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Everything posted by UberSpion

  1. all hail this epic post
  2. /A\/A\ Another Alliance Official Announcement I come to Planet Bob today to announce Another Alliance Merger. We started these talks with a most excellent introduction. Basically went like this: It all started with the abduction of a prized thoroughbred racing horse named "GargantuanDesire." Basically went like this: and so on and so forth.. The abduction was difficult actually. I mean stealing a horse isn't quite as easy as back in the old days. I mean everyone rode horses. So the acquisition of a horse trailer took some time. Especially one that would attach to a bike. Not just any bike. A Dutch bike, and we all know those dutch bikes are just weird amiright? So if you could imagine a very Dutch ProdigyNL peddling furiously down a gravel road towing a horse trailer. Impressed yes? Who knew he had the gears for that? I mean I personally only had a 12 speed growing up. But I live where it's very hilly. Thankfully his adaptation to his flat terrain and over all "Dutchness" allowed him to succeed in the kidnapping. Or would it be called a "horsenapping." We at /A\/A\ just don't nap kids. That's poor sportsmanship. I mean really, where is the challenge? Besides we have better applications for our resources. Like trying too hard.. So it's with great pleasure to announce that Another Alliance will be accepting the merger of The Shadow Empire into Another Alliance. While The Shadow Empire has done a very good job at staying in the shadows. We have grown to appreciate their membership and contribution to our irc channel. I would also like to state that the one nation sitting in peace mode and 16 days inactive is under the protection of Another Alliance. And should SOMEHOW he be harmed. OH YOU WILL PAY. After we ask you how you harmed a peace mode nation that is inactive. Because we would love to know. Really, please post it up on our boards. www.anotheralliance.com Signed: /A\/A\ UberSpion Triumvirate of LULZ ProdigyNL Triumvirate of SRSBSNS Mak Triumvirate of Girl Fights Samotopia, Minister of Foreign Affairs BringMeTheHorizon, Minister of Sexy Titinius, Minister of Sex The Shadow Empire King C DonGiovanni023
  3. I hear this ChairmanHal guy is rather dodgy. Can't be trusted. Ebil ways.. Good luck to the future of both TPF and RoK. Judging from the stance both sides are taking, it was necessary, and not with "ZING"ing intentions. But then again what do i know.
  4. o/ Athens o/ GSA Welcome to the party. The beer is in my office. If you want a shirley temple, check BMH's office.
  5. With by popular demand.. later guest starring UberSpion amiright
  6. o/ Athens o/ /A\/A\ We at Another Alliance would like to reach a hand around and vigorously shake every member members of Athens! Thanks guys! We look forward to maintaining this outstanding relationship. Would also like to thank the collaboration of jgoods and ProdigyNL on this most excellent treaty. If it were a muffin, it would be quiet moist and delicious.
  7. Very Sexy wiki there Prodg! thanks guys for all the support!
  8. LAWL yea well you try living in Europe and being awake at 5am for a game... I want our leadership to care, but not that much... Thanks! Well we really want to make a "if the glove fits" argument if any problems arise. and like in the OP the forums are at http://www.anotheralliance.com
  9. o/ Athens Thanks for your continued support!
  10. ANOTHER ALLIANCE ANNOUNCEMENT It's with great pleasure that I can come to you this evening/morning/afternoon to present to you a announcement of EPIC proportions. The leadership of UNCE, Veni Vidi Vici, and Crimson Brigade have been working tirelessly on a merger larger than ourselves. With this we came to realize, why look beyond our friendship? Already we've grown so close trying to work out a merger between other parties. So here we are. Together as one. I no longer come to you as the Supreme DJ of UNCE. I come to you as a Triumvirate of Another Alliance. We were working tirelessly on a name when we found that the situation on Planet Bob deemed it appropriate. So this is Another Announcement from Another Alliance. Our AA isn't AA, we found it rather boring and overused by other non-existing alliances. So we came up with a sexy alternative. /A\/A\ Sexy yes? I AGREE I'll keep this short and simple. We at Another Alliance are currently going to remain on a stance of being a Multi Colored Alliance. We also would like to let EVERYONE know that if this is that and these are those, what is it? Please, mop up your brains because I JUST BLEW YOUR MIND. Our minister lists are going to be filled as needed, and announcements down the road will reveal any addition to our government. Contact Information: IRC: #anotheralliance on irc.coldfront.net forums: http://forum.anotheralliance.com Btw, those forums are so b.a. and awesomely better then my last ones. Yea. I learned meh lesson. The Charter: And to just overload you with images... Signed: UberSpion of UNCE Prodigy of VVV Samotopia of VVV Mak Stormweilder of Crimson Brigade
  11. o/ Athens! o/ TSI o/ Londo Sexy o/ Jreallygoodinbed o/ rroxmysocksoff
  12. wasn't LEN and RoK's previous treaty canceled or something? Cool to see friends together again!
  13. But it certainly screams incompetence and repression. It might not be genocide in the physical sense. But it's leading up to that socially if things like this continue. There is honor in losing. There is honor in winning. About time those "in power" show a bit of it. I'm not speaking for them. But maybe they have a voice, contrary to popular belief.... that all is well.
  14. Genocides are easily forgotten among the ruling public.
  15. Honestly 11 months.. Really.. 11 months.. This announcement is garbage. Should have happened months ago. I see no reason for something like this. Especially with no resistance.
  16. Yo BMH! GREAT THREAD, WOULD READ AGAIN A++++++++++++++++++++++
  17. The Morning after the show... Besides waking at 6am not exactly knowing how i got in bed, or why all the lights were still on in my apt... I'd say I enjoyed myself. Lots of fun guys!
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