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Everything posted by Clash

  1. Heyy who let BEazy in here? No Browns fans allowed! We did overcome, and quite well, thanks. We always strive to get better anyways Since your attempt to cause a mess failed, I'd not call it a success. That's what matters to us. Though an interesting choice of words, "test." Trying to get people in-game warnings - which your earlier messages did - isn't good sportsmanship.
  2. Oh I don't think I'm ever grumpy, I even put a smiley in my post Just pointing out some facts is all. Why is not answering you the same as hiding it? I seem to remember mentioning strawmen in another recent thread, I even gave a link for that. You asked for logs and/or messages, and again, no one has to provide you with anything. No one has to provide ANYONE with anything, and most of the time, no one does. One might even say that asking for evidence (which is what logs or messages would be), when you never have before, IS a criticism. For example. Didja see this DoW thread over here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62866 I do notice you aren't over there asking for the same things. Or in any other DoW for this session. ...including this one. ...and this one. ...or even this one? ...or any other DoW, in any other session, really. Makes me wonder why you're so selective in here all of a sudden, hmm? Did you have some sort of vested interest here, HMM!?! Answer the questions! ANSWER TEH QUESTIONS! ...and, no, not a derailing of course. Kind of a weird - and desperate - stretch to make such a claim. The topic is RoWN's DoW. As one of the sources of their intel for it (or rather, the middleman), I am very qualified to answer your question in any way I see fit, and I was as exactly within the topic as you were when you asked for it. Please don't BAW because you don't like those answers. Seriously. Some questions for you on the general topic of DoWs, very vaguely within this topic: Why are you asking for stuff in THIS thread, if you don't ask in other DoW threads? Why do you so proudly and often not provide such info in any of YOUR DoWs? Why should anyone ever care what you post? Are THESE the droids you were looking for? Tastes great or less filling!?! Why haven't you answered already? Do you have something to hide, hmm? I demand all your puppies immediately! Hand over the puppies and no one gets hurt. tl;dr: People (including RoWN) can war on anyone for any reason in TE and I need coffee.
  3. We helped provide the intel and it had the finest of sources. That was an issue between TPF and it's protectorate and friends, RoWN. There is nothing to clear up: No one has to show YOU, or anyone else, anything. This is TE after all. Most of the time there are no reasons for war anyways, or ones that are very simple in nature. Why, sometimes people just go with it, and declare war just for dramaz, or EVEN on their best buddies: Source. RoWN had a much better reason than THAT...and no reason at ALL to show it to YOU. Have a lovely session, and watch out for dramaz.
  4. Chaos got it's rear kicked slantways.
  5. We are just cutting this off at the knees ASAP, that's all. We expect more of this kind of PM terrorismish stuff throughout the session. It could be a lot worse - if we weren't on the ball and stopping it now.
  6. ...and now a real member of TPF attacked a member of NOIR based on false messages. Good times.
  7. You were just attacked by an RE nation - who probably listened to The Black Ghost.
  8. Mattias is TPF. The Black Ghost is continuing on with this stuff - it's not the worst that he's done, but still worth noting. Just a notice of warning for everyone. *Added: The idiot just put his own nation link into a different PM he sent out to our members. Stupid is as stupid does. Forrest Gump's mom just rolled over in her grave.**
  9. There was a very complex situation tonight and I'll just give a quick summary of stuff to start off: - Nation ghosting TPF mass spams many other nations asking for very questionable things that including war slot filling and other crap. - Different nation ghosting TPF attacks THAT ghost. - Then he tried to extort SE financial aid out of me for cheering him before I realized he was a ghost. - TPF members attacked both cause they needed it. - A real TPF member attacked another real TPF member in the confusion. - BAWWWW from both ghost nations. - Not enough pizza - though I like mine with extra troll anyways. - Other mundane badness stuff but still badness. At any rate. These nations we have started the process of killing: The Black Ghost (Current bio includes "Director of War of The Phoenix Federation." Mmmhmm, sure you are.) shawn14 They did very very very very very very bad things that have already been reported in-game anyways. Watch out for any PMs from The Back Hand. He did some verryyyyy bad things, and trying to talk other people into doing veryyyy bad things. No details, I ain't EVEN going to post 'em. I'm just sayin' BADNESS. Only one guy took him up on any of it, and I bet he feels silly NOW- seeing that it outed him as a ghost himself, hmm? Ah well. The good times roll on. Have a lovely session y'all
  10. Troll tastes best when thoroughly tenderized prior to cooking by tanks and bombs. Then lengthily simmered over medium heat in white wine and pineapple juice, with just the right amount of garlic, shallots and spices. Served with a side of baked potatoes au gratin and sauteed peppers. Kulomascovia, a typical Roman to the end, always puts gold and silver in his. I'm totally not saying that just because he's my trade partner Troll: The other other white meat.
  11. Yesssss anyone who doesn't agree with you doesn't understand English. Right, that's "smart." When you figure out how to edit in the quote function I'll care. Well, for the 37th time, we aren't going to agree on TE philosophy. So bye bye for now, lil fella. I love the whole protip meme. It's already old lol
  12. I don't agree with most of it. Thought I've said that several times now lol Especially the whole "You make this unfun and drive people away from the game oh BAWW friendships are killing TE" stuff. I've already stated some reasons why I don't agree with it in previous posts. I stated why I think the alliance win thing is sort of silly, and backed that up pretty good. If anything is "killing TE" it'd be that... and I don't think TE is dying anyways. I don't agree with your whole "Attack #1 no matter what" thing - it doesn't work sometimes, and sometimes they are your friends. You go right ahead though, I ain't telling you what to do. Can you see why maybe that might make people not want to BE your friends, when you turn on yours so quickly, like you did with MASH? We take pride in our loyalty and honor - do you? Your words sort of call that into question - and I'm not stating anything there, just questioning. No offense intended, just sayin' - and there's no questions there for us, is there? TPF and I believe in friends > infra. You're on your own though. I think I am right, and I've seen no arguments from you changing that. I also keep saying I think we have different points of view - and you keep trying to stuff yours back down my throat LOL Newsflash: I'm not going to agree with you. No matter how many times I read your post. We like RE. We like TF. Until further notice, that's not changing.
  13. Oh I did. I agree with that part I'm just thinking that maybeeee the two members of CDT posting in here recently might be just a lil tiny bit biased in their thinking, that's all. I can merely see why y'all might want those of us who are friends and allies - and happen to be near the top of the pile - to fight each other. I admit my bias in this matter. Can you admit yours?
  14. Yeah yeah if it doesn't agree with YOU it's flawed - in your opinion. Mine - and TF's and RE's most likely - differs
  15. I wasn't around for the TPF-UW things way back when, but I thought Jon hit it right on the head. I'm just not much of one for casual conspiracy theories in situtions where no one is conspiring. Things just escalate sometimes. You raid someone - they fight back. They call in their friends to help. Your guys see wars declared on your alliance nations, so they go to support. Things domino, wars because of wars because of wars. It's going to happen sometimes. The rules of TE are set-up in large part for tech-raiding. Most of us know this, I shouldn't have to point out how the differences between TE and SE make this so. Some people don't want to be tech-raided - I can't blame them. Apparently, neither does NeoGondor. Kingharold is right. All Neo's doing is trying to rein in a situation that got out of hand before it gets worse. The herding cats thing - spot on.
  16. Well, I can't argue with Bama's post's logi- err I mean take on reali- umm ...stuff. Before even reading this section of your post I knowwwww how much you would love to see TF, TPF and RE (and MHA for that matter, plus LE and NOIR and ...any alliance you aren't in (I actually don't know what alliance you're in tbh lol)) all fight it out amongst ourselves. After all, you're playing to win! I suspect you might have just a tiny small wee bit of bias there, jussssstt maybeee? That strawman (sorry, Bama) of yours works about as well as Dorothy's buddy the Scarecrow in a tornado. Thank you for understanding the other points I made though, Zikawe. Not that they haven't been well chronicled elsewhere, as Harold's thread links shows. ...but that's part of the REAL reason why we ended up allies. See, it's really none of this "oh well we can't win, might as well join 'em" balderdash you've got on there. Yesss, you might be a just tad biased. See, in Harold's post with that link, he's pretty much arguing against his own alliance. He's arguing that the system used right now isn't working - even though his alliance is WINNING using it. THAT is an example of the reasons why we like him, and his alliance. In posting that link in this discussion, he's showing integrity, and honor. At TPF those are two of the virtues we respect the most. That's the way most alliances end up friends, isn't it? You think they're a good bunch of guys? Occam's Razor and all that? Harold hangs out in our IRC channel all the time, good man that one. We've got people in our alliance who've known NeoGondor for a long time, and respect him a lot. I don't know him well at all, myself. I DO know that the people in my alliance, the ones I respect the most, respect him. He has excellent character references lol THAT is why we're allied with those guys. Nothing else. How about instead of playing for the top alliance, or even the top nation - we play for the t-shirts! Which alliance gets the most t-shirts wins, hmm? Then every alliance has a chance to win, not just the one with the most nations. BTW as a show of TPF's integrity, I'll point out that we currently have 5 of the top 12 nations - including mine. At least I admit my bias. Can you admit yours, mi amigo?
  17. I hate derailing threads, but considering how far off course it's already wandered, meh. So I'll help hijack this one just a bit further and hope that by supporting RE with this post, it fits in with the thread itself. See, here's the deal. The way scores are figured out, RE has pretty much already won this session just by having the most nations. Last round it was MHA. It didn't much matter that they got ganged on by SWAT, RE and TF, did it? Those three TRIED, real hard, to take it away from MHA. MHA mostly lost that scuffle, but it didn't matter. The way scores are configured they were a shoe-in for highest alliance last round no matter what. That's the way things started and that's the way they finished. Here are the top alliances and scores this round, right now: 1) Roman Empire 235 nations 180 active 353,125 tot ns, 1,503ns avg 41.23 score 2) Mostly Harmful Alliance 148 nations 101 active 198,510 tot ns, 1,341ns avg 25.17 score 3) The Phoenix Federation 127 nations 98 active 210,915 tot ns, 1,661 avg ns, 22.95 score 4) The Fellowship 102 to nations, 82 active 160,501 tot ns, 1,574 avg 18.13 score 5) Lafayette Escadrille 80 nations 58 active 125,383 tot ns, 1,567 avge ns 14.23 score Compare us to MHA. It doesn't matter that we at TPF have a higher total ns than they do. It doesn't matter that our nations are over 300ns average higher than they do, or a higher active percentage. We beat them in every category - except ONE. They have 21 more nations, and that's all she wrote, that's the only thing that's important. Just because of that trump card alone, they have a higher score than we do, and that's all there is to it. They apparently won the recruiting battle hmm? WTG MHA! If we're going to play to win as an alliance, according to what it takes to have the highest score - this is NOT a war game. It's a recruiting game. Unles RE chokes off a bunch of their nations, well, it doesn't MATTER. TPF and TF could both turn on them and it won't make any difference - not that we WOULD. We like RE and TF, TF likes us and RE, and RE likes us and TF. We've fought it out plenty of rounds, got to know each other, and there we are now. So get over that, please? lol You wanna play your macho lil "I play to win" theme go right ahead and get every one of your members recruiting, ok? You've got a ways to go to overtake RE. Cause that's the only way you have to win the round as far as the alliance race goes. No wars, just recruiting. I'm not being rude, just stating reality. Just sayin'. Good luck with that tl;dr Stuff.
  18. Hmm, bama, interesting. TPF actually rather likes RE though. Here'd be his real nation for anyone wanting some: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001075 Ruler: BamaBuc Nation Name: KentuckyFriedChicken Last Activity: 6/25/2009 12:21:26 PM (11 Days Inactive) Ooo. Scary.
  19. tl;dr: We're RE, hello everyone! ...and the Shadowstooges are annoying us, especially that one guy, so war. But but but but we didn'tttt and I shall snack on your soul even if I get crushed!! Yes you did no you won't. No you! No YOU! NOOO YOU! BLAM KILL MAIM PUNISH BOOM SLAY BIFF BOP SMASH I was entertained. The end
  20. How about some more proof: Less than 3 hours later and he's in enough trouble he'll soon be in reroll land. Roll with us and this is how we'd roll for YOU. Join TPF. Rolling with us: Lots of fun and no regrets.
  21. I'm going to name my next pet mouse "OPSEC." Then feed it to my snake.
  22. I'm going to quote myself here because ignoring it won't make it wrong. Most SE alliances don't even HAVE a TE counterpart, and there are plenty of TE alliances that can say the same thing about SE. Nor does alliance affiliation cross over for everybody even when the AAs are congruent. They are two different things, period. Anyone bringing one into the other is full-on foolish fail. I'd have supported RE anyways due to them being our friends (hey there Tiberius ). Yet making this mistake should be a clincher for a lot of people who otherwise wouldn't give flyin' fig about this conflict. What happens in TE should stay in TE, and vice-versa. o/ RE
  23. <------------------ SE is over there, and TE is over there -----------------> The two should never be confused for each other; or confused BY each other, for that matter.
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