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Everything posted by UberSpion

  1. Official /A\/A\ Sponsored Contest Hello Cybergins, I come to you with a contest of LULZ/DRAMA/and all around trouble making. /A\nother /A\lliance will be hosting a Propaganda Contest. Top 4 winners will receive 3 millions monies from the vaults of /A\/A\. The winners will be chosen by a vote later down the road. There are no limits to the number submissions. But you can only be recognized for one photog. The basic topic of Propaganda is "State of Current Affairs." You can pick any sides, it can be fictional or relevant. It's rather broad. It can be about how BAWWW your alliance is or the relations of others. Anything goes. So you have to ask yourself. Do you feel lucky? Eh? Do ya? Punk..... This contest will be running through April Fools (April 1st) and then into the 9th of April will be the final vote. Reply to this post with any submissions. Good Luck, and get creative! UberSpion - Triumvirate of LULZ www.anotheralliance.com #anotheralliance The views or subject of all submitted photos are views not support or implied by /A\/A\
  2. I still fail to see the need for the Athens reference? Did Londo put you up to this?
  3. a team of doctors are still trying to answer this question
  4. Basically to break it down visually... Pre-Samo's ZOMG DRAMAZ reply Post
  5. Official Statement from /A\nother /A\lliance Good Afternoon cybergins, I come to you with some rather sad, depressing news with a dash of drama. The other day we notified our former treaty partners at UPN that we were giving them their 48 hour notice of cancellation. In no way is this due to the lack of effort that our ambassador from UPN has showed us. Bones is one hell of a guy. Funny, Sexy, and faptastic... A person that I hope to remain in contact with to redevelop our relations with UPN. On behalf of /A\/A\ and her government. We say thank you to Bones Malone and everyone at UPN for assisting us in creating this treaty and maintaining it throughout its short lifespan. We will honor the one week of non-aggression and promise not to roll UPN repeatedly or subject ourselves to peace mode. Thank you Cybergins, UberSpion Triumvirate of LULZ
  6. An epic congrats on this epic treaty of epic epicness
  7. bump, prodigy i love when you ask questions you can find the answer to
  8. this is optionally, the most amazing treaty ever
  9. Being a former protectorate of Athens, I have to say that the leadership of Athens has it's head on straight and will never make a decision based on lack of information. Athens is unjustly just and thorough. I am proud to stand next to them. o/ Athens
  10. My post is based on personal theories and beliefs. However, I will not mention them here. But UberSpion is absolutely ready to level criminal charges against the perpetrators of this act. And I, along with Planet BOB, have provided whatever info we have regarding this waste of time to them. Good luck in your search for the criminals of this DoS attack.
  11. Some people have been tossing around the rumors and statements that some alliances within CnG have changed. What do you see that has changed. What do think hasn't. Is CnG still as aggressive as has been in the past. Over all, should there be a bloc wide nuclear policy. 1st strike policy?
  12. what is this i don't even.. depends, who climbs trees.. who climbs buoys...
  13. don't question it! lol And o/ /A\/A\
  14. I'm sad to see ProdigyNL go, and I wish him the best of luck in whatever he chooses to do. It was a pleasure working with him on creating this fine alliance. I would also like to thank Stormsend aka Mundokiir for accepting the offer. We look forward to seeing many great things come from this very spiritual individual. His brain washing proves to be efficient.
  15. I agree.. My assumption that we were in the "trust tree" or the "safety nest" was wrong.
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