. There they got out.
  8. Jack Carter walked to the Tsar and Tsarina and introduces himself, and wishes them a happy future together.
  9. They would see four armoured cars approaching them across the sand. As they drew close and halted before the ambassador and her guards, two soldiers and a man in a suit exited it. "Good day, Mrs. Lumbert," the man said in a deep, gravely voice. "My name is Sergei Gvatua. The president regrets he was not able to come here to meet you himself, though I am sure that you will get a chance to meet him. We are here to escort you and your men to the location of the embassy."
  10. OOC: This isn't a diiscussion of how to destroy Zoot's country IC: The corvettes are merely experimental models for larger ships.
  11. OOC: Oh come on. (@ Cochin) IC: We don't plan on using these for offensive operations, so Chairman Wesker needs not wonder about it.
  12. I'm going to be the bigger man here and stop derailing the thread...
  13. *organizes an army to all blow raspberries at the false 'Russian' territory of Novgorod*
  14. I guess you could establish a city called "Moscow". Not everything here must be as it was in history. otherwise there would be no 'True Russia'.
  15. OOC: Ha, i just realised you're not even that much stronger than me. I thought you were at least like 20,000 NS.
  16. The Juggernaut chuckled and stepped on the glasses: they shattered the moment his foot barely scraped them. "Not that I give a crap about the boy or the agents, but it will test my abilities I'm sure..."
  17. OOC: in all honesty, it's a corvette. See it however you want. now please, enough OOC clutter
  18. The Juggernaut then charged at Saratose, grabbing him and saying, "Are you done yet?"
  19. OOC: Twas a joke on my part :/ i know Cold War level is third world these days.
  20. The MNN Meteor on patrol in Mandalorian seas.
  21. The Juggernaut slammed the Clawing Agent across the field, and grabbed his armor-piercing rifle, firing at the stone Agent's head, while shooting at Saratose with the shotgun
  22. The bullet easily bounced off the Juggernaut, hitting back at the agent. The Juggernaut decided to take a new tactic, and threw the Agent into a wall.
  23. The Juggernaut stumbled backwards, and then charged forward with all his machine and man might, smashing himself into the Agent. "I'm the monster? I don't kill kids."
  24. The Juggernaut's fist slammed across the face of one of the agents, sending him careening. "I don't think so. Hurting a teenager? Coward."
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