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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. We condemn someone launching a missile at the bloody Vatican. Seriously, what have we become if we're lobbing missiles at religious centers? OOC: Who launched the missile?
  2. OOC: Check out Missiles over Mandalore. It has all the juicy goodness, from Sargun cruise missiling me, to someone else (forgot their name) nuking me for no reason, to Libya invading me for no reason.
  3. We offer our condolensces, for all it's worth, to Michuraza in this tragic incident, having suffered a similar nuclear attack on our capital from the same 'nation'.
  4. If the UMS thinks it best, we will of course agree. We simply were afraid their intentions were less savory...you can understand, what with our past experiences.
  5. Again, Selenarctan ships have this under control. We will allow the RA ships in, kindly consent to a search. Recently, several ships have entered our waters with military intent. You must understand our concern. Once again, we are a war torn nation which only wants peace.
  6. We ask the RA ships, please, don't make this harder. Our nation has been attacked with a nuclear weapon, and the last thing we need is more hostilities. Please, Selenarctan ships have it under control.
  7. OOC: a slightly more serious post. IC: We wish to apologise to Furon and the world. We are also at fault for the escalation of hostilities.
  8. We urge you not to take military action. Selenarctan ships are keeping the peace, and because these are Mandalorian waters we have deemed that no other ships be allowed to enter.
  9. OOC: If it's in my waters, your decelerations and policies no longer apply.
  10. OOC: I know but the capital is like right in the middle of desert. So surrounding cities wouldn't be terribly effected. That's what I meant.
  11. *Radio Signal to NoN Forces on the borders* Thankfully, they seemed to have bombed a largely barren region so the damage isn't terrible...our capital suffered much damage, however.
  12. OOC: they are police officers. referred to as Mandalore's military until we get better arms.
  13. OOC: basically, the soldiers are just the former police officers.
  14. To quote a well-known movie star... "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain."
  15. A number of Mandalorian soldiers, still shaken by the nuclear attack, will seize the ship and search if it comes any closer.
  16. Right. We have no nukes. No military. No missiles. I expect we farted and destroyed the capital, then?
  17. Mandalore...honestly doesn't care about Caucasia and how it suddenly starts acting mature concerning other nations.
  18. Jack Carter, in his lounge, was reading the "Mandalorian Times" when it came on the TV about Furon being nuked. He thought to himself "meh" and went on reading about more important things.
  19. And you have tons upon tons of evidence of us 'nuking you'.
  20. In that case, we would like to request James Drake come to Mandalore to be tried for 500 counts of murder.
  21. We would like to question your intelligence. We HAVE NO BLOODY MILITARY
  22. Having had a nuclear weapon fired on us by the same nation, we wish Michuraza luck.
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