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Everything posted by Ubermeir

  1. Try and get satisfacition from the Alliace, perhaps including distancing themselves from supposed roguery. If that fails then you can pretty much say that by their support of the rogue acts that they support said rogue and take it from there...
  2. As with much of the "culture" of CN it is a misnomer perpetrated by those in power to perpetuate that power and limit any unforseen surprises. Perhaps someone would like to look at how the term honor is used, I do not think it means what is is used for on the BBs.
  3. Whatever the ODN is, or is not, it is what has been decided on, with the voice and access of its members.
  4. \o/ Peace. The question of forgiveness is a tricky one, is it earned through fire, the act of destruction purifying ones soul and cleansing it of past misdeeds. Or is it earned by a change in behavior? Some here say they will never forgive, some say everyone must forgive, somewhere in the middle is probably the truth. There has been a downpayment on forgiveness the rest is yet to be paid. With real change will come real forgiveness, not through spin or rhetoric.
  5. Best of luck Legion, it is my hope that we can get something signed, if only for nostalgia, and maybe sometime in the future our paths may intersect again, in a good way.
  6. You lay down with dogs you get fleas... But it is just a game.
  7. Huzzah! Democracy at work!
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