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Everything posted by Clash

  1. Nobody backed him up last time when his mouth got him rolled, Just sayin'.
  2. Time alone will do that. You are still a proven liar though right?
  3. Pffft this from the guy who hasn't done anything in a very long time. All talk and no balls out of you is the norm.
  4. One of the best posts of the thread right here. Nothing is set in stone and only time will tell WOLF's effect on TE. I hope it provides as much success on the battlefield as it has here in these forums.
  5. Most beautiful. Go with that emotion. Use it to do something constructive.
  6. But you seem to be having all kinds of fun! I've not seen this many posts from you in forever. Your profile says you have 100 posts and most of them seem to have come since the bloc was announced. You wouldn't be here posting away if you weren't having fun. I think WOLF has been an awesome success in getting some activity on these forums, you can't even question that, can you? Look at all the threads and posts dedicated to it here already. Two polls even. This forum is jumpin'! If people put the same effort into your opposition that they have into the forums, well, only good things can happen. Never saw those commercials. I'll take your word for it though
  7. Outstanding work old pip! Get to work peoples. If WOLF is as successful in inspiring in-game activity as much as it has been at inspiring forums activity it'll be a raging success
  8. I very much DID prove you wrong, remember? I posted TPF casualty numbers, plus numbers from two weeks ago where we had ALL of the top casualty numbers in TE. So yeah, your lying is well on record.
  9. Well if WOLF inspires as much in-game activity as it has here in the forums, it'll be a raging success. Activity here has gone through the roof, seems like people are registering just to post. Perhaps it will inspire people to do the same thing where it matters more.
  10. Earlier in this thread you claimed all of the top TPF nations didn't have casualties. You lied then. This time you're merely full of crap. BAWWWWWWW. Quit crying yet?
  11. You're quite the whiner. There are plenty of people left to do something about it. So quit whining and get started.
  12. BAWWWWWWWWWW Jeez people just sack and do something about it if you don't like it.
  13. You are a proven liar though. You're NOT telling it like it is. You're lying about how it is. AGAIN: Go start the opposition. We'd love to see it.
  14. This has been gone over a million times already though. The only way to win the alliance score race is to have a lot of members, nothing else matters as much. As far as that race goes, it's not a war game - it's a recruiting game. Whoever recruits the best wins. TPF has been recruiting like mad this round, and our numbers show. But unless RE bleeds about 50 members, it doesn't matter at all. I'm sure the end of the round stuff will be different as always, when everyone wants those free t-shirts for the top 10 nations. That ought to be fun. Yet the alliance score race has been over ever since RE ended up with 100 more members than anyone else. That's just the math of it all. To all the people who complain about the alliance race: Get to recruiting. Quit complaining. If every unaligned nation doesn't have an alliance spam fro you in their inbox by the next update, you aren't trying hard enough.
  15. I'm calling you a liar AGAIN. A week ago it was the same thing. It's been that way all session. You sir, are full of poodlepoop. Let's add a reference from here: Date=Jul 28 2009, 09:45 AM A liar now proven, repeatedly. Now quit your crying.
  16. That's just crap and lies. You, sir, are a liar of large proportions. Our #1: 44,727 Casualties #2: 6,963 Casualties (he doesn't tech raid, only fights in wars) #3: 16,998 Casualties #4: 73,146 Casualties #5: 39,497 Casualties #6: 12,548 Casualties #7: 67,033 Casualties #8: 9,095 Casualties #9: 20,140 Casualties #10: 6,272 Casualties (he doesn't tech raid, only fights in wars) If one were to look at the casualties awards, one would find it littered with members of TPF. Now go grow a pair and quit whining.
  17. Well, I think this is what we are hoping for. If all the people going BAWWWWW actually try to do something about it, this could be really fun. It could make for the biggest bestest broadest wars ever. But some people have to sack up and quit complaining first.
  18. TPF supports Orbit Black. Always. Please send us a list of nations/alliances tech raiding you, ES. Perhaps they will listen to reason - or they'll glow.
  19. We are sooo derailing this thread.That thing was almosttttt all peaced out. BG talked with Michael I think, and it was over. Then more RD guys came in. This going to end well, I'm sure
  20. That part's going hilariously from where I sit LOL I feel... deja vu-ish...
  21. When you're the biggest, everyone is smaller than you. That kind of makes sense, eh? But if we're talking WWII n stuff, I think Gabryal's comparison of RE and the US, and Japan and CDT, is much more accurate. He went into a lot of depth on that. RE didn't attack CDT/UDB, CDT/UDB attacked RE. They aren't defending anyone. Plus, Japan was a military power not a world power part, they attacked a world power without prior warning, Japan was winning at first until the USA's size and overwhelming power took it's toll, so on and so forth. It wasn't a comment on the whole "we be good, dem be ebil" thing, just a comparison of world positioning and strengths. Thanks for the latter part. We do defend our nations when they are attacked as ferociously as possible - but when they do something silly we try not to overreact. Recently one of our people raided LE. Bad idea, that. When three more LE nations started to pound the guy, we let 'em do for a few days before politely asking them to peace him out. Our nation broke our raiding rules, and really, didn't pay attention to what he was doing. That can be fatal sometimes. He's a good guy, but he had a lesson to learn and it was a good example for our nations of how not to do things. I'm still wondering what it is RE did that they shouldn't be proud of though. Please elaborate? It's still in effect lol The whole "we be good, dem be ebil" thing is kind of silly.
  22. I don't know why so many people are sniveling. Who cares? War ftw It's not like the outcome of this is hard to predict. RE's going to win it in the end. They have better organization and the numbers. UDB isn't enough help (planned that way or not), they don't have nearly the numbers or power to make much of a dent. This might not have been a great idea on their part. In another thread some clown compared RE to Nazi Germany and TPF to Japan. Godwin rolled over in his grave laughing - and for all I know he's not even dead yet. Well, to mix history metaphors, UDB might have awakened a sleeping giant. CDT doesn't have the numbers to win a war like this because they don't recruit much. They just don't have enough nations and can be triple-teamed if need be. Y'know for people who complain as much as they do about other alliances not trying to "win the round," they really do very little to win it themselves. You can't win it unless you get a lot of members. Period, that's it, that's the way the rules are set-up. If you don't recruit a LOT, then you aren't trying. So I have found it more than a bit hypocritical for an alliance that has had a closed membership until just recently, claims to have no TE forum, and who's nation numbers appear to be mid-sized and static to snivel so much about others who try a hell of a lot harder than they do. At any rate, a half bonus point to CDT for attacking RE, who has 5+ times as many nations as they do. Perhaps they figured their nuke numbers and somewhat greater avg. nation strength might have made a difference. Of course it wouldn't have been that way if RE hadn't fought that hard MHA war earlier in this round. There's an alliance that tries to win, MHA. They fight well, they recruit well, they build nations well. That war certainly put a dent into RE's building progress. This being CDT's first foray onto the battlefield, their nations were all nice and pretty until now. Ah well, the numbers as of right now are already starting to show: RE has 275 nations, 55 in anarchy: 20% CDT has 50 nations, 29 in anarchy: 58% **UDB has 31 nations, 18 (after tonight) in anarchy: 58%** UDB has zero nukes, and while CDT still has over twice as many as RE, they won't make up enough of a difference in the end. Unless CDT can round up some more alliances to help them out (which they claim they don't do ) this one's all over except for the glowing. **Edited to add Re: Can we pull a Hannibal?** Hannibal lost his final battle (Battle of Zama) against Scipio Africanus of the Roman Empire, and hence the Second Punic War ended the same way the first one did, and as the Third Punic War did later as well. Perhaps not the best analogy?
  23. Ahhh, I just know a bunch of kiwis and they say it all the time lol It appears to be a world-wide joke, really. Hence the question of sheep moral values.
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