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Everything posted by AAAAAAAAAAGGGG

  1. [quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1282020567' post='2418832'] I don't think it's that they're morally opposed to tech raiding, or even tech raiding a disband alliance. Simply that announcing it, and pissing on their ashes isn't really cool, and should be frowned upon, via weapons. If \m/ didn't announce it, I doubt STA would be doing this. [/quote] Everyone is saying its an 'honorable' move. It's not. STA isn't protecting GGA, they're only protecting GGA from \m/. They're just starting a petty little battle with \m/, I mean - not that it matters a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. It's fine to raid a disbanded alliance, especially one that's been disbanded as long as GGA. And if there's an alliance that deserves to have their ashes pissed on, it's GGA.
  2. I don't see what's so "honorable" about this. STA says anyone can still raid GGA according to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90762&view=findpost&p=2418675]this[/url] as long as it isn't \m/. It's just a micro-embargo on \m/'s tech raiding abilities. Second: why do people actually care about GGA? Those that still fly that AA should have left it long ago.
  3. I'd ask for permission, but there are no GGA targets in my range [img]http://www.umbrella-alliance.com/style_emoticons/genmaycnsmilies/negative.png[/img]
  4. Hey it's that dude who tried and failed horribly reforming Genmay.
  5. I still maintain the Umbrellafier is a good name. Anyways, this was a long and hard fought process. Pretty happy we were able to make the changes.
  6. ERA has nothing to lose, so it's not like they gutsy or anything. [quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1281067503' post='2402391'] Silly Amossio. If you knew anything about Krynn, you'd know that we don't raid at all. [/quote] It's hard for an alliance to raid when there's no nations in said alliance.
  7. Good decision doing this, MHA. Hey, at least Gramlins are paperless now!
  8. I wouldn't really call this a victory for either side. IRON suffered a huge economic loss by keeping nations in peace, and Gramlins really destroyed themselves internally. Though I guess IRON came out a little better.
  9. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1280189921' post='2390498'] I would like to hear what Ochocinco has to say about this. [/quote] Unfortunately, he's no longer among us.
  10. I'm only left to wonder if Ochocinco's plan to revitalize GGA would have ever worked. I guess we'll never know
  11. Here's to MK, pretty awesome allies, even if Archon is never around anymore
  12. Way to go, dudes. Looking forward to the next 4 more.
  13. Glad to see a good solution to this. Congrats GOONS and FP.
  14. What happens to the alliances that received Bastion invites that were dated before today? Do they show up to a non-existent wine mixer?
  15. [quote name='goldielax25' date='30 May 2010 - 07:37 AM' timestamp='1275230252' post='2316641'] Protip for GGA: Avoid the OWF and any external communications of any kind like the plague. Fix your !@#$ internally, then come see us when it's done. [/quote] I came here to post this. This is pretty much the only thing GGA should be doing at this point.
  16. I think FP and GOONS are perfect for each other because they [ooc]both invaded from off-topic forums[/ooc], and share a similar culture in that regard. Also, Robster's post hits a lot of the nails on the head that make this work out so much.
  17. Hey, I'll fix a broken alliance! *coups shell of green alliance* *half of alliance leaves* *makes a mockery of self on owf* *leaves alliance I just destroyed* *is Jonathan Brookbank* Welp.
  18. Invasion alliances allying up (or protecting in this case) usually makes good sense. Congrats to both GOONS and Facepunch. I think this will serve both of them quite well.
  19. Didn't really agree with your stances in CN politics, but you seem like a cool guy outside of that. That said, you'll probably be back, heh.
  20. [quote name='Sardonic' date='25 May 2010 - 03:02 PM' timestamp='1274824907' post='2311642'] Thank you for the kind words, and good luck to FPA as well! [/quote] I see a potential guy love on the works.
  21. And a shoutout to you too, Midoo, for being one of the least qualified applicants in Umbrella history
  22. [quote name='nippy' date='24 May 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1274742009' post='2310597'] Oh, it'll happen....we'll find a way. [/quote] You know what to do when you inevitably get sanctioned
  23. Finally a flag more worthy than that of Seychelles. Good going, GOONS.
  24. About time, even slow-to-treaty Umbrella beat Kronos to a treaty with VE
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