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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. We wish Troina luck in destroying these rebels who have no reason to seek indepedence through violence.
  2. Understandable, however you must understand that the gangs had to be dealt with. Do you believe it would have been more intelligent to let them continue? OOC: well no one really is RPing anything with me nothing else to RP
  3. IC: We thank the Promised Land for their understanding. Though we could not have deposed the dictator if he had a military, we need one now. OOC: if anyone wants, they can RP Sigint in their territory. or kill him if you want
  4. OOC: um, you do realise that I've been RPing Mandalore for about 2 weeks right? There are no 'constant rebellions and crimewaves'. It's Africa, there is a lot of crime there to begin with. IC: "Well, if a dictator takes control of Malvinas, are you going to stay 'stable' or are you going to do something about it? And what constant rebellions are you talking about? We think the Malvines should learn a bit of our history before deciding on such an uneducated statement."- Reponse
  5. OOC: May not be the place but I have a space related question. I am allowed to RP sending a satellite out and sending missions to the moon because that was done in 1969 and My tech level is up to 1980s?
  6. This morning 400 former government workers rebelled against the government of Mandalore, armed lightly but encountering no resistence due to Mandalore having no military. The leader was Jack Carter, a fugitive who was believed to have been somewhere in the Nod-Mandalore border until this happened. They stormed the capital building; only one fatality was suffered, that of a police officer who shot at the workers and unfortunately died in a hospital when the workers shot back. 2 other injuries occured, but they are non-fatal and minor. The target of the rebellion, Alek Sigint, leader of Mandalore, escaped from the building along with 5 guards. Carter and his workers took control of the building, and he told media this: "We have proof that former leader Sigint was becoming a dictator. Audio recordings which will be released to the public soon were discovered from his private chambers that suggested he was filling the Senate with his own followers, and becoming dangerously paranoid. His former manservant Pegrand suffered for Sigint's paranoia, when on Sigint's orders the man was killed on the false suspicions of being a UMS spy, which is absurd. We also discovered evidence of preparations for chemical warfare agents in scientific labs; the agents were immediately disposed of." Carter has asked that any nation that discovers Sigint please send him to Mandalore for a criminal trial for corruption. Carter also requests a meeting with UMS and Nod, the former owners of this protectorate and well-known as supporters of Sigint, so that they may clear up the confusions that undoubtedly are there and prevent any misunderstandings.
  7. We congratulate Colonel Barre on his appointment and hope he does well.
  8. OOC: If you don't mind me asking, how far are you allowed to go with space programs and so on?
  9. OOC: exec, I had an idea of one of Sigint's people disguising themselves as Carter and attacking a Nod government official or something to make you think Carter's the bad guy, but actually be revealed as an imposter. is that possible? and please don't invade me
  10. Meanwhile, in the deserts continuing along the Mandalorian-Nod border, Carter had driven several miles... OOC: bumping for Exec
  11. "Would a non-aggresion agreement work?" the Mandalorian delegate finally spoke up. "I mean, considering the aggression often permeating through East Africa...as for Strijdom's comment, Mandalore is a mostly white nation, and it's in Africa.'
  12. OOC: well, I want to continue some RP with Carter, but you can RP an assassination attempt, as long as it's not successful, that'd be fine. But why don't you respond to the car and dead guy on our border in the meantime?
  13. "That," a Mandalorian response said, "or disbanding this cult. It's obviously growing beyond control."
  14. Another message, this time not encrypted. "Presidents of Africa, I apologise for the message that was broadcasted to you several hours ago. I am Alek Sigint. The individual, 'John Carter', who broadcasted the message, is the true dictator who is seeking power by attempting to remove me from power. Disregard his false message, and if you find 'Carter' anywhere--his face will be shown on international television--please have him returned to Mandalore, though if you must he may be killed. He may be armed, he is currently on the run. Thank you." Then afterwards, apparently under the impression the recording was over, Sigint began speaking to someone else. "$%&@...Carter. I trusted the !@#$%^&." Sigint snapped. "He was your friend for some time...I don't blame you." another voice, deeper and more intelligent sounding, entered. "I'll have him destroyed....inside out, more painful. He knows what can't get out, and if he provides proof of what he said to any nation that captures him we're in a !@#$load of trouble here..." "Carter will be--" At this point, the recording ended and the broadcast was over... Several miles away, near the Nod-Mandalorian border... John Carter's car sped over the African desert, with sand flying around it. Inside, Carter was listening to the message Sigint was broadcasting. "!@#$..." Another car was behind him, the jet black of a Mandalorian Criminal Hunter, raging towards him. He grabbed a pistol, and then smashed the breaks and jumped out. As he expected, the MCH's car rammed into his, and both cars flew over a dune hill and crashed. Carter sped after the MHC's car, which had overturned in the crash. The MHC was getting out, and Carter violently ripped him out of the car. The MHC fell to the sand gasping, and Carter put the pistol to his chest. "What did they tell you?" he demanded. "That you were a freedom-hating, lying son of a !@#$%*." The MHC spat. Carter smashed him across the face with the pistol. "What did they really tell you?" "That you opposed Sigint...that you knew his plans...that you killed his best friend." Carter smirked. "Pegrand...I didn't kill Pegrand...not the true one, anyway. And it was on his orders." "Please..." The MHC moaned. "I know you can't kill..." "I'm no stranger to killing." Carter sighed. "Unfortunately for you." He stood, and fired 5 bullets into the man. As the blood seeped into the sand, a letter, slightly stained with blood, fell from the man's jacket. Carter bent down and picked it up. 'From Alek Sigint Your orders are to seek out this man and capture him using any means.' A picture of Carter followed. 'I want him alive, but if you MUST kill him you may. Bring his body, no exceptions. No grenade kills, nothing that will mar the body beyond recognition. He knows of our plans, and broadcasted a message trying to telll the world of my plan. Thankfully none of them took him seriously... capture him. Kill him if you must. Preferably violently if you must kill him. I want the world to see his dead body...' Carter chuckled. He placed the letter back in the jacket, making sure that his glove allowed none of his fingerprints to mar it. He wanted a certain government to see it... Carter took the only slightly damaged MHC car and drove off, leaving the MHC's dead body and his car there on the Mandalore-Nod border...
  15. Government officials across the world who tuned to a certain radio frequency would receive an encrypted message from John Carter. The message, once decrypted, would be as follows: "Greetings to all East African nations and the rest of the world. I am John Carter, the president of Mandalorian International News and Mandalorian Party Executive. I beg your help. Alek Sigint, the man who put up a front of democracy but truly had dictatorial ambitions in mind, must be removed from Mandalore. He poses a risk to all Mandalorians. In his ever-worsening paranoia a number of former government officials have already been ordered to be killed, included his former trusted friend who was killed yesterday afternoon. Please, this is not a lie. All of us who are loyal to the flag and not the face of Sigint are in danger, all of the Mandalorian Party and the others. Again, this is not a lie. Sigint is not the democratic man he appears to be. Had we had a military loyal to Mandalore, or a military at all, this could have been resolved. However, we must implore your aid in taking down a democratic-faced dictator."
  16. Classified Encerti Capital Buildin Sigint sat at his desk, reading over a paper. It was an invitation from the UMS, to meet them and a Nod delegate at a 'secure location' after they had refused to allow Mandalore a military. The president was absolutely furious. He pulled out his gun, lay the paper on the floor, and shot it several times. Behind him, Pegrand took the scraps and threw them away. "Damn !@#$@#$ UMS..." Sigint snarled; a phone call interrupted him before he could rage on. It was John Carter, and they exchanged greetings of "Hey, old buddy" before going on. "We have reason," Carter said as he reclined in his chair of his office, "That the UMS may be sending spies into the Mandalorian territory." "Spies?" Sigint asked incredulously, his rage out the window already. "Spies." Carter affirmed. "In fact, it could be that they have one right now, in a position close to you. Or so my reports say." "Bleeding...and you say it's someone close to me?" "Yeah...someone you have a lot of contact with." Pegrand glanced in Sigint's direction, but with wholly the wrong timing: his eyes met Sigint's, and in a flash second knew what was happening. Before Pegrand could run, Sigint had shot him. Pegrand fell to the ground clutching his kneecap, where Sigint had shot him. "Alek?" Carter asked. "What was that?" "That," Sigint said. "was me relieving us of the fear of spies. It was Pegrand." "You don't know what you're talking about!" Pegrand cried as he moaned in agony. "I'm no UMS spy!" "Quiet, worm!" Sigint roared. "We'll find all about you later...shame it was you, Pegrand. To think I confided in you. John," Sigint said now into the phone. "Would you send up a couple of guards? We need to interrogate and kill this rotting !@#$%^&..." OOC: Pegrand is not actually a UMS spy, before SOM convicts me...Sigint's paranoia and Carter's misinformation is all it is. "You're making a damn mistake!" Pegrand could barely speak through the blood in his mouth. "I'm not a bloody spy, for Chrissakes!" There was a swish, and a wet smacking sound, and Pegrand howled in pain. Pegrand was lying strapped to a cold, metal floor, and the figure of John Carter stood over him, holding a bloody, metal rod. "Carter!" Pegrand yelled. "You traitor! You know I'm not a spy!" Carter sighed. "Pegrand, Sigint would have done this sooner or later anyway. You know that. The president is paranoid...ever since what happened on...well, you know...." "Why the bloody hell do you have to torture me then?! Why not just end it?" "Pegrand..." Carter spoke with the voice of one who was speaking to a tantruming teenager. "If I don't torture you, Alek will know that I let you off easy. Only a little more, and then I will give you rest..." An hour later, there was a gunshot, and Pegrand was no more. Unclassified Encerti International Media "Welcome again to the daily Mandalorian International News. Here to join us is the president of our company, John Carter." "Thank you, Viktor, and again, welcome to the Mandalorian News. We have some excellent news to discuss... "First off, we've traced the explosion that occured at the research facility a few days ago, and we're happy to say that it's completely under control. The explosion was a result of negligence on the part of the Senior Captain of the facility, who has been dismissed." "In even more important news, Mandalore has begun construction of its first satellite, the Sigint A-1. This satellite is to be used purely for geographic and scientific uses only...." OOC: To clear confusion, he says they began construction just then, in reality they were almost finished.
  17. OOC: I agree...i had to get a new laptop because my Dell broke down completely. IC: Sigint is somewhat suspicious, and so requests that at least a group of lightly armed policemen be allowed to accompany him to this 'remote location'.
  18. We give our regrets that an evil group like the Modi have managed to use a nuclear weapon on innocents. Unfortunately, Mandalore cannot spare any aid, however we wish you the best of luck in avenging this act.
  19. I hope this means you still want relations between our nations? don't worry, I'm not a dictator yet... besides, it's no fun without a dictator or two.
  20. Dude. not cool man besides no one knows Sigint's intentions. and by ally i meant trade. Sigint's not a dictator yet.
  21. The Mandalorian Government congratulates Buryatia on being able to effectively execute such a massive operation.
  22. Hey, i'd be fine with being your ally. I don't really have any contact with nations outside of Africa. (that was to Nythera)
  23. ---Unclassified--- Mandalorian International News "In a strange incident today, an explosion was heard in Encerti Astronomical Facility F, followed by a plume of smoke. We do not know what caused the explosion, as the scientists there, as well as Special Forces Police stationed there, refused to comment on it. We do, however, have on crucial piece of information." "I saw something go flying for a second," says an anonymous man who supposedly saw the explosion. "And then it fell back into the lab. It looked like some kind of large metallic thing, but I've got no idea what it is." "The incident could be related to a similar explosion heard near Facility B, though this one was much smaller and was attributed to an equipment accident." Classified Capital Building, Encerti "!@#$ting $%&@..." Sigint snarled. He paced around his office fuming, while Pegrand watched calmly. "Again. A-bleeding-gain. Are these scientists or !@#$@#$ kids we're letting build our satellite? Tell Kitano that if he doesn't get his men working like actual scientists I may have to find a more sensible person to head the project. Christ...and those bloody reporters! That is international !@#$@#$ news they just broadcasted my satellite over! Who the hell gave them permission to broadcast that damn footage? Who? I'll have their bleeding head pulverised!" "Sir, we have reason to believe the media was acting of its own accord." Pegrand said slowly. "Apparently they believed it would be good for business." "!@#$@#$ media..." Sigint sighed and sat at his desk. He pulled out a document and began writing. "What's that, sir?" "Permission to remove whoever's in office as the President of Encerti International Media and put John Carter in place." "John Carter? He's a Mandalorian Party exe...ah..." "That's right." Sigint grinned. "John at least won't start broadcasting stuff without my permission...oh, if only i could do what i want to do to that !@#$@#$ president...but too many mysterious murders will bode not well for me. Send for Carter, Pegrand." OOC: I am allowed to post swearwords as long as it's IC, right? Please tell me because I don't want to be reported...
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