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Nagato the Great

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Everything posted by Nagato the Great

  1. Oh, come now. Let's not make this escalate.
  2. Mandalore would like to encourage Furon to... Oh, whatever. Forget it.
  3. Well, using common sense, you can deduce from Molakia's comments about it being in Italy that it is in Italy.
  4. Mandalore would like to know how many centuries old Furon's maps are. Perhaps we can sell you some slightly more current ones.
  5. "Then one would think that once they assert a government, the Hanseatics will leave? Until this happens, we will refuse to recognise the current Commonwealth as legitamite." "Anyways, what's the point of interfering anyway? You could simply let them deal with it themselves."
  6. isn't it against the rules to RP another nation's citizens in your country?
  7. OOC: A ruling by whom? And I don't have a problem with it, but i think if it;s against the rules a number of other people will.
  8. OOC: well the person is a citizen of the PRC. It's against rules to just RP people of a different nationality. That's why I can't RP a Nod person murdering his own president when he's on an official visit. Only if I had Exec's permission.
  9. OOC: Did you have permission to RP a citizen of the PRC?
  10. "We condemn yet another invasion masked as 'anarchy saving'."
  11. "Yeah, I've been hearing quite a bit about it." Carter replied. "I, as well as most of the Mandalorian Party, are against imperialism in Africa, especially when it comes to nations with nuclear capability. As for cooperation, I can agree to it only as long as it remains purely diplomatic. At this time I don't want Mandalore becoming militarily engaged. I do want us to have a military, but it would need time for training and arming. "I trust that you will be using only diplomatic means for now, and won't resort to war or military violence unless provoked? Of course Mandalore will be of little use if you do plan to use military means, not only because we don't have a military, but also because when we do get one it'll need time to be trained and armed effectively."
  12. Carter hesitated, then gestured for his guards to leave. As they exited the room, Carter said, "Now it's just us three. What is it you wanted to discuss so privately?"
  13. OOC: I assume the Nod entourage has arrived by now. IC: "Well then." Carter walked into the meeting room. "Excellent to meet you." he shook hands with the representatives. OOC: Carter in the meeting room, just to give you an idea of what he looks like
  14. "Then we kindly request that you also send the soldier responsible."
  15. IC: "Strange he escapes all the way to Causcasia...but send this report." "Please send Sigint to Mandalore via airplane. A runway in Encerti International Airport will be cleared for you and Sigint. Please keep him under heavy guard. If he attempts anything, you may kill him though we would prefer that he be brought here alive." ---Classified--- Runway 13 of the Encerti International Airport has been cleared for Caucasian use. A number of guards have been posted around the runway.
  16. --Private-- "Oh wonderful....those bloody Buryatians take everything that happens here like a goddamn warzone." --Public-- We wonder why Buryatia is barring its citizens after the removal of a dictator. If anything now is the best time for anyone to come to Mandalore. It's a fresh start.
  17. Excellent. Then name the place, and we will be there. We will have 3 very lightly armed guards with Carter during the meeting, you understand of course.
  18. Very well, but this meeting would not be met with Alek Sigint as usual but with Jack Carter. Is this acceptable to you?
  19. OOC: ah thanks XD you guys keep changing your bloody avatars too hard for an old man to keep up
  20. Which is incompetence on the part of high ranking military commanders.
  21. We ask where Furon sees anyone still rebelling...
  22. IC: Gangs were in the territory since it was a protectorate. It's simply not because of our government. Besides, we have gotten rid of a dictator.
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