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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. Where does he border me? UMS and Nod are the only nations that border me.
  2. OOC: I meant that completely. I'm done with you.
  3. We did NOT orchestrate the mass killings of our own innocent people. Dranagg's accusations are unfounded and totally foolish. We did not ask for aid, it was offered and we took it because it is needed.
  4. OOC: Right. And then you get off telling me where my villages are. Seriously, is this how you people get your kicks? I'm not going to recognize that as a legitimate move. Where did your soldiers come from? They can't just appear on the border. They'd have to move through Nod or UMS.
  5. I'm done with you. You're just a petty criminal pretending to be a world leader. I hope when intelligence does strike you, you'll realise your mistakes.
  6. OOC: yep. if that makes me new, yeah they're picking on the new guy.
  7. 1. Not anymore. 2. Congrats. You've sunk to a new low. 3. See above. 4. It will be cleaned.
  8. Again we cannot thank you enough for this aid. OOC @ Uberstein: Lol, i'm not new but i just rerolled. and i guess people are just not nice like that.
  9. We ask Dranagg to please not be so insensitive. Hundreds of innocent people have died, not something to lightly accuse of. Dranagg obviously has no idea what it's talking about.
  10. 1. and? 2. Don't sink even further down. We all know what you did, you !@#$%^&. 3. See above 4. We have quite a few White Cross members who would probably help in our nation. Oh wait, will you bomb those too?
  11. Gladly. Furon and Mandalore got into a petty argument which we ended. Then, they fired a missile at us directly afterwards, claiming that 'overnationalistic guards' took control of the silo. We notified them that the missile had been shot down, and warned them against further attacks. They then launched 40 missiles, most of which were destroyed but several of which hit and killed many innocent civilians. Then, Deuchland made a bombing run, killing more innocent civilians, and then engineered an oil spill on our coast, finally they sunk even lower by releasing criminals onto the coast, who are being killed by police as we speak.
  12. We gladly accept Finland's supplies: they will be paid for when we are able. @Dranagg: We welcome them only because Deuchland is employing lower and lower techniques to further make our civilians suffer.
  13. Dranagg offered no explanation for its 100 men, and we were not allowed to have a military in this nation, thus we declined. After which you offered twice more.
  14. 1. Only about 15 of them actually hit. 2. THose were all done by you. 3. We are killing your criminal hordes as we speak 4. The oil spill is being cleaned up.
  15. We accept Minilla Island's offer...we will repay you when able. And we thank Selenarctos for its aid. The ships will be recognised and will not be destroyed. You should know that the Deuchlanders and Furonese are probably not above using missiles on humanitarian workers. @Drake: Don't play coy, you !@#$%^&. You're denying the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. The least honourable thing you could do is acknowledge your cowardly actions.
  16. Considering King James has quite a few civilian deaths on his hands...
  17. If my nation was being bombed to oblivion, UMS and Nod would have done something about it long ago. I seriously recommend you don't piss them off.
  18. OOC: I have 80s technology. And starting from the 20s there were one bullet one kill weapons. Either way, 1400 people DID NOT get through. That's impossible. But hey, you don't exactly do things like they should be done, eh?
  19. We've been the targets of terrible acts of terror. Furon launched cruise missiles at us, killing hundreds of innocent people. Then, Deuchland not only made a bombing run on innocent people, they then spilled oil on our coast and released hundreds of criminals into Mandalore. PRC launched more cruise missiles, which were thankfully destroyed by the UMS. We need the help of the international community. How can you stand by watching innocent people be subject to this? We need help, or more civilians will suffer.
  20. OOC: That is why they are shot on sight. And it is easy for thousands of guards to shoot a few hundred of criminals.
  21. Actually, you more fit the bill of anarchist. You have no idea how to run a nation, nor do you have any idea how to make war. Seriously, how many more underhanded techniques will you use? You obviously have no moral, ethical, or intelligent idea of how to run a nation.
  22. OOC: hang on. how do hunreds of people get through thousands of officers without about 1000 of them being shot or captured? please, enlighten me. Being without a military means we use a strong police force.
  23. Did your government...wait, do you call that thing a government?
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