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Everything posted by Clash

  1. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1345551809' post='3024032']There isn't anything wrong with warring for three or four weeks. Maybe it gets boring for you, but others enjoy it. I guess that depends on if you really play TE as a war game or not. Know what I think is boring? Doing 3-4 six day wars every round, usually against the same guys, round after round. How does that not sound boring to you?[/quote] Well, speaking for myself it's not so much boring as it is I just don't have enough time in my life to devote that much of it to that. I'm not even working right now, and it's still true. Working 50 hours a week, friends, family, the ladies, taking care of my home, other hobbies/pursuits, it all adds up. Life in general is not getting simpler these days. It only seems to get more complex. Just speaking for myself: If I have to war for three or four weeks in a row, every time I war, I'm not going to be playing this game for very long. Absolutely not worth the time and effort and the drain on the rest of my life. Carry on without me. If you get down to the percentage of people who actually have the free time to be able to war like that, I'm betting it's a pretty small percentage. The frequency of which you war and who you war against is much more in your own hands as anyone else's. I think the longer a war in going on, the more spiteful and less fun it is likely to get. Again, just me; but this war is just one more in a long line of excellent examples. Seriously people, imho as an objective observer with plenty of friends on both sides. Give it another day or whatever then just end it and go on. Y'all are on your own though.
  2. I'm too lazy to do the red coloring thing [color="#008000"][quote]Most Attacking Casualties 1) 260,921 Soldiers Lost - Lord Nikon of Hack the Planet - Black Team 2) 205,214 Soldiers Lost - Aquamarine of Undefined Territory - Red Team 3) 197,528 Soldiers Lost - Commander242 of Nokrida - Blue Team 4) 196,961 Soldiers Lost - Michael P Scofield of Fox River - Black Team 5) 195,884 Soldiers Lost - Ningkeptune of Custard - Black Team[/quote] [quote]Most Defending Casualties 1) 324,618 Soldiers Lost - Lord Nikon of Hack the Planet - Black Team 2) 301,221 Soldiers Lost - Michael P Scofield of Fox River - Black Team 3) 300,772 Soldiers Lost - Rumpledsmoothskin of The Whipping Post - Blue Team 4) 280,746 Soldiers Lost - KillerCruiser of North Empire - Yellow Team 5) 278,584 Soldiers Lost - Aquamarine of Undefined Territory - Red Team[/quote] [quote]Total Soldier Casualties 1) 585,539 Total Soldiers Lost - Lord Nikon of Hack the Planet - Black Team 2) 498,182 Total Soldiers Lost - Michael P Scofield of Fox River - Black Team 3) 485,619 Total Soldiers Lost - Rumpledsmoothskin of The Whipping Post - Blue Team 4) 483,798 Total Soldiers Lost - Aquamarine of Undefined Territory - Red Team 5) 430,990 Total Soldiers Lost - Commander242 of Nokrida - Blue Team [/quote][/color] Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 91,084 Attacking + 106,170 Defending = 197,254 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #89 of 714 Nations (12.46%) Ugh I've been lazy
  3. [quote name='ADude' timestamp='1345524036' post='3023947'] Hey man, at that point I was a dick with the RE Emperor seat, that's why I pretty much agreed that this would have been deserved if I was still leading. I have always said that war was the only one I have ever had any regret towards, I have even told you that on IRC.[/quote] You're still a dick, but at least you aren't Confusion's dancing poodle anymore. Graduating to Stelios's dancing monkey was a huge upgrade! I heart you Catharsis, but permawar is just a lil extreme maybe? Just sayin'.
  4. Ok well, I've lost track of who is on who's side now. It's all clusterflustered by now at any rate. Speaking as a guy who isn't involved and has been an incredibly inactive fellow recently anyways, I am of the opinion everybody should go ahead and peace everybody else out then start over again later lol. If maybe not next update, how about the update after that? White peace, beer and bacon-wrapped bratwurst for everybody. Then at least TPC gets to nuke people too
  5. [21:58] <%Stelios> awh wtf [21:58] <%Stelios> who are me and paul supposed to fight now [21:58] <&Clash> lmao --- [21:59] <Tevron[NpO]> (ReplY) Each other. [21:59] <Tevron[NpO]> [21:59] <kong92> each other of course
  6. [center][IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/fpcg00.jpg[/img][/center] [center][IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/einiqh.gif[/img][/center] [center]Men..... Women....... Goblins.......... Ogres......... Monsters........ "Sacrifice. To some, it is just a word. To others it is a code. A soldier knows that the life of an individual person doesn't matter. What matters is the Colony. He's/She's willing to live for the Colony. To fight for the Colony. To die for the Colony. At 0800 hours we received word that the enemy has mobilized. We have no choice but to launch a preemptive strike. You are the Emperor's finest. I know you will all do your duty. I am proud to send you into battle." The time has come to use your knowledge, your skills, your nation at its fullest. You'll be fighting four alliances and fight along side two of our friends. You'll have soldiers jumping over fences. You'll have aircraft flying between buildings. You'll have cruise missiles hitting their fast food restuarants. You'll have navy surfing the ocean. You'll have nuclear weapons abolishing their history. You'll have spies doing what they do. Everyone.... Show them why we our alliance was born. Show them why you were born. Show them.. Oh, help me lord SHOW THEM! The New Desolate Order hereby declares war on SUN, Cradle of Snakes (The False CoS), KPF, and DB4D.[/center] [center] [img]http://cn-warriors.com/flags/warriors-war-450px.jpg[/img] The Warriors Declare War on Cradle of Snakes, SUN, Kaskus Protection Force and Death Before Dishonor. Citadel goes with us Let's have a great war everyone! Stats posted in a little while when I'm done warring lol [/center]
  7. This looks like an awful lot of fun o7 Everybody!
  8. [color="#FF0000"][size="4"][b]Round 22[/b][/size][/color] [quote]Most Attacking Casualties [color="#008000"]1) 32,472 Soldiers Lost - Finnandjake of adventuretime - Aqua Team 2) 23,902 Soldiers Lost - rabonnobar of Calabria - Yellow Team [b]3) 23,852 Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team[/b] 4) 23,235 Soldiers Lost - Alessandro of Wasso - Aqua Team 5) 22,415 Soldiers Lost - Hetfield of Damage Inc - Red Team[/color][/quote] [quote]Most Defending Casualties [color="#008000"] 1) 41,470 Soldiers Lost - Alexandros o Megas of Hellas - Aqua Team 2) 31,599 Soldiers Lost - TBRaiders of Harrenhal - Black Team 3) 30,825 Soldiers Lost - JWolf of Wolfveria - Yellow Team 4) 28,273 Soldiers Lost - RoadRash of Rashville - Yellow Team 5) 27,666 Soldiers Lost - Clarabelle of Waltland - Yellow Team[/color][/quote] [quote]Total Soldier Casualties [color="#008000"]1) 59,039 Total Soldiers Lost - Finnandjake of adventuretime - Aqua Team 2) 55,409 Total Soldiers Lost - Alexandros o Megas of Hellas - Aqua Team 3) 47,819 Total Soldiers Lost - JWolf of Wolfveria - Yellow Team 4) 45,919 Total Soldiers Lost - rabonnobar of Calabria - Yellow Team [b]5) 45,563 Total Soldiers Lost - Clash of Discord - Red Team[/b][/color] [/quote] All things are as they should be, or will be if my opponents attack me today
  9. I totally heart you guys Now, last round we hit both you guys and Hellas, which means you totally should have hit us and Hellas. Fair is fair. Why, that's just downright logistiscallyish correct, right? [quote name='mompson' timestamp='1340772624' post='2997961'][...]we will not be using nuclear weapons[...] [/quote] The Landlord has the right of it. It's just wayyy to early for nukes, especially since so many of the other TE [s]huggers[/s] alliances have yet to war. See, we can't give everyone else too big of an advantage now can we? Especially since we're gonna have to kill 'em all later anyways
  10. Y'know, what do y'all suppose the Vegas odd are that MK invited dave as part of their bs war excuse, rather than he ran to them? I doubt there'd be any way to prove it. Well, at least until Dave gives up MK the same way TIO gave up dave. The logs are most likely just between those two parties. I'd bet it's the truth though. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1339876159' post='2985911']As for declaring war without a CB, I think you'd find there'd be even more of an uproar than there is now if we did that.[/quote] Oh I don't think so, there's much more uproar in this thread then Umbrella's, most of it is because you guys are so full of poop. They pulled the same kind of move you did, they just didn't bother to try to fabricate some BS reason for it. They are a bit more honest than you guys, and since honesty is a key ingredient in integrity, your actions speak for themselves. Much louder than your bs does. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1339883320' post='2985978']The last time we did that and attacked "because we don't like you", you and your ilk complained all the same.[/quote] I have an ILK?! WHY WAS I NOT TOLD. It's still crappy, but it is more honest. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1339878200' post='2985932']our reason is saving the defenseless from injustice using our honour and loyalty[/quote] I heart you just on sarcasm appreciation grounds alone.
  11. [quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1339875156' post='2985899'] Everyone already knows that. You shouldn't give them the satisfaction of circle arguing with them. [/quote] You sir are probably very right.
  12. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1339875030' post='2985898']They are one and the same. Those logs you quoted show that CSN was informed we were protecting him. That they were foolish enough to test us on that by nuking Dace is no fault of ours.[/quote] You accepted a nation on a ZI list - which he earned and admitted he earned - then used the method of ZIing him as a bs excuse for a war. But we've gone back and forth on this many times, and other than MK and a few allies, I think it's pretty obvious that most people know the truth. I do wish y'all had sack enough to admit that truth though. Umbrella sucks almost as bad as you do, but at least they were honest. Your reason is the same as theirs.
  13. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1339873355' post='2985879'] What's your point? None of that post refutes our stance. [/quote] Your real stance or the lying, punk bs stance you used for a war excuse?
  14. Let's remember to keep sight of the facts. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1339730414' post='2984304'] Actually, we did. You guys just felt like leaving it out of the OP because, contrary to what several of you have said in this thread, you were going to try and claim some sort of moral high ground. So let's review this whole situation from someone who has been, you know, involved. When Rota released his logs, Liz and I immediately went to TIO. They set up a channel, and we talked about it. Four minutes into talking, he was given up. Stagger said that Dave posted his resignation from TIO, and that he would take full responsibility. Later in the night, Requia and I declared the first wars. Mere hours later King Brandon "raided" Dave. The next day, Alyster from MK popped into #csn and got in touch with Liz. He asked what Dave's status was, Liz explained it, Alyster thanked Liz and that was the end of any Dave talk between the two. [spoiler] alyster[MK] Hey 19:22 Liz Hey man 19:23 alyster[MK] I just wanted to ask if you could shed some light into Dave93's case 19:23 alyster[MK] He applied to MK and moved to our applicant AA 19:23 Liz He's being ZI'ed 19:23 Liz He accepted screenshots from a spy. TIO gave him up, he resigned and will be ZI'ed then released. 19:24 alyster[MK] Ah, ok. That's a nice summary. 19:24 alyster[MK] Thnx 19:24 Liz No prob. 19:24 Liz Anything you can do about Brandon btw? 19:24 Liz He kinda took our stagger spot. 19:24 Liz And he's slot filling. 19:24 Liz Hasn't made an attack yet. 19:24 alyster[MK] Not really. First of all he's high gov and I'm only high command. 19:25 alyster[MK] Second of all he followed our raiding policy correctly 19:25 Liz To interfere on ZI's? 19:25 alyster[MK] No, to raid people on AAs below 10 ppl. 19:25 Liz Mmm noted.[/spoiler] Moving on. I went to Leet Guy to ask if he could have Brandon try and peace out with Dave, and to have his guys not take any more of Dave's slots so we could just ZI him and move on with our lives. [spoiler]Session Start: Tue Jun 12 22:24:08 2012 Session Ident: Teh1337Guy 01[22:24] <Gibsonator21> Hey [22:24] <Teh1337Guy> Hello 01[22:25] <Gibsonator21> One of your dudes, King Brandon, hit someone we're currently ZIing. Want to know if (1.) you can try to get him to peace out so we can grab the last slot (if not it's not a huge deal), and (2.) could let your guys know not to take anymore slots once the current wars expire 01[22:26] <Gibsonator21> We're ZIing Dave93, and I'm the CSN MoD (if you weren't aware; not sure) [22:26] <Teh1337Guy> Yeah I cant tell them not to attack in the future [22:27] <Teh1337Guy> *can [22:27] <Teh1337Guy> welp [22:27] <Teh1337Guy> Yes I can do that. 01[22:27] <Gibsonator21> Awesome. Thanks a lot. Session Close: Tue Jun 12 22:30:00 2012[/spoiler] Next thing we did was to make sure we got up an OWF announcement to make sure someone /else/ didn't interfere in our ZI. Then I got a peace request from Dave. Naturally I didn't believe it, so I went back to Leet Guy to see what was up. [spoiler]Session Start: Wed Jun 13 00:03:18 2012 Session Ident: Teh1337Guy 01[00:04] <Gibsonator21> Hey again.. I just got a peace request from Dave saying "Protected by MK"... anything to that, or he just seeing how gullible I am? [00:06] <Teh1337Guy> He applied to MK [00:08] <Teh1337Guy> Dave doesn't think he should be ZI'd for this [00:08] <Teh1337Guy> It happened 9 months ago and, more inmportantly, Rota wasn't a "plant" by him that you've conveniently framed him to be [00:08] <Teh1337Guy> But, rather, Rota started pouring info to him and he, of course, probed deeper 01[00:09] <Gibsonator21> That's strange, since he told TIO he would take full accountability. [00:10] <Teh1337Guy> He came to us pissed his governemt fed him to the wolves 01[00:12] <Gibsonator21> Alright, and? He agreed to take full accountability. We have two offensive wars on him from before he was on your AA, and haven't been "quiet" about it that we're going to ZI him. 01[00:13] <Gibsonator21> After we ZI him, he's all yours to accept. Session Close: Wed Jun 13 01:58:54 2012[/spoiler] He didn't respond. And that was the end of any official contact between CSN and MK prior to this DoW. Hope that clears up anyone trying to say we didn't go to MK. Funny how they leave things like this out.[/quote] All this "For dave" crap is just that, lies and crap. MK: Accepting spies and ZIs for bs war excuses since 2012.
  15. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 214,685 Attacking + 320,090 Defending = 534,775 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #30 of 792 Nations (3.79%) Feel free to attack me last moment though and give me some more
  16. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1339696896' post='2983702'][...] would suggest that they don't accept Dave's actions as being worthy of a ZI sentence. They then extended our protection to him and had Dave inform them of that fact. CSN could claim all nations as under their jurisidiction, doesn't mean anyone has to listen to them.[/quote] This is the best argument yet, not that it's legit of course. He's admitted it and accepted his ZI, and TIO gave him up. Game, set, match and scoreboard. You calling Dave a liar? HOW DARE YOU. [quote name='feardaram' timestamp='1339696869' post='2983701']when you attack someone who is protected/allied you should expect to get attacked back.[/quote] AGAIN: The wars PREDATE your accepting him. So does the ZI. So do his crimes.
  17. [quote name='alyster' timestamp='1339696622' post='2983693'] How many times do people plan to ignore my last comments here. Anything on MK, MK applicant and MK factions AAs are protected. What part of that is hard to understand? If you want to make claims against someone who moved to one of these AAs you come and talk to us first. Instead CSN announced on OWF yesterday that they will ZI our applicant with out talking to us. 1337 is a reasonable guy, I'm 100% positive we could have worked something out. [/quote] How many times do people have plan to ignore what's been said many times now? The wars PREDATE your accepting him. So do the claims. So do his crimes.
  18. Sorry was afk for a moment, the cat protested his empty water dish by putting my golf ball in it. Smart lil critter, 2x as smart as MK's war logic. [quote name='Lyria' timestamp='1339691691' post='2983548']Ask any alliance. They have used their applications process to discuss existing wars that their applicants have. CSN did not do what 99% of alliances do, that being go to MK, query an official, and explain the situation again. Instead, CSN nuked while ignoring any attempts by MK to negotiate or even discuss the matter.[/quote] MK: Taking in spies and ZIs since 2012. Now boarding the bs express. How about an alternate scenerio, mi amigo? [quote name='askani the rotund' timestamp='1339694349' post='2983628']Or if you're really concerned for the ZI'd nation's well being contact CSN and come to a accommodation. The cost of the infraction couldn't be as much as a war.[/quote] You mean MK should have contacted CSN before even considering taking in someone on their ZI list, while at CSN is already at war with them? WHAT A BOLD IDEA. Not that accepting proven and admitted spies with ZIs isn't what the cool kids avoid anyways, unless you just want to use it as an excuse for a war. Most would say accepting a spy with a well-deserved ZI is bad juju, and using it as an excuse for a war is even more silly. [img]http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/52/1c/d2/mexican-plate.jpg[/img] Ok let's take some inventory: Lettuce: Check. Rice: Check. Beans: CHECK. Carne Asada: Check. OMFG. MK is one taco short of a combo plate!
  19. [quote name='feardaram' timestamp='1339692522' post='2983573'] linking definitions means you are clearly winning. keep at it. [/quote] LOL stupid is back in again, my bad for leaving it out last time. Twas a response to someone's else's post, out of context ftl. [quote name='Lyria' timestamp='1339692413' post='2983570'] Discord is a peaceful nation. War is not an option since 6/13/2012. [/quote] Ah the old "peace mode is not an accepted tactic of war" argument. Shot down so many times it's more holy than the Pope. Hence, that herring is red.
  20. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1339692278' post='2983565'] That term. I don't think it means what you think it means. [/quote] http://www.fallacyfiles.org/redherrf.html [quote]Exposition: This is the most general fallacy of irrelevance. Any argument in which the premisses are logically unrelated to the conclusion commits this fallacy. [/quote] Yeah.
  21. [quote name='feardaram' timestamp='1339692070' post='2983558'] do you not like war? are you not a warrior? who's the hypocrite now? [/quote] This is called a red herring. Someone please go look it up for him. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1339692114' post='2983559'] 100 tech to the first person who ZI's this guy.[/quote] I am worth much more than that. Pffft.
  22. [quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1339691553' post='2983545'] Eh, just let it go. Your enemies were looking for any reason to take you guys to war and I think most of Planet Bob sees this for what it is. [/quote] Well yeah you're probably right. They've actually given up trying to answer the posts, now they are just bashing the making of them lol. Pretty pathetic. Add that to the list I guess; pathetic, lying, hypocritical punks. Any excuse for a curbstomp, and that's what they took.
  23. [quote name='Stormsend' timestamp='1339691119' post='2983531'] I am beginning to believe you are on a three year old's reading level. [/quote] WTG shemp! I bet you took all day writing that one. Everything I've said is right and everything your alliance has said and done is BS. The average three year old has more honesty and integrity than your entire alliance has.
  24. [quote name='Lyria' timestamp='1339691080' post='2983529'] Right. But many applicants of ours have wars due to past circumstances. We take an interest in securing peace for them so they can continue to grow and contribute to the Mushroom Kingdom. What makes Dave93's situation any different? This has nothing to do with his relationship with spying. We have a potential member in pre-existing wars, and instead of trying to discuss the matter with us, CSN decided "no, we will nuke him instead". Had CSN taken the time to either clear him for membership with us, or explained his circumstances and why he was in wars, the result would have been different. [/quote] It had EVERYTHING to do with his spying, that's where he ZI sentence and his wars came from. There was an entire thread posted on the OWF that explained his circumstances, and y'all damn well knew it. More bs.
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