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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. ---Private--- "I can't wait till these nations get their @#$% cruise missiled...and we'll see who's going 'meh' then.
  2. "We thank Minilla Island for its offer, but we politely decline, there is no need for aid at the moment."
  3. "Who would want to kill hundreds of innocent people...just because of a grudge that doesn't involve us? And who are these people that have motivation? I request an investigation, then, of these nations."
  4. "I would like to know then, who would want to do it? Besides Furon, no one has motivation to do it."
  5. "Perhaps the Novak or RA satellites are not working then. Where else do you suppose these missiles originated from? We've hardly had contact with anyone outside of Africa." OOC: lol
  6. "We do know that several missiles were launched directly at Encerti, where we are in the capital, but they were destroyed. In addition, several were aimed at smaller cities and towns."
  7. "Only a public statement by the Furonese that they launched the missiles, and the fact that an argument occured between Mandalore and Furon as the motivation."
  8. So you are under the impression that in a couple of hours, a Mandalorian made his way halfway across the world into Furon just to fire missiles back at his homeland. That is completely absurd." "Again, we have no military. We produce no arms. We import no arms. Do you think we have a secret military that fights with rocks and sticks?"
  9. "Well, they released a public statement, saying they launched the missiles. We had an argument with them, which was the motivation. What more proof would you like? Would you maybe like us to go back in time to see if they are Furonese missiles?" "We were responding to the fallacious statement by Furon that htey were targeting military centres. We don't have a military."
  10. "We have no military ports and centers. So obviously you couldn't have been pointing them at those. Please, more propaganda, we'd love to disprove it."
  11. "It should also be known that UMS and Nod diplomats were present in the capital at the time, and that had some of the missiles not been shot down, they too would have been killed."
  12. "They said they launched them, what more proof is there?"
  13. "Thank you. A missile was en route to our location, but thankfully that one was shot down. Mass civilian casualties have been suffered, however..." he shook his head.
  14. This press statement has been released by Jack Carter, premier of Mandalore, to the world. "Today, Furon made a totally uncalled for attack on Mandalore by firing 40 cruise missiles at us. Many were shot down, but some hit their targets, resulting in mass civilian casualties. They could not have been targeting anything but civilians, as Mandalore doesn't have an army. This is a sad day, and I request that the world review its treaties with a monster like Furon. The missiles were launched after Furon encouraged an argument between itself and Mandalore. It launched one missile, which it claimed had been launched 'without orders', a petty excuse. The missile was shot down, and we notified the Furonese of this, as well as a warning. They responded by firing the 40 missiles and killing many civilians.
  15. OOC: I shot down several, i never said all. Plus, I would think Nod detectors would see the missiles and shoot them down as well, if they say they did.
  16. "I'm afraid we have a big problem..." Carter said. "Furon launched several missiles at Mandalore some time ago, and while most have been shot down, some of them have still reached their targets. I request that Mandalore be allowed to return the favour somehow..."
  17. Furon truly is ruled by idiots. While your missiles are being shot down, I'm sure the community of the world at large will condemn your actions. It has been very eye-opening knowing you.
  18. The missile was shot down by defenses before it could do any damage. Be glad we aren't firing cruise missiles back. This will be addressed.
  19. Just make sure you have people just as intelligent then as you do now. And make sure you remember what a cruise missile is in that time.
  20. OOC: Sargun'd make a bigger commotion, trust me...this same thing has hapened to me I don't know how many times. I just want to make sure that RP goes according to rules.
  21. When Mandalore's soldiers need some training, we'll take you up on that offer.
  22. Right. We have no interest in continuing to deal with children, as Furon appears to be ruled by. Have fun playing with your toys.
  23. Furon is becoming increasingly insulting. This won't go unaddressed. If Furon knows what's good for it--which it doesn't seem to--it'll put a stopper on whoever is making these foolish messages.
  24. I'm sure you'd like to then have UMS and Nod destroy your nation, as well as international disapproval. Furon should really learn to control itself.
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