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Everything posted by Clash

  1. I'm patiently waiting for my Eqypt recruitment spam to hit my inbox.
  2. I think Caelum just declared war today and waiting to use nukes. That takes 25 hours after a war declaration. Expect a trade of nukes long before this time tomorrow.
  3. Then you're already the leader! Now quite screwing around and get to work. Geez. Give some people responsibility and the slack off like England during tea time.
  4. You lurve me. Don't fib. ...but I am NOT joining you in the shower, so quit asking!
  5. We were going to keep that a birthday surprise Grags.
  6. Is it true that each cohort will make their own microbrew?
  7. Awesome! WTG Johnny and NOIR! I'm proud of thw way you guys are bouncing back, and TPF's offer still stands. Whatever you need to help you out, just ask and we'll do what we can. I still need to get by your new forums and register. I think you're going to end up bigger and better (MUCH better) than ever in the end. I've been impressed with your leadership skills already, and stepping up to the plate like this is a big step indeed. o/ NOIR!
  8. Devil's Avocate would make a great ruler name. I think my next nation will be called Ping Timeout. It could be that WOLF was never planning on curbstomps in the first place. I'm pretty sure that has been repeated many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many times. Perhaps such speculations are what WOLF was hoping would die down - and one might think that actions speak louder than words. WOLF's actions on curbstomping other alliances have been spoken loud and clear. Yet I guess it's STILL more fun to try and speak for WOLF than to listen to WOLF speak, right?
  9. You're welcome, and you did make some good points among the stuff I edited out. Yet, again, there's more going on than I choose to reveal at this time. Some questions we simply choose not answer - yet.
  10. Other people have observed blocs form. Other people have formed blocs. Other people have observed what blocs do. You speak for yourself- that's it. Please don't pretend your word is unquestionable, because other people think differently on blocs than you do. Including those who formed WOLF. Yes, why didn't two alliances YOU don't like fight each other for your entertainment right? We did what WE wanted to do, not what others wanted us to do, and you're doing the same. What we've done speaks a lot louder than what stupid speculations say we were going to do. There have been no WOLF alliances pushing anyone around. There have been no curbstomps. Now we have nice big wars to fight without curpstomps. These are facts, your opinion to the contrary. Yesterday, RE and TPF fought MHA, LE and SWAT alone. Honorably. I'll match the quality and honor of our words and actions against yours in a nanosecond.
  11. Yeah, I posted about your speculations. Everyone's got an opinion. Doesn't mean everyone's opinion has any worth.
  12. This represents the opinion of someone not in WOLF, speculating on the purposes of WOLF, and not listening to anyone actually FROM WOLF speak on WOLF. This is what YOU alone want out of a bloc, and perhaps this represrents why Fark entered this war: To hypocritically try for the curbstomp. I think our actions, those of TPF, RE and really the rest of WOLF, speak differently.
  13. I hope I answered your questions at least in part. Some of that. There is certainly a lot of infra hugging going on, none of it from TPF or RE. To really more say would mean revealing things we don't want revealed - yet. I for one am having fun. o/ me!
  14. I've yet to see YOU know anything at all. I remain very unimpressed. You've had more stupid speculations concerning WOLF and the current wars than anyone else.
  15. Well, I for one WANTED to fight MHA, SWAT and LE by ourselves, meaning RE and TPF. We can take you guys and it's a pretty even battle really. I was all for it! This is what TE was made for. To me the ironic thing is, first there's a bunch of sniveling from people saying that WOLF was going to cause a bunch of curbstomps when every WOLF alliance jumps into every alliance war. Which was stupid and speculative at the bare least. We. LIKE. TO. FIGHT. TE's a war game, that'd better be why we're all here eh? Fair wars, and NOT curbstomps, are fun for me, and most of TPF and RE I am sure. Then, when everyone does NOT jump in, there's more sniveling. What, all those stupid speculations got all let down? So some people have to find something else to stupidly speculate about? Make up your minds! ...which is another point: Regardless of individual nations or alliances, opinions sum up to anarchies. Everyone's going their own, there will be a wide range of them, and they'll total up to BAW. When I speak of "stupid speculations" that's what I mean: I am talking about the mass opposition gibberish on WOLF all totaled up. More on WOLF: Make no mistake about it, SWAT, MHA, LE and Fark aren't all fighting together without WOLF. That didn't happen by accident. I think the speculations that WOLF was going to ruin TE were the stupidest of all. Look what we've got now! Mass battles and glowing fun for the whole TE family. Now, considering we didn't want a curbstomp, and no one jumped in to make it a curbstomp - what should that tell you? Anyone? Anyone? What's it mean that we didn't want it to happen and it didn't happen? Any speculations there? Fark, meh. Whatever. Perhaps we'll see a response tonight from someone hitting them. Perhaps not though. We'll see
  16. Is it wrong that I love this %$&@ stuff SO VERY %$@&ING MUCH!?! I swear this is why I play TE ....though Fark declaring war on RE to support Bacon might be a bit TOO much.
  17. This is why we play TE! Bring your best, ladies and gents, and children of all ages. We've been waiting all session for this. We know WE are the best, and enjoy the opportunity to prove it. On a serious note - cornflakes tastes like sawdust. Y'all can have 'em. I've long ago switched my citizens over to new-n-tasty Glow-Os™, the cereal for those of us who like nuclear anarchy. All the best people do, y'know. Vitamin and uranium fortified Glow-Os™ are part of a balanced, glowing and nutrious breakfast.
  18. ...says the guy with the nation name in his profile "1 Touch Football." HA!
  19. You're kind of leaving LE out of that there count. I refuse to leave them out of anything - especially when fighting them. I think the average LE nation counts as 1.2749 nations regular-everybody-else nations anyways. They tend to have less inactives than most alliances. Both ours and RE's nation counts are littered with inactives, and though I've not looked, I'd bet MHA's is to. I think the casual player is more likely to join a bigger alliance because they figure they'll have less to do, they'll be paying less attention anyways. I mean the people who only check their nations once a week anyways and are more likely to forget they are even playing. I think an analogy for sports would be kind of like how in baseball so many casual fans who don't really care about baseball claim to be Yankee fans. In basketball it's the Lakers and Celtics, in football it's the Dallas Cowboys. I'm talking about the people who aren't really or truly fans of the sport itself - but still want to talk the talk anyways. In TE, for the people who aren't really big fans of TE but play anyways, for now it's TPF, RE and MHA.
  20. Words of wisdom. Why stress over it? Look no further than SE's recent history for an example.
  21. Well, yeah. That was the point when I said "the total NSs were different." My comparison was that in MHA/LE against TPF the NS was the close to the same but the number of nations were different, and hence the number of war slots. In your war, the war slots difference was even more bigger. Even though you guys had the average NS advantage, they were able to double and triple team you. RE being able to launch more attacks made a bigger difference. And yeah, I knew other people would jump in, especially RE. No such assumptions were made. My point was that although it looked like a close fight, in the end, the group with more war slots would probably have won. I am thinking now maybe the current alliance score thing takes war into account more than I'd thought before. ++ Another example. Before these last wars, compare RE and TPF. TPF has the higher avg. NS though the total NS was much closer. RE has more tech and more land, TPF has more nukes. That's all pretty close to equal; but if they fight, RE has 90 more nations or so, and hence about 500 total wars slots more. I think that's what makes the difference in a theoretical war. The score difference was 11 or 12. Is the score difference the same as the war difference, I don't know. All other factors would need to be the exactly the same between the two, and then there'd have to BE a war to find out. Even then wars can make or break on random factors, and as Gabryal pointed out once, surprise (I.E. who hits first) matters a lot. At any rate, the alliance score thing probably isn't as off as I and others used to think it was.
  22. To be fair, LE is doing a fine job of hogging war slots
  23. I think America's team would have to be the reigning Super Bowl Champs. Whoever they happen to be
  24. My second fave team is whoever plays the Cowboys.
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