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Everything posted by Clash

  1. The "truth?" You can't HANDLE THE TRUTH. Well, at least you aren't trying too so far. So come on, squirt a few more tears about how WOLF is ruining your life. The truth is still that WOLF has not done anything at all to you so far - and we don't much care if it does, since you're smack talking about it. It hasn't "ruined the game." Wolf has yet "cause massive curbstomps everywhere" or any of the other stupid claims that have been made. WOLF has been good for it's members, and so far, it's had little to no effect on TE game play. I would also have to say it's actually helped posting in this forum - whether you like it or not. After all, it gives YOU something more to post about doesn't it? So, go ahead, BAWWW some more. WOLF won't stop you. I'll keep playing my violin
  2. Are you saying all Euros are pretty boys? I don't think so. Explain Prince Charles.
  3. Oh, I think he did. By "tear filled" I suspect he meant BAWWWWWWWWWWW. Here we are near the close of another round and everybody is warring everybody. Just like normal, just like things go at the end of every round. Yet there still seems to be an awful lot of BAWWWWW WOLFFFF going on. In honor of all those with the BAWW, here you go. I'm playing it just for you:
  4. First of all, EWWW. Secondly, the fun-loving fellows at CDT hit SDF last night. So it's a lot closer than that and if you count in the nukes between all four alliances, y'all probably have the overall advantage. Ought to be a serious fight and good times for everyone. See? No need to worry. It all worked itself out
  5. I think a lot of them are Euros. I'd want my beauty sleep too
  6. Clash

    GDA DoW

    o/ arcticllama! We at TPF certainly respect RD's desire for neutrality in CN:TE politics, and we in general do respect RD. What's not to like? However, it does seem that every session RD and TPF have some sort of little raid-related altercation. Strykewolf semi-threatened war over the last one, this session. You guys were certainly overdue for a scrap too, you'd not had one all session long. I think of you guys as quality nations, if not quantity
  7. I officially endorse "The Lulz War."
  8. o/ Grags with the one-man declaration! You and Ryan Greenberg ought to go bowling together
  9. Clash

    GDA DoW

    Your culinary skills have been given a good reference by Strykewolf, arcticllama. That guy knows his beer, so I'll give it another shot. Yet maybe Stryke needs to know his beer TOO well when he eats your cooking, if you know what I'm sayin'. Yepp, I've been piled on by multiple alliances before when all I wanted was a fair fight. It sucks. Life just ain't too fair sometimes. - Call it moaning, weeping or whining, sniveling is sniveling is sniveling.
  10. "Wild Wild WOLF War" got from that darn crappy movie title song by Will Smith stuck in my head. I do NOT approve.
  11. Clash


    o/ eyerack, gary8 and OB! What he said ^^ Though it always has to come first, RL is supposed to be all bunnies and beer. I must have missed a memo! Now, I'm gonna have to write my congressman. Take care of yourelf eyerack, come back if you can or you want. We'll still be here
  12. Clash

    GDA DoW

    I'll answer this and some other comments: Why not? Did people think the alliances of WOLF were never again going to attack anyone? Apparently this is a war game. Everyone wants to fight in war games. ES's point is very accurate. When WOLF formed and before it had ever done anything there was mass sniveling and people talking a bunch of crap. Then TPF and RE were taking on MHA, LE and SWAT by themselves, and there was sniveling because WOLF did not jump in and a bunch of people talking a bunch of crap. We took a bit of beating we really didn't have to - and people still talked crap about us. Then Fark jumps in. Then NOIR jumps in. Then a bunch of smaller WOLF alliances, tired of sitting and watching everyone else fight and have fun, jump in. There's been a bunch of other smaller alliances hitting now too, like United White. So everybody's fighting everybody just like it is at the end of EVERY round. TE is perfectly normal - yet people are still sniveling and talking crap. Ergo, it doesn't MATTER what WOLF does - someone is always going to snivel and talk crap. So why care about the sniveling since it's going to be there no matter what anyways? tl;dr: People are always going to snivel and talk crap. So why give a rodent's hindquarters what people think.
  13. Clash

    GDA DoW

    I am officially NEVER eating at arcticllama's house. Ever.
  14. I find this DoW to be much full of win. o/ Thai!
  15. Sure. I was just sayin'. Beer should be protected at all costs! Preferably protected cold.
  16. Anyone who declares war on beer deserves every alliance in TE hitting them simultaneously. Just sayin'.
  17. This is so cute. Use Michael Vick in the wildcat offense!
  18. Clash

    GDA DoW

    Oh so THAT is what we call "it" these days. You guys are sooooo cute!
  19. Clash

    GDA DoW

    Kill one for me, GDA
  20. o/ Republic of White Nations o/ Box Vipers o/ SOS Brigade Y'all are too cool for school.
  21. I'm totally arrogant. Look here's my arrogant face now:
  22. Maybe someone should start a top ten thread and keep that updated like this one. Not me, of course. That sounds too much like work.
  23. I believe they call themselves "The Fightin Division." Quite an ironic name, really.
  24. One of the reasons you guys are respected. o/ Strykewolf n beer
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