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Everything posted by Clash

  1. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1339690641' post='2983516'] The Mushroom Kingdom application process is a lengthy one. Unlike your alliances, we don't just let anyone in, regardless of whether they have a pulse and/or the ability to use logic and reason. While he was not a member at the time, members on the AA are afforded the protection the members of the main AA are given. Yes, he had active wars when he came to the AA and yes CSN had sentenced him to ZI. But they disregarded an affiliation's sovereignty when they chose to ignore a peace request and nuke the applicant anyway. In no way did they attempt to contact us and tell us they were willing to violate that sovereignty, and had anyone in the fabled MK sphere of influence done what CSN had done, they'd be evil ones in the scenario. [/quote] What a load of hypocritical crap. You will let in known spies sentenced to ZI, so actually you WILL just let in anyone. Or rather, anyone who can give you a half-assed bs excuse for a curbstomp. Why would they accept a peace request from a nation sentenced to ZI - one who admitted he did it, left his alliance over it and had already accepted his sentence? Hell, you disregarded CSN's sovereignty when you took him in. Seriously serious, just grow a pair and call it what it is.
  2. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1339689541' post='2983479'] Even if he deserved it, once he was on the MK applicant AA you all should have had enough sense to stop hitting him even if temporarily and seek diplomatic avenues, you would be in a much better spot now if you had. The way I see it your being beat down for being stupid enough to serve your selfs up on a platter. Stupidity has always been the best CB IMO[/quote] Pffft, because accepting nations that are admitted and outted spies always absolves them of the crime amirite? Your alliance would have done the same thing CSN did. MK certainly would have, thus hypocrites should added to their list of stupid lying punks. It's starting to become a rather long list, and every bit of it truth. [quote name='Hyperonic' timestamp='1339690078' post='2983495'] Sure you can.[/quote] ...and they are I haven't posted this much here in ages! I hate the OWF.
  3. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1339688993' post='2983467'] You used to be a decent alliance and then you got next to Xiph and totally !@#$@#$ bailed on everything you used to be. So that pisses me off and I don't like you anymore. Please yell at MK for being liars more. That is funny !@#$. [/quote] THAT'S IT? Jeez that's sad. Rage management therapy ftw. They are lying punks of course, so no need to yell it. I typed in a calm and rational manner!
  4. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1339649938' post='2982909'] I had a feeling it might come to war with Warriors before this round ends, lets have some fun. [/quote] What else were we gonna do with all our infra? You can't take it with you so might as well blow it up
  5. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1339688581' post='2983457']blah blah blah[/quote] Still can't figure what bug crawled up your butt. What's your problem with CSN anyways?
  6. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1339687800' post='2983441'] What part of "The Mushroom Kingdom Applicant AA is under the protection of the Mushroom Kingdom" confused you? Your alliance declarations do not and will not infringe on the protections afforded to those under the affiliation until conflicts can be resolved. [/quote] The wars came first. If one were to look at his war screens you would find no mention of anything MK. After all he deserved it and you would have done the same thing, no matter who decided to accept him after the fact. Just keep up with the BS excuses, it just makes you a bigger bunch of lying pathetic curbstomping punks.
  7. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1339687530' post='2983428']Did CSN ever show any regard for the sovereignty of the Mushroom Kingdom or its protected affiliations by at least giving us prior warning they would disregard a peace offer and nuke him? I am unclear as to why we are expected to show any regard for their declarations if we would not get the same courtesy. [/quote] What part of ZI confused you? He deserved it and accepted it after all. Yeah that often involves nukes.
  8. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1339638885' post='2982366']It is evident from Rotavele's logs that Dave93 wasn't conducing spying so much as reading information being dumped into his lap.[/quote] Bunch of lying !@#$@#$ punks. Probably others have posted this stuff, but I will too. [quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1339461655' post='2981028'] [07:38] <Rotavele[CSN]> Good god, we better not get targeted.... if we do im screwed [07:38] <Dave93[TIO]> hey man [07:38] <Dave93[TIO]> take some screen shots [07:38] <Dave93[TIO]> xD [07:39] <Rotavele[CSN]> Ok [07:39] <Dave93[TIO]> [07:39] <Rotavele[CSN]> Good god be careful who you show these too xD [07:40] <Dave93[TIO]> so no cntel? [07:40] <Dave93[TIO]> [07:40] <Rotavele[CSN]> Whats that [07:40] <Dave93[TIO]> lol [07:40] <Dave93[TIO]> dont worry [07:40] <Dave93[TIO]> i'll be careful [07:40] <Dave93[TIO]> don't worry [...] [07:42] <Rotavele[CSN]> OMKFG ROFL [07:42] <Dave93[TIO]> what? [07:42] <Dave93[TIO]> screenie them all [07:42] <Dave93[TIO]> >_> [...] [07:52] <Rotavele[CSN]> I signed up on CNtel [07:53] <Rotavele[CSN]> I really want to post the liz link lmao [07:53] <Dave93[TIO]> lol [07:53] <Dave93[TIO]> dude [07:54] <Dave93[TIO]> old screenies are old [07:54] <Dave93[TIO]> need the new stuff [07:54] <Rotavele[CSN]> Those are the only ones i could get [...]Dave saving screenshots[...] [08:02] <Rotavele[CSN]> Trying to find some good stuff so hold on [08:02] <Rotavele[CSN]> You better love me for this btw [08:03] <Rotavele[CSN]> It could get TIO rolled if it got out so DO NOT TELL ANYONE, if you share the pics... you got it from someone else... even though everyone will suspect me [08:03] <Dave93[TIO]> lol [08:03] <Dave93[TIO]> dont worry [...] [08:11] <Rotavele[CSN]> Dude now that i see their Ego i dont want to be in CSN anymore [08:12] <Dave93[TIO]> that one [08:12] <Dave93[TIO]> ill put on CNTel [08:12] <Dave93[TIO]> in a few days [08:12] <Dave93[TIO]> or weeks [...] [08:20] <Dave93[TIO]> being on Cntel isn't cbable [08:20] <Rotavele[CSN]> Yeah but shes using spied information [08:20] <Dave93[TIO]> it was on Cntel though [08:21] <Dave93[TIO]> unless you've got her going "I've got spies in MK, TLR, NSO and etc etc [08:21] <Dave93[TIO]> its worthless im afraid [08:23] <Rotavele[CSN]> Ok what about this....[/quote] Sounds awfully guilty to me, he did more than just take "information being dumped into his lap" he outright asked for it repeatedly. There is also this, posted by Rota earlier in this thread then deleted: [quote name='Rotavele']Those logs were not all of it. I didn't want to go to CSN. You think I really wanted to last 14 days in TIO? It was an assigned missions. Why dont you dumb f***s come to the source of the problem, rather than assuming information. You look like me out there.... Anyways, i pray the treaty web turns against you dumb f***s. o/ CSN[/quote] ...thusly, MK is bunch of punk liars who are merely looking to find someone to curbstomp, and they figured since CSN is the current front of many people's stupid hate train (apparently for stupid reasons that got resolved in the LAST stupid curbstomp stupid MK manipulated) that's where they would go. As so many others have said, they'd have more cred and less punk if they just had the sack to say "we just want a free curbstomp on an alliance that hasn't even recovered from their last curbstomp yet cause we're punks that way." At least it would be honest. I hope you all die in a fire.
  9. Biggest BS War Ever. At least its accurate.
  10. In related news, DT and CSN had a picnic! Liz made party hats and Sniper Joe didn't even shoot anyone! We all played frisbee golf, charades and checkers, and the beer flowed freely and frequently. Fried chicken, potato salad and ants were everywhere, and a good time was had by all! Jeez Bob, lighten up. You need moar cookiez.
  11. [center][img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-war-450px.jpg[/img] It's almost end of round, everybody kill everybody else. I DARE YOU! o7 War [/center]
  12. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1339496091' post='2981451'] Bump your gums while you can. Its pretty much all you have left. [/quote] Oh come along now. That post was funny! I spent at least 5 minutes picking out that picture of cheese. I ducked brie, swiss, provolone and gouda and went straight to sharp cheddar, all for you n Rush. At least I think that's sharp cheddar. It's yellowish anyways. That's tasty stuff y'know, assuming it is indeed sharp cheddar. Go get yourself some crackers, maybe some guacamole too, and enjoy. You're a sad lil muppet, aren't you? Just ain't that big of a deal to throw such hate-filled hissy fits over it. It matters to CSN and DT. Why does it matter to y'all so much?
  13. Yeah, who cares. One more treaty to an already overdone web. OHWAI these guys care a LOT and show so with every post: [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1339488430' post='2981409']Crying[/quote] [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1339494456' post='2981444']Sniveling[/quote] Here, have some cheese to go with your whine. [img]http://www.trailheadkids.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/post-cheese.jpg[/img]
  14. /wall of text skip it please I'm spitting it out anyways [quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1339380176' post='2980496']Even though I was in G-6/Anon, I never held a grudge against OP or any of the others and was amused when ya'll held that grudge.[/quote] Ironic you should bring that up. If you don't change history, history just keeps repeating itself. That alliance whatever you called it was the biggest bunch of cheap-shotting, down-declaring rogue artists TE has seen. For tW, every round Confusion rogued against us or sent rogues against us - and very often, right in the middle of wars we were fighting against someone else. We have never been flag chasers, avidly disavow the flag itself, and kick those nations out of our alliance when we find them. That never stopped rogues from hitting our top nations though, even if they were at war with someone else already. Every round, we would up-declare some war - and find that rogues or one of G6's pathetic puppy alliances would hit us when our slots were full. No alliance ever down-declared as much or as often as G6/Anon/DR/Whatev. Say what you want Doch. They and their "viceroy" alliances clearly held grudges against US. I've listed all this crap before, the BS moves we had to put up with. Every. Stupid. Round. It's all here in the backpages of this forum anyways. Other alliances had the same problems with them, not just us. How about that round where reroll rogues just kept appearing out of nowhere to hit OP and LE nations? They would get deleted by the mods/admin, and right away, there was another one. [i]I know who was behind that.[/i] Many of us know damn well. Or the common mass "raids" against smaller alliances (like WAPA and TFK I remember specifically, but many others)? Every round, the same crap out of G6/Anon/Blah - but no one should ever have held a grudge against them for it, right? After a while of seeing this stuff over and over - maybe it's not a grudge to pound them first for it, knowing it was coming anyways. Is it really a grudge? Not after a while. It's just a pre-emptive strike at that point. I agree that TE should not be the place for grudges, and that such grudges have made SE and it's stupid treaty webs kind of stupid. tW practices this every round and we make new friends every round from those we have warred against in the past. We have always tried our best to do so even back then, even when the same bunch of punks would punk at us anyways, every round. Every round was a new round, and we would start tabla rasa and clean slate - even if that same bunch of punks never would. HOWEVER. Sometimes people have earned those grudges. If you don't hold any grudges - and someone else uses that against you, every round after round - maybe it's exactly the right thing for you to pre-emptive strike them first for it. Maybe by then it really isn't you with the grudge - it's them. I think there are exceptions to every rule, even the best of rules. The words forgive and forget have very different meanings. To forgive may be divine, but to forget might just be stupid. Forgiveness aside, I am not stupid and I still remember. /end wall BTW Doch, you made a HUGE upgrade when you joined Hellas. Good folk they are For the record, I'm not sure anything too overly malicious is behind what RD is doing. It is end of round. Two of their nations hit tW as well. They did not have nukes or Manhatten Projects and they attacked a nuclear nation that they should have known was going to be defended by other nuclear nations. They are paying for it and taking quit a beating lol. If they are going rogue in a flag move? Maybe so. After all, their top 5 nations are not at war right now. This is the first round I can remember them ever doing this. Well, G6/Anon/DR/meh did that EVERY round, didn't they? Many many other alliances have, and someone does so every round. If it's done in the last few days of the round, it's kind of to be expected. Piling on top of nations already at war is another story though. Especially if they weren't flag runners to begin with. Not cool. ...and now I won't make posts again for a while Happy end of round, everyone!
  15. [quote name='LYDIASLAND' timestamp='1339195188' post='2979582'] Come ahead Rodentia Dominatus ya shower of rats. Rickardo. WAPA. [/quote] I don't care who you are, I find the phrase "shower of rats" hilarious. Is it raining cats and dogs outside? Nope. Shower of rats. Oh, well, of course it is, right? RD needs to steal this for every war declaration they ever make. OMFG RUN AND HIDE IT'S A SHOWER OF RATS! HIDE THE BACON! o7 Rickardo
  16. First to post the other alliances' guide in this thread wins the thread.
  17. [quote name='infinite citadel' timestamp='1338182501' post='2973455'] Update: Westeros: 13 nations 114,941 ns (-34,960), 68 nukes (-11)[/quote] It's 87,044 and -62,857 as of now. You should have waited until after I attacked
  18. Global Radiation: 5.00 (21.39) Take THAT, infra huggers!
  19. [quote name='Mark8240' timestamp='1338155810' post='2973338'] OP/CAR/TBW had just under a 3K ANS advantage and about 200 more total nukes.[/quote] This was the big part, I think. That 3k is a lot, even if RE did have a few more nations. OP are top quality in war, and this isn't Catharsis' first dance, either. Those guys have been at this for a very long time now. This just HAD to have been a good war, considering the skills of those involved. Well done on everyone's part!
  20. Well, attacking early does mean one thing: Back to back nukes at update! This is going to be fun! The Westeros peoples are proving to be very cool and competent peeps
  21. I'm still proud of RE for obviously attacking upwards. That takes balls. There can never be enough of those in TE. o7 RE, OP, Catharsis, BW and the fear peeps
  22. [center][img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-war-450px.jpg[/img] The Warriors declare war on: [b]Pork Shrimp, Westeros, Hell Patrol and RnR[/b][/center] Just to be weird, we declare war sometime around 2pm server time, and yes, that's regardless of whenever I get around to writing and posting this DoW. I kind of expect wars to wander in all day long, just take your time people, enjoy yourselves. It's a low stress war, high in protein, tasty yet nutritious. Our opponents are welcome to spend their time plotting and planning for the rest of the day, sureee, go ahead, have fun with it, some of us will too. Totals as of now-ish: Westeros: 13 nations, 149,901 ns, 11,531 avg, 79 nukes Pork Shrimp: 14 nations, 144,626 ns, 10,330 avg, 35 nukes Hell Patrol: 5 nations, 32,434 ns, 6,487 avg, 25 nukes RnR: 19 nations, 87,288 ns, 4,594 avg, 6 nukes Totals: 51 nations, 404,000ish ns, 145 nukes Warriors: 42 nations, 363,219 ns, 216 nukes I think I was going to toss someone else in too, but I forget who. Ah well. Everyone have fun out there
  23. [quote name='dogbite' timestamp='1336282568' post='2964354'] Good luck with all that but think this war is ours.You might want to think about peace. [/quote] Think we should beg for it, do you? This kind of condescending !@#$%^&* makes me want to war for a very long long time. I can guarantee you that not only will you not win in the end - no one will win. You want that, son? Be careful what your mouth types. Added: Oh, and I'm having a lot fun in this war In early prewar planning, I set myself and Innocence up with the two biggest TPC nations plus the one with the most infra, so we just hit them anyways as planned. The latter of course has proven to be the toughest, though each is doing heir best. The extra bonus was getting hit by Beerica, who's ruler is a fine outstanding fellow. It's fun to blow stuff up! I dunno about everyone else, but this is why I play the game.
  24. Well, I was going to have us declare war on someone else anyways, another alliance our smaller and n00b nations could better fight. I've just been too inactive and time-limited to do the effort on it. Life is a busy place these days. If I hadn't been been so afk way past the 30 day mark, we'd have hit someone a long time before this war ever started. My bad there. Ah, well. Meh on it. We'll hit someone extra later on in the round or something. Hope everyone's having fun, there are glowing pixels everywhere
  25. [quote name='dogbite' timestamp='1335934544' post='2962111'] what tpc aint enough? [/quote] Nah not by yourselves.
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