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Everything posted by Clash

  1. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1354776789' post='3060916'] I think TPC for second time this round used you Warriors against Hellas! After Snakes, Citadel etc. you can also add yourselves among their puppets! [/quote] I think you guys were big fluffy flowers who wanted us to hit them so they wouldn't hit you. We really wanted to hit them and it turns out you didn't. You bailed out on a chance for a really big war. It seems we are not YOUR puppets either.
  2. I figured TPC would have appreciated us hitting them, give them a small thrill in their lower regions. Ah the best laid plans or some such thing. ALL FLOWERS MUST DIE!
  3. [center][img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-war-450px.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Warriors Declare War on Hellas[/center] [center]Wasso actually messaged me 2 days ago about hitting TPC together tonight. I proposed our big nations hit TPC and our smaller nations hit each other. Wasso thought that was a great idea! So, that was the plan. A fancy 3-way war which I don't think anyone has ever done before.So extra cool points there. Yesterday, they started to back out. Wasso was waiting on the other gov to reply. Then they might not be able to go with us tonight, but still wanted to war with us. Today they proposed that we hit TPC by ourselves - then they would "probably" hit TPC too a couple days from now. Oh yeah we hit TPC by ourselves. Great plan.[/center] [center][quote]Message: Alright nothing sure yet . but most probably we will be following you . Which means if everything goes well , you will declare war , and then Hellas will declare war on them after 24-48 hours.[/quote][/center] [center]What a bunch of delicate flowers, all afraid their infra might get damaged.[/center] [center]SO! We shall hit Hellas instead.[/center] [center]Every infra dies before Admin can destroy it.[/center] [center]o7 Hellas[/center] [center]o7 WARRIORS![/center]
  4. [quote][b]Most Attacking Casualties[/b]: 1) 308,522 Soldiers Lost - Larry the Cow of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000075"]KernelLand[/url] - Black Team 2) 262,022 Soldiers Lost - Zulqarnain of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000109"]Zulqarnain[/url] - Black Team 3) 228,792 Soldiers Lost - landofdefenders of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000366"]landofdefenders[/url] - Blue Team 4) 210,146 Soldiers Lost - Andy Capp of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000480"]Layzee Bumm[/url] - Blue Team 5) 194,074 Soldiers Lost - Therm of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000407"]Impulsive[/url] - Black Team[/quote] [quote][b]Most Defending Casualties[/b]: 1) 302,892 Soldiers Lost - EEEEE of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000023"]AmmuNation[/url] - Black Team 2) 289,338 Soldiers Lost - kong92 of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000015"]kongland[/url] - White Team 3) 274,340 Soldiers Lost - Larry the Cow of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000075"]KernelLand[/url] - Black Team 4) 268,355 Soldiers Lost - Komplex of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000102"]Despair[/url] - Brown Team 5) 266,862 Soldiers Lost - Aquamarine of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000200"]Redefined Territory[/url] - Red Team[/quote] [quote][b]Total Soldier Casualties[/b]: 1) 582,862 Total Soldiers Lost - Larry the Cow of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000075"]KernelLand[/url] - Black Team 2) 511,082 Total Soldiers Lost - Zulqarnain of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000109"]Zulqarnain[/url] - Black Team 3) 480,137 Total Soldiers Lost - landofdefenders of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000366"]landofdefenders[/url] - Blue Team 4) 471,902 Total Soldiers Lost - Andy Capp of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000480"]Layzee Bumm[/url] - Blue Team 5) 454,141 Total Soldiers Lost - EEEEE of [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000023"]AmmuNation[/url] - Black Team[/quote] Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars: 102,717 Attacking + 199,032 Defending = 301,749 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #25 of 632 Nations (3.96%) That's a lot higher than my nation ranking BTW I like that it copy-pastes nation links. These people all need more love!
  5. I'm pretty sure everyone warring right now is doing so to dodge TPC and leave us to fight them. Just because I'm paranoid does NOT mean everyone isn't out to get me, y'know. Cause they totally are. No tin foil hat could ever hide such obvious plotting and coniving. Also a shout out to our red brothers, go Catharsis! BTW only NDO gets bacon. Just sayin'.
  6. P.S. I had a couple of guys who wanted to fight TPC more than who we chose to fight, so they are ghosting TFK and hit a few TPC nations. I forget the nations they were hitting but I know a couple of them did not have wars. I'm not sure if that was planned or not; as a long time leader, I know for a fact sometimes nations don't do what you ask them to do P.S.S. We had a LOT of requests to hit TPC and fill their slots after they attacked. We have enough nuclear nations we could have staggered them for quite a while. I already knew what I wanted to do though, and TPC did leave us a couple alliances to war against who happened to not only be good peeps, but open to new and good ideas. Besides our war is WAY more fun than this one, and not only just because it has bacon. You can tell that just by reading the comparative threads. The alliance-wide rogue flag thing thing tends to tick off a bunch of people. Since we give a flying fat $%&@ about any stupid flag, we'd rather just have fun with war
  7. [b]FTW: The Bacon Body Armor Wonder![/b] [img]http://onthefiringlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/BaconBodyArmor.jpg[/img]
  8. One post then I'm out lol [quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1351831058' post='3047526']We could have gone to a war with NDO and Warriors, which would have been a statistical updeclare in most categories. The fact that NDO is still new to the game and we just finished working with Warriors made it a terrible option however.[/quote] At the risk of speaking for NDO, y'know we'd have been OK with that right? Just scrounge up some alliance or three with smaller nations to help you out so we all have targets to counter back against. You get the top tioers, they can get the lower ones, and everybody has fun and war. We'd have been OK with that as long as it's a fair war across the board - which is really what most people don't like when you do these kinds of wars. Oh yeah yeah I know it's not your fault you all build so well - but still. This is a game, and people play games so they can have fun. I think most of us have more fun when we can fight alongside our friends, expecially in our own alliance. After all that was point a bunch of people made an alliance in the first place. Wars like this deny them that. Just think about it? You basically made sure that 14 or whatever alliances CANNOT fight their own alliance wars. Can you see that? While a few of their top nations get to fight, the bulk of their nations do NOT. How much fun is that? I'm sure YOU all are having a great time, but spoiling the fun for a bunch of other alliances promotes bitterness. Its even not really like you declared an alliance war. You just went alliance-wide rogue. I'm just sayin', man.
  9. [size=3][b][font=arial]Four score and seven rounds ago our fathers brought forth on this bacon, fresh bacon, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men deserve bacon. [/font][/b] [b][font=arial]Now we are engaged in a The Great Bacon War, testing whether our bacon, or any bacon so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure such freshness. We are met on a great bacon-field of this bacon. We have come to dedicate a portion of that bacon, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that bacon might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this! [/font][/b] [b][font=arial]But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this bacon. The brave pixels, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract from the bacon. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what bacon did here. [/font][/b] [b][font=arial]It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished bacon which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from this honored bacon we take increased devotion to that cause for which it gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that this bacon shall not have died in vain -- that this bacon, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that bacon of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth![/font][/b][/size] History lessons by Clash To the battlefields - and the baconfields!
  10. [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]Let us not wallow in the valley of swine, I say to you today, my bacon.[/font][/size][/b][/left] [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have the bacon. It is a dream deeply rooted in [/font][font=Verdana]the bacon[/font][font=Verdana].[/font][/size][/b][/left] [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]I have a dream that one day my bacon will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold this bacon to be self-evident, that all men are created equal for bacon."[/font][/size][/b][/left] [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]I have a dream that one day on the red hills of bacon, the sons of former vegitarians and the sons of former vegans will be able to sit down together at the table of bacon.[/font][/size][/b][/left] [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]I have a dream that one day even the state of bacon, bacon sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the smoke of applewood, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice and bacon.[/font][/size][/b][/left] [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]I have a dream that my bacon will one day live in a nation where it will not be judged by the color of it's skin but by the content of it's tastiness. [/font][/size][/b][/left] [left][b][size=3][font=Verdana]I have [i]the BACON[/i] today![/font][/size][/b][/left]
  11. [b]We shall go on to the end of infra! We shall bacon in France, we shall bacon on the seas and oceans, we shall [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] our island, whatever the [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] may be. We shall [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] on the beaches, we shall [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] on the landing grounds, we shall [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] in the fields and in the streets, we shall [/b][b]bacon[/b][b] in the hills; we shall never surrende[/b][b]r our bacon![/b]
  12. [center][size=5][b][img]http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk10/Strykewolf/Rodentiaflagredo.png[/img][img]http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad162/mompson/120609NDO.jpg[/img][/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]vs.[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b][img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-war-450px.jpg[/img][/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]Rodentia Dominatus, New Desolate Order and the Warriors [/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b]Joint Announcement[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]Who will get the bacon?![/b][/size][/center] I have always wanted to do this, and every round I have tried to put one together, but until now no one ever took me up on it. Finally someone had the sack to ante up big time and the Warriors are damn proud of both of them. Good friends make for a good war! Thus, on Update the night of 11/1 and the morning of 11/2, the above will go to war. The lines look fairly close-ish, and with this clusterfluck war everyone else seems to be doing, we are about the only ones left out of it. So we will just take our radioactive toys and go play together. The "rules:" Go time: Update November 1st/2nd - 11:45pm Nov. 1st: Start spy attacks. Spy attacks prior to 11:45 GET [u]NO[/u] BACON! - 11:50 Nov. 1st: Begin declaring wars. Wars declared prior to 11:50pm GET [u]NO[/u] BACON! - War reasons include the word "bacon" whenever possible The prize: BACON! Let's talk bacon. Many people love the wonderful taste of bacon, in all its many delicious forms. For example, some people like romantic bacon: [img]http://www.bitrebels.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Beautiful-Bacon-Rose-Bouquet-5.jpg[/img] Bacon can be patriotic: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_lXd-n5Kab50/SlFbZ-zQMhI/AAAAAAAAAnE/NIfpyTj8brg/s400/Food+-+2009-07-24+-+Bacon+flag.jpg[/img] However, some people might be cautious with their bacon: [img]http://www.thinkgeek.com/images/products/zoom/c399_tactical_canned_bacon.jpg[/img] Others might go with a bacon log: [img]http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/bacon_explosion1.jpg[/img] Still others will go with a bacon sandwich, or even bacon pie: [img]http://www.kraftrecipes.com/assets/recipe_images/Bacon-Lettuce-Tomato-Sandwich-2384.jpg[/img][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-buAQzAzeeH8/TaaHHyKzq4I/AAAAAAAAABY/sXAco8w95IQ/s1600/apple-bacon-pie.jpg[/img] Yet, however you love your bacon - there's enough bacon for everyone. So tomorrow night, expect the bacon to hit the fan, and the fans of bacon to go to war. o7 NDO, RD and tW! [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-4szVko5oT84/T4wdu8Y0oVI/AAAAAAAAAOA/s3Nj8ArAgLc/s1600/bacon_pain-300x300.jpg[/img] tl;dr: BACON! Also war. We hope this announcement made you hungry. [size=1]PS: I hotlinked the crap out of these and reserve the right to replace links that go bad [/size]
  13. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars: 42,882 Attacking + 81,859 Defending = 124,741 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #4 of 722 Nations (0.55%) Imma contender!
  14. [quote name='Einer' timestamp='1347840393' post='3030896'] We did. Twice. [/quote] Well, maybe he doesn't like you either Nobody likes Adude, so don't feel bad. It happens.
  15. [quote name='paul711' timestamp='1347799376' post='3030732']Stevie sends his thanks for #1 & 3.[/quote] Nah, screw stevie. Twice. Armyra went for the flag for NPL. Again, smontag doesn't like tW and rogued us earlier in the round, so I doubt his early nuking had anything to do with anything. If someone had messaged him and asked him to hold off on his nuke, he probably would have.
  16. ...when? A bit of warning is all I'm [s]begging[/s] asking for, good sir. I just hate when it's down for days then up for 17 hours before I figure it out. It's football season, y'know. There is beer to suck on and cheerleaders to drool at. Also beer to drool on and cheerleaders to suck at for that matter. My schedule is very busy, and I would appreciate it most greatly. Thank you!
  17. [quote name='dockingscheduled' timestamp='1347772354' post='3030686']smontag conveniently nuked kentucky and also Terratopalis earlier in the day, preventing the typical last second nuke.[/quote] Smontag rogued tW earlier in the round, down attacking and nuking three non-nuclear nations before getting himself almost ZIed for his troubles. We hit him with a stagger, spied his defcon, his gov, his cash and anything other thing we could up with. A week or so ago, one of my members update hit him just for grins and giggles, anarchying him and probably keeping him from attacking us again at that time. He doesn't like us. I doubt smontag had anything other in mind than just hitting a bigger nation for late round laughs and I'd assume the same for the other nation. BTW I'm not overly happy Armyra of kentucky tried for the flag and I'd rather he fought a bit harder when we warred. Sigh. He says he won't do it again. lol
  18. [quote name='antikato' timestamp='1346492457' post='3027111'] You picked three tiny non-nuclear nations after they had already been attacked by your braver companions.[/quote] Second point, BR was supposed to hit the #2 ranked Fluffy Clouds nation, but that one went on a huge growth spurt polarbear spoke of and went out of range before BR could hit him. It ain't his fault he's one of those late sleeping euros. lol
  19. [quote name='antikato' timestamp='1346492457' post='3027111']Lumping 3 or 4 alliances together is for wimps.[/quote] What kind of stupid is that? As long as it makes for an up-declare I don't much care how we got there. Besides, we were very limited in what we could hit. Nearly everyone else was involved in that weird multi-front war, or like Hellas was already at war. We picked alliances that had not fought in a long time, like y'all. You'd think y'all would have had better warchests for it, but many didn't. You had a warchest and still turtled. You didn't even nuke me a couple of days. I rather think turtling is for wimps.
  20. Someone is going to win the flag, no way around that. However, I think holding the flag winner to as low NS as possible is not just a noble cause - but a fun one. It's a nice challenge. My fave part will be when the flag busters all have higher ns/cash then the flag runners and the flag busters with have to start busting each other. Bahahaha!
  21. It's my infra and my arms. I'll hug it as much as I want, dammit.
  22. [quote name='Freddy' timestamp='1346181514' post='3026018'] You let him collect 12 days, without anarchy? :sick: Very sportsmanlike. [/quote] He was pretty warred up and completely sandbagging. Not inactive at all, just on a long building sled lol
  23. Alright, I wanted to wait until one of the guys from Fluffy collected before posting stats. He was like 12 days inactive or something, but he was pretty obviously just lying in the weeds for a big collection. Now suddenly he has over 4500 infra. I warned the guys assigned to attack him that might happen. Oh well, everyone's gonna glow. Everyone else is from pre-blitz. These numbers are taken from the targets list, which totals up everything. However, since I am way to lazy to divide it up into alliances, I threw everyone in together. Warriors: 356624.69 NS, 64813.2 Infra, 9599.45 Tech, 141 Nukes Opponents: 400330.473 NS, 65532.02 Infra, 11834.83 Tech, 148 Nukes There we go. Anyone want better stats than that, go get 'em yourself
  24. [quote name='Chess Tyrant' timestamp='1346131647' post='3025918'] Current stats: Warriors: 360K NS, 10K ANS. Defenders: 307K NS, 5.3K ANS (grim)/11.4K ANS (RD). So, I've got to ask... Unless you guys destroyed 53K NS during the blitz, this kinda looks like a downdeclare? [/quote] That's not what the total on my target sheet came out to. Anyways, hence why we reserved the right to add in someone else, and we will. I'll add them into the DoW later as soon as someone hits them Edit: Added Fluffy Clouds to the DoW lol
  25. [img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-war-450px.jpg[/img] [size="4"][b]The Warriors declare war on: Anonymous, Grim, Rodentia Dominatus and Fluffy Clouds.[/b][/size] I don't think any of those were in the recent clusterfluck of a war everyone else was doing, and it's been a while for all of us. We reserve the right to add in others if we so choose. My bad for being a slacker lately, we should have warred before now. But meh. Let's have fun Edited to add: Fluffy Clouds
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