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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. OOC: Okay...well The Juggernaut is naturally aggressive, so anyways he would take it as a threat to him as well. respond as you will.
  2. Hmm. And it is so obvious that Procinctia, with no military whatsoever, must currently be your biggest threat. I do not mean to argue, of course, but in all honesty, what threat do they pose to anyone at all?
  3. "Oh dear." The Juggernaut said blandly. "Kindly don't try to melt me down; my suit is resistant to that. But if it's combat you want, please, I'm ready." OOC: I wasn't sure if you meant by "fun" attacking The Juggernaut or Nerg.
  4. Hmm. Would Tahoe then decide to invade a nation that has a military of one man? Actually scratch that, a military of ZERO now? OOC: Last i heard Generallisimo was the only Procinctian soldier...i may be kinda back on the times though
  5. "The chances of my victory in such a battle are rather low," the Juggernaut responded. "So my HUD informed me when I thought about it. The chances of me winning are about 30%, and that is assuming I am fully equipped, charged, and prepared. Anyways, I fail to remember caring about whether you were annoyed." OOC: Let's do something actually interesting, shall we? ally, battle, whateve.
  6. "Once again, sir devil-spawn-hell thing, you don't scare me. I don't represent Mankind whatsoever. I am not a nutjob. I can observe and encounter what I wish; i don't need some occult freak named after an ancient god to tell me otherwise. Now, kindly inform me what the hell you want. Unless you're here to annoy me."
  7. "Europe in war again. It seems to me Molakia was a powder keg simply waiting to blow. We truly hope this will be resolved quickly before it involves nations on other continents. That said, we fully support Finland in this conflict, though sadly are not able to provide anything more than refuge--should the unlikely chance that the Finns need it arise. Good luck, Finland, is all I can say for now." -Jack Carter, president of Mandalore
  8. The Juggernaut rolled his eyes. Sarcasm was one of the few things he retained from his humanity. "It's called sarcasm, Standish. I was quite aware that you were probably looking for suspicious activities underground. However, I think this character", he gestured at Nergal. "meant it in a slightly less literal manner."
  9. The Juggernaut frowned; of course, without any special abilities it wouldn't be seen, but he assumed Nergal could see through his helmet. "I'm no freak of nature, Nerg. I'm the evolution of mankind through technology. A subtle difference." He turned to Standish, who appeared to be focusing on something. The Juggernaut switched his sighting to energy, and saw the energy emanating from Standish to the areas underground. Hmm--he'd been wrong about Standish. This one too was a clown-magician. "Looking for something, Standish?" He turned back to Nergal. "Anyways, Nerg, if you don't plan to tell me anything, there really is no point in you being here."
  10. OOC: just waiting for someone to respond.
  11. "The reaction of the nations around the world is absolutely disgusting. It is a gross over-reaction." -Jack carter OOC: Cut the guy some slack, people...
  12. OOC: I honestly hope you guys don't start on this guy just because he unawarely named his nation Kriegland...
  13. OOC: Sorry for the kind of "Oh God" reception...the thign is we had a player named Krieg a while back and....well, he wasn't the best of RPers, let's just say that. IC: Mandalore welcomes Kriegland to the world.
  14. Not every person with Krieg in their name has anything to do with that Krieg...
  15. OOC: What part of "I did not shoot arrows blindly" do people simply not get? My men closed in on his, that's what happened. We have about the same amount of cavalry I would think. And anyway I left MRP. I can't keep track of what's going on in three different things on RP.
  16. This message was sent to the new ruler of Caucasia, King James II. "Since the Crisis that occured that resulted in so many deaths, our nations have had only hostile relations. We wish this to end, because Mandalore wants only peace and prosperity not just for itself or Africa, but for all the world. For this reason, we request a meeting with Caucasia, to hopefully better our relations. There is no reason for our countries to hateeach other, and it acts only as a detriment to world prosperity. We hope that you will make the intelligent decision. Jack Carter, president"
  17. wipe True Russia from the map please.
  18. The Juggernaut looked at the Sun-God. "This is perhaps the third time today I have been asked that." he replied calmly. "Only three madmen attempting to assassinate me and chloroforming a boy, and this character," he gestured at Nergal.
  19. OOC: Enough bleedin OOC, merger. I assume you thought it was a serious post when Drake thought he only lost one guy in six skirmishes?
  20. OOC: Okay, 500. But i better get just as good kills when I counter. IC: By the time the cavalry reached the circle almost 500 infantry had died in it. They had been hacking and slashing at the horses legs when they could, and when the warriors fell off their horses they stabbed them on the ground. The cavalry used the horsemens own attack on them, encircling them, so that the enemy was effectively trapped between the cavalry and the infantry. The cavalry fired arrows at the brigands, while others hacked at them and their horses. Meanwhile, the infantry were also doing their part, hacking at the legs and at the riders.
  21. OOC: This is not a discussion of what the Huns fought against and with, Drake. 100 men in thirty seconds is being very generous on my part. You have 2600 men circling 7,000. If 2 men go at each horseman, it's pretty hard for that horseman to 1. scoot out of the way, 2. scoot out of the way without being attacked by another soldier, and 3. he would break the circle. considering that your horsemen have to 'scoot' to doge, your circle gets broken up rather quickly. And for the last time my cavalry is attacking as well
  22. OOC: Tahsir, these are not the Huns. The Huns numbered a few hundred thousand. This is about 2,600 horsemen. And in half a damn minute you don't slaughter all my infantry. In half a minute, hell even 100 is pushing it.
  23. OOC: And at the same time, for the third time: 1. My infantry is hacking at the legs of their horses 2. My cavalry is attacking them as well. 100 is the most I'm willing to go. More than that is unreasonable.
  24. OOC: Yes, but after half a minute, they can't really kill more than 20 people. Especially not with: 1. My infantry hacking at the legs of their horses 2. My cavalry attacking them as well.
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