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Everything posted by MaGneT

  1. Where are Liz and Gibs on that list? lol
  2. Almost hit peace mode at the mere thought of some ridiculous treaty chain forcing me to fight you fearsome warriors. Phew.
  3. [quote name='Sweeeeet Ronny D' timestamp='1316807802' post='2806841'] Wait a sec, this is the reason we almost went to war last week? I had to go out and buy some Navy and Nukes and raise my daily bills by 500k because a few monkeys in DT cant follow instructions... Congrats DT you are at the top of my list. [/quote] Sorry! Sorry! Didn't mean to upset you Mr. Ronny D! I just tried to send you 500k because I'm really scared to be on the top of your list, but unfortunately your slots were full. Please let me know when you have an open slot so I can send it to you. I'll even throw in 2,000 soldiers if you want, just please take us off your list! (Nice <2mil casualties, by the way. You're really scary.) [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1316812466' post='2806889'] Thank you DT [/quote] You're welcome WC (this is fun now)
  4. Oh wow. That's so awesome, I miss the pink sphere. Now I want to go make friends with PF.
  5. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1316792636' post='2806699'] Not really, unless you can prove the "won't last" part. Given our professionalism and conservative practices, I am not worried. [/quote] Nor would I be - I think the argument implied that you would deviate from that, though. Regardless... none of this actually matters at all. [quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1316800755' post='2806749'] apologies over this spectrum are always retarded. [/quote] But they're always so sincere!
  6. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1316791492' post='2806688'] our position is such that we do not have to fear such things. [/quote] I think you may have just proven his point.
  7. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1316738790' post='2806341'] Those two situations are not the same and you know it too. [/quote] You're totally right - but I still don't like what they did. The whole situation is just plain stupid and has me annoyed. [quote name='CheeKy' timestamp='1316740015' post='2806357'] Actually only two FOKkers replied here and this thread is literally filled with !@#$. [/quote] Well, yeah.
  8. [quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1316732364' post='2806249'] second. FOK, DT, come on, weve got bigger fish to fry, so lets forget this !@#$ and move on to bigger and better things [/quote] Well I'm angry at the "bigger fish to fry" for doing the same thing that FOK just did. Frankly, I'd rather not consort with extortionists.
  9. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1316707032' post='2805968'] [b]DT has no room to complaim about FOK acting like bullies when DT, as a raiding alliance, act like bullies in every raid that it does. And the fact that you and your allies are complaining because one of your raids went wrong is extremely amusing AND ironic.[/b] [/quote] I agree wholeheartedly, actually.
  10. [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1316645812' post='2805516'] It was very nice of you to accept this piss poor apology, FOK. I'm sure you'll move on from this incident with no problems. [/quote] Very nice indeed. I am forever grateful for your mercy. [quote name='CheeKy' timestamp='1316638941' post='2805458'] The only reason there is a public apology was because someone which didn't have any authority talked to my gov. He offered a public apology and some reps and that basically gave us ideas. I don't care about this apology at all, however I do like the thread, so it is worth something. [/quote] Let me get this straight - if a non-government member of an alliance makes offers or negotiations on behalf of that alliance... we are now supposed to punish that alliance for it? Wasn't the protocol always to just ignore the person once you realized that what they said meant nothing? If I ever speak with a FOK member and they tell me something, I'll be sure to come by and rattle my saber until you apologize. Grow up.
  11. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1315865084' post='2799384'] Yeah because SF is known for being cowards. Wait... [/quote] [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1315868724' post='2799418'] Yup. We're huge cowards for not attacking NSO/Olympus over honest mistakes with no lasting repercussions, and for not attacking TOP for having some of their members go rogue. OWF Logic. [/quote] You're cowards because no one likes you. Who will think someone they don't like is brave?
  12. [quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1315312417' post='2795810'] In the thread: RV confirms that once again he has no idea where Invicta stands. That makes it all worthwhile; thanks Vlad. [/quote] I was actually under the impression that you guys were more of the kneeling type.
  13. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1315197795' post='2795106'] You should have declared on us to keep the trend going. [/quote] [b]Translation[/b]: Please care about us getting rogued!
  14. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1315230298' post='2795240'] Wow I actually agree with you, messing up a stagger should be grounds for attack and GOD should ZI you. [/quote] Why? He was just tech raiding a 2-man alliance. GOD is perfectly okay with that, right? It'd be a little silly of them to violate their own policies and commit an act of war against the Sith...
  15. [s]Yeah, saw who you attacked, props. I have a Foreign Aid Commission by the way.[/s] In before TOP-GOD MDP
  16. The name of your alliance leaves much to be desired, but maybe that's because I'm not picking up on the theme. Oh, well, best of luck.
  17. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1314400998' post='2788972'] You're essentially saying people take issue with their lack of scummy qualities, of which we all hate and point out in one another? It's usually the lower key alliances that have people with integrity on this game, not the other way around. [/quote] That's exactly what I'm saying. Nowadays people tend to appreciate people who shake things up more than people who don't. That doesn't necessarily include me, but I think the presence of that attitude is undeniable.
  18. [quote name='foxfire99' timestamp='1314419835' post='2789146'] After all the flack they take in these threads, I kind of want MHA and Sparta to just tear everybody apart next war. Great stats by the way. The world always needs more. [/quote] It's like saying you want a Browns vs Lions Superbowl just to show all the analysts. Well, maybe not that remote. Sparta has some good fighters and I'm sure MHA isn't all bad.
  19. [quote name='Nigro Nigronious' timestamp='1314372844' post='2788759'] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=58615&st=0"]Now now, Remember your history boy!!![/url] ARES did a lot for you, when it didn't need to so a single thing for you. [/quote] IIRC, some rogue member of their alliance got butthurt because his 3 million dollar warchest ran out and posted a faux-white peace announcement after the leader pledged to stay in with us. Joe Stupid then rectified the situation with that post. I'm guessing you're being sarcastic by the tone of your post, though.
  20. Wow, really cool. Must have taken an obscene amount of time, though. I think Creole is a shining example of how a very small (membership-wise) alliance can have a huge impact. Obviously that's been shown before, and such high aNS makes it self-evident, but we've never seen rankings with this sort of specificity. Nice. Also, 21... not bad, but looking at the 20 ahead of DT... well, those are all some pretty good alliances. Obviously PF did great and its nice to see 4 Mjolnir members in the top 25 EDIT: I know asking this takes a lot of nerve, but I'm sure a lot of us are thinking it. How often are you going to update this?
  21. [quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1314175097' post='2787579'] We're not learning, are we? [/quote] I'm gonna go ahead and give that an amen
  22. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1314311753' post='2788354'] To be honest Magnet, if I believe for a second we are on the wrong track, I will end it, but truly I love our membership, and I love our alliance, its my home, and a place where I can consider myself at home in game, doesn't seem to be the wrong track for me. [/quote] [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1314333709' post='2788600'] Care to explain why were SOOOOOOOOOOO terrible? Or are you going to be like the rest, and bandwagon, when in all actuality you look like a fool. [/quote] I believe that the beef that people have with ARES... well, beef is the wrong word, I'd call it more of a distaste.... anyway. The distaste people have with ARES is that you guys are a typical cookie-cutter coattail-riding alliance. Not that that's a bad thing, you guys are clearly happy where you are, but the fact is, I can't remember a time where ARES set itself apart from the masses who declare existence, write a charter, periodically post an announcements and follow treaties of their more driven allies. In a sense, Rebel Virginia is very much correct (as he tends to be) in saying that alliances like ARES serve the purpose of propping up a few leaders on a soapbox than acting as any driving political force or meeting the desires of an active community in their member base.
  23. [quote name='caossal' timestamp='1314297250' post='2788223'] Haters gonna hate [/quote] Now I hate your alliance too, pursuant to my policy on anyone uttering the phrase "haters gonna hate" as a serious retort. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1314299795' post='2788247'] We have actually shown an upward trend for the last four months, gaining 400k NS since our last war, I think that alone is very impressive. Our plan to become more relavent in Bob is to stick by our allies, like we have with Polaris, I have no intention ever on canceling on any ally I currently have, our ties are as strong as ever. [/quote] That's not impressive at all. DT ended the war with 6 more members than ARES currently has and had 125k NS less than ARES currently has. We have since grown by 15 members and nearly 1.2 mil NS. [i]That[/i] is very impressive. /ePeen contest Jtkode, dude, you're an old buddy, so I'm not a fan of all of this harsh criticism. But sometimes you need to realize that you're on the wrong track before it's too late.
  24. [quote name='Jtkode' timestamp='1314278953' post='2788110']or they can continue to hate us for no reason [/quote] Who hates you and what are the reasons?
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